Spring twists--hope you like 'em

You look so lovely..
and VERY natural looking, too.

I LOVE this style!
I'm going to do this next year!!
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I love these twists. I was trying to figure out how twists have that look. I think it's so beautiful.

Your regi looks good. Just be sure to have something to spritz on your hair here or there.
They look great. I was thinking of ordering some hair from them, but I've been hearing that they were having financial difficulties and I know that they had stopped taking orders for a while. How long ago did you buy your hair?
these are really pretty. and you did them by yourself!!?! you should hustle on the side for extra cash doing these. I love em.
THOSE ARE REALLYYYYYY PRETTY!!! I have a big head also so I guess I'd need 4 bags of hair. I like how it's full but doesn't look like too much hair!:yep: