Surge 14. Like or Dislike?


I'm curious? I went to the Surge website and am intriigued by Surge 14. Summer (beacuse of the heat) is when my hair grows the fastest and I'm considering using the Surge 14 to help it along. Any comments?
LOVE, not like. You need to look at Pookeylou's progress in her hair album.

It definitely does what it says.
I really luv the woojee cream it is a little too wet but when my hair dries it is not weighed done and it makes my hair so much stronger.As for hair growth I am happy
Re: Surge 14. Like or Dislike?

Since you just joined the forum recently, you probably haven't had a chance to read the loads of raves about Surge 14 ont his site. If you do a search on +Surge, you will be able to see lots and lots of Surge 14 raves.
Re: Surge 14. Like or Dislike?

I LOVE it! I don't know if it's responsible for growing my hair, but it is {I KNOW} responsible for stopping breakage and split ends. My advice is not to use too much on the hair itself but directly on the scalp if you have thinning areas. My thinnest areas are my sides. The Surge is helping to alleviate that.

For the hair, I would definitely recommend the Surge Potion Lotion #9! This stuff is fantastic for when I want to maintain my curl pattern for wearing a curly puff or fro! The Surge oil is good and smell heavenly too!

I love Surge.
Re: Surge 14. Like or Dislike?

the Plus 14 and Woojee Cream!!
Re: Surge 14. Like or Dislike?

I really like Surge Plus 14.I don't think my hair would be where it is lengthwise right now without it.
Re: Surge 14. Like or Dislike?

I use all three Surge Products.
I even had my BSS order a case of the Surge Plus 14 spray I never want to run out this is one of my staple product.
Re: Surge 14. Like or Dislike?

I would recommend it if you want thickness. It PROMOTES growth but I don't think it's the only reason my hair is growing. You have to be consistent with the Surge 14, however. Sometimes I don't feel like "surging" twice a day.

OT, for those who use Surge what kind of conditioner are you using?
Re: Surge 14. Like or Dislike?

I like it but I have to admit I'm slacking...haven't used it in a long while...I found that I had to wash my hair within 2 days...I'll use it more after my next retouch ( which will be in 2 weeks or so, when its warmer) but I definitely see a difference in my edges