Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5


Well-Known Member
Went to a Brick & Mortar yesterday and got x5 Candles (all Christ.mas Scents).

I looked for the one we both loved, but they did not have it. I can't remember if it was Pink Onyx? I forget the name, but I would know it if I smelled it.

I think it was pink onyx. I really miss that candle. I will be keeping my eyes open for my oldies but goodies moving forward and purchasing them when they are on sale.

I got quite a few Christmas scented candles as well and pray they get here on time for me to burn them.


Wash Week™ Queen
I did too (felt like spending)
I'm at Bath.and.Body Wo.rks :look:

ETA: Grabbed 5 candles :look:
Marshmallow Campfire, Sparkling Icicle, Frosted Cranberry, Winter, Unicorn Sprinkles

Also, I find Pink Fairy Gumdrop to leave a nice subtle scent throughout my apt. Not too overbearing but not too unnoticeable - a happy medium for me.
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