Tips from self relaxers wanted


New Member
Hi I know this has been posted before but the search function hasn't worked for me for some time. Can any of you who self relax give me some tips. I'll be using Affirm lye w/ fiberguard if I can get my hands on it. I am fed up with hairdressers!


New Member
Well, I have self relaxed for years and with much success. I have switched to Revlon Realistic with Lye and I like it. The first thing that I recommend it to protect your previous relaxed hair with some type of coating. I myself used grease. Some people use a conditioner. But I have to warn you that the grease is hard to get out if you put alot in. I would rather have this then overlapping a relaxer. To make it easier part your hair into 4 parts, get an applicator brush(the bigger the better), and gloves. And just make sure you stay within the given time limit so you dont overprocess. I hope this has helped.