Third Grader Gets Hair Pulled Out By Bullies Because She Wore A Weave


Well-Known Member
OMG! She lost all her hair because of this little fools! In school suspencion for a day?! No! This was assault, plain and simple! They should have a much bigger punishment. The school needs to be sued for their inaction! I just can't....


Well-Known Member
This is so sad the school authorities did nothing to curb this bullying behavior. Now if the little girl showed up at school with a gun shooting the place up, then they would have been giving her the side eye. This non action sends the message that the little girl is of no value to the institution. I hope her grandmother pursues charges in light of the damage done to the girl's scalp.


Well-Known Member
If it is the biracial girl with pink hair then yes it was posted a few days ago.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
Oh, I found the thread, thanks! Just like the ladies said in that thread, this was a horrible shame on so many levels, and now that poor baby is going to suffer the consequences of the ignorance of her parents, classmates and school. :nono: