Quick Prayer Needed ( Long Sorry)


The Credit Countess
My sisters in Christ,

I called about a job that I saw in the paper on Sunday and I have a interview today at 2:00 p.m. Please pray that God's will be done that if it is the will of God it will be so.

There are two things funny already that I see God working. One is that I always ask God what to wear in the morning and I never wear heel to work. Well this morning I was going to wear pants to work and my flats and at the last minutes the Spirit said wear your black skirt and your heels today. The whole time I was thinking I should wear this tomorrow so that I will be ready for church, but I was obedient.

The second thing is I didn't know what kind of a company if was. Well I called yesterday the person that I needed to talk to was not in, I left a message with my cel number. Today, I left my cell from and stepped away from my desk and she called and left a messge to call her back and if I get her voice mail to have to operator find me. I did and we talked. It is a COLLECTION AGENCY. Ladies, if they pull my credit report it is all over. So again I am praying that if it is in God's will that that won't be an issue. I won't be collecting becasue I couldn't do that but I will be an Administrative Support person.

I really need a better paying job. We can't survive on what we have right now. My dh is on Disablity and working two part time jobs with a bad back and I am planning on getting a parttime evening job. In fact I am going to an open house for Client Logics tomorrow.

Please keep me in prayer ladies that this is a fit and that the salary is right.