What size flat iron?


Well-Known Member
I know this has been asked before but there werent that many responses so i'd like to ask again.

Which is better. 1.5 or 1.25

is there that much of a difference?

I have a 1.5 inch right now and it's just fine but i've heard from some that the 1.25 is better.

My longest layer is a few inches from apl and my shortest layer is @ my jaw so i want something that's gonna work just as well as my hair gets long.


im deciding between FHI and SEDU
SEDU has 1.5 inch
FHI has 1.25

So my decision in size is also the deciding factor in which brand i get.
I would say the 1.25. Actually 1 inch is better, imo. It is easier to get to the roots.

But, that is just me, others may disagree.
It won't be a pain to use it on long hair though?

You said your hair is almost apl right? 1 inch is perfect for that length. In fact, 1 inch irons are used on lengths even longer than that. Really it is about technique I guess.

But, even the 1.25 is good, too though. I just prefer 1 inch because it is easier for me to get to my roots.
I have to agree I have a 1 inch and a 1 1.5 inch and I find the 1 inch to work just fine with my hair. I have had my hair done by pros and the stylist has always uses a 1 inch with great success. And also what the previous ladies stated I like the 1 inch to better straighten my roots