Thank You VinDieselsWifey


New Member
I just had to shout her out. I used her relaxing/texlaxing method and I LOVE my hair! I pre treated with aphogee grean tea reconstructer. After that dried, I applied a 3:1 ratio of Elucence shea butter conditioning normal relaxer and conditioner (Queen Helene cholesterol).Since it was a virgin relaxer, I only parted four sections and applied it a section at a time. It took ten minutes to apply and then I smoothed and let it sit for ten. It came out GREAT. My frizz is gone but most I kept most of the body I had as natural. Only a tiny section near my hairline came out underprocessed. That is probably because I had some heat damage from some blowdrying a few weeks back. I was worried that I'd be bone straight or have an uneven texture but that is not the case. Overall I am happy with my results. Tomorrow I am getting a rollerset and will post the pics.
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oh my goodness! :grouphug: i feel so honored!! :grin:

you go girl! :yay: :thumbsup:

i am curious about the new shea butter Elucence relaxer. but i still have two 4 lb containers that i have to use up first.

but i'm so happy your hair came out great!! :dance7:
Your hair turned out really pretty. For the next month I will have to avoid the relaxer isle in every store I go to. You did a great job! Enjoy your texlaxed hair.
Whoa, MAMA!!! Your hair turned out just beautiful! Thanks for sharing your success story with I've got an idea of how to do my next relaxer! Woooo Hoooo!!!! :grin: