Transition Over, I BC'd last night (pic heavy)


Well-Known Member
Thank you Ladies. I really appreciate the compliments. I've been feeling pretty confident today so I think I made a wise decision by BC'ing. The only regret that I have is that I wish I hadn't ended a previous transition by relaxing, I would have had a bigger fro by now. :afro: I sent a pic to my Mom and I was surprised, she likes it!:grin: I haven't told my best friend that I BC'd. I think we're going to run into each other on the road this weekend so I know he's going to be surprised. He's happy that I was transitioning but he was totally against the chop.

Thank you Everyone!

Update...I saw my best friend yesterday. I was wondering what his reaction was going to be since he was against the big chop but he was like :love: "You look beautiful! I love your hair. It really suits you". He couldn't keep his hands out of my hair. As a matter of fact, I get alot of compliments from guys but I get :perplexed looks from other females.

I love being natural! I can't wait to have more length so I can try more styles.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ I'm glad your friend had that reaction; forget about the rest of the negativity! Congratulations on your decision to BC, once again :)