This little girl is in march 08 Ebony-started her own hair care line


Leanna's Natural Hair Products love her story and her hair! lol...Going to have to pick up some....ANyone start a PJ's Anonymous yet? :lachen:

Also I have been reading about aswini hair oil,ayurvedic,supposed to be great, anyone use this yet?
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Leanna's Natural Hair Products love her story and her hair! lol...Going to have to pick up some....ANyone start a PJ's Anonymous yet? :lachen:

Also I have been rewading about aswini hair oil,ayurvedic,supposed to be great, anyone use this yet?

When I first joined the forum I read posts about this site and have it saved to my favorites...The little girl didn't make the products her mother claimed too... The products were being made by the woman named Maritza under the pic in the photo gallery of the site...she says her daughter is Leanna and that was her inspiration :perplexed
Right, She said her mom and grandma were using the products and she asked if she could start her own business using the products,They have a little video clip on the side and Leanna is telling the story.But you're right, There is another little girl in jersey, who was on Oprah, I've purchased her stuff,not bad.
I purchased the hair oil and really like it. Its not a staple but I use it every once in a while. The applicator makes it easy to use and it smells great. Stops the scalp itch. Nice ingredients too.

Leanna's Natural Hair Products love her story and her hair! lol...Going to have to pick up some....ANyone start a PJ's Anonymous yet? :lachen:

Also I have been reading about aswini hair oil,ayurvedic,supposed to be great, anyone use this yet?
I'd love to read that article. I'm proud of the little lady, but if she's gonna have better business she better start explaining them more. PJs need more details before "taking a hit", lol!!