Power Struggle


Active Member
I work at a Health Care Facility were I am 1 of a team of 3. There is a Director and a Coordinator. The Coordinator and I are in a separate office . I have been at this facility for 3 going on 4 years and the Coordinator who I work with has been there 5 yrs. She is married with a nice family and l she would be what would be considered an affluent individual. Before I became saved I used to be very envious of her because her life was the opposite of mine. For everything bad in my life she had something good in hers. She is pretty and has a husband who has a fantastic job. She dresses like she came straight out of fashion magazine and travels to wonderful places with her husband every year. They both drive nice cars. Her position in the Facility where I work is highly valued and she is very popular. We have a good relationship however over the course of the years I have been there there were comments that were made to me on certain occasions that made me feel as if I was being talked down to with a high and mighty attitude. I shrugged it off cracking it down to maybe she had a bad day. However this past week she said something to me that took me by surprise. I was on the telephone with someone regarding a patient and when I transferred the call I told the person I will transfer you to my Coordinator. After the call ended she proceeded to tell me in a nice way that I should not say"my Coordinator" because it defines "ownership". She proceeded to tell me that she had a boss once who reprimanded her the same way she even admitted to letting the same type of thing slip from her lips when referring to our Director. Now I have been in the Health Care field for nearly 20 yrs and at the last job I left when I talked to someone in reference to my superior I would say "my supervisor" however it never garnered any negative response. Well, I just listened to what she had to say and since I am used to constructive criticism I made a mental note not to do it again. However what bothered me the most was that in the 3 -4 yrs I have been there I must have used that phrase without knowing a million times. The other thing is that this young lady is newly saved(from my understanding)-she admits she is work in progress, " a babe in Christ" so why would what I would say to her albeit an accidental misuse of works garner such a response? I did not say it to make her feel as if I am better than her... I did not even think I was disrespecting her. I do know there is a power struggle between her and the Director of our department. At one point I was used as a ping pong ball to settle an issue. I make sure I am not in the middle of any battles because my job is centered around the patients not power stuggle. I milled this issue over with my spouse and my mom. They both have similar views: possible jealousy over my position at the facility or relationship w/ our Director, problems at home, unappreciation at work and the list goes on. Right now I am just praying for her because sometimes I wonder if she realizes what she is really saying and how she comes across. Since I have been saved God has revealed a lot of things to me. Maybe he is trying to show me something, I don't know I am just going to pray for his guidance on this one.
Just wanna let you know that I'm still reading.:kiss:

Be back with a response.:yep:

Okay I'm finished reading. Just outta curiousity what would she prefer to say instead of "my coordinator"?
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