What Mane n Tail products do u use?


Hair product junkie reloaded!
I see a lot of people using Mane and Tail stuff...but what are the exact products yall are using and how often? Also, ain't that stuff for horses/???

I think my mom has some Mane n Tail shampoo or something back home and when I was a kid I was frekaed out by it...lol. I think she used it on my hair back in the day when it was long.

Edit: I am not sure if it was Mane n Tail...i think it was though. She had this jumbo sized bottle that had some brownish color on it and lik a white thingy of a horse...sorry I stink at descriptions!
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Well-Known Member
There are tons of threads of Mane an Tail, try the search. There is also a Mane and Tail Users Club so you can put Mane Tail in the title search.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to Southern girl :grin: I use the shampoo, condtioner and detangler.
I basically wash/co every 2-3 days currently with mixture of MnT conditioner and honey. This mixture leaves me with excellent shine and strength. I use the shampoo like one a week-if I plan on straightening my hair. IMO-The shampoo is very cocentrated so I mix about an ounce or less with a liter of water. If I use the shampoo without mixing with water my hair gets pretty hard, dull and rough.


Hair product junkie reloaded!
heh...thanks! before I come home I am gonna post a product junkie reccomendation thread so I can stock up when I get back.