WANTED: Good Roller Setter in Charlotte, NC area


New Member
I would have posted this in the salon review section, but I thought I would get more responses here. Are there any salons around here that could give me a REALLY good roller set without pressuring me to get a relaxer every week? My hair can no longer take the Dom. salons (that drier is deadly), and my Dom. Stylists insists on using that dang dryer.

My former stylist did an awesome job (she could make my hair look thick), but I know she would trip on the stretching. I don't FEEL like doing them myself and I can never get it right.
I know this post is old but, I wanted to revive in hopes of getting a conversation started about salons in Charlotte, nc. I'm going to syles by lisa salon charlotte, nc. So far I've read and heard nothing but good things. I'm going to get what they call a California press. It's a natural hair care salon that promotes healthy hair so they should be supportive of you not relaxing. (or anyone who reads this). Making my appointment was a good experience. Her husband Andre was friendly, informative, and supportive of healthy hair. I will post if anyone replys on the outcome!