Would god do this?


New Member
What if god showed you the person your suppose to be with ... marry but that person did you wrong in the past... they have a good heart though and you have noticed it... is that possible how are you suppose to believe god if they did you wrong before..yeah they apologized but thats a big step to belive god for that.. iknow what yall gonna say... are u sure its god etc etcf... and u know wat i wastn sure at first but one day i was in church and the pastor prayed for me and she said god showed you something and i started cry cause i knew what she was talking about.. but still to this day im still skeptical


All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. That is the only advice I can give. I felt compelled to respond.


Well-Known Member
God showed me my husband and let me tell you, this person did me very wrong. We dated when I was in college. I was five years younger, very naive, had low self-esteem and he took advantage of each and every one of those things. He cheated on me constantly, denied being my boyfriend, lied to me all.the.time and yet when we broke up I cried and cried and cried. Several weeks after he and I broke up I was in and out of sleep on my parent's couch when I heard a voice say "It's not over between the two of you." Over the next few years God dealt with me, changed me, shaped me, molded me and all the while He was working on my future husband too. Long story short, we are married now. We've been married for seven years and have a beautiful baby girl together and God willing we will have more children.

Like the previous poster said, we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I believe that God allowed me to get a glimpse of how sweet my husband is and would be prior to everything falling a part. Honestly, the first few years that we knew each other things were not great and had I been the person that I am now back then I honestly don't know that we would be together. But God had a plan. God used my husband to draw me closer to HIM. He used other things too, but my husband definitely played a part. I came to really know God and all because some guy used me when I was too young to know any better. And just to show you exactly how good God is, several months before he proposed to me we were sitting on the couch watching tv and out of nowhere he said, "Do you forgive me for all the things I did to you in the past?" Without hesitating I said, "Yes." When were out to dinner with friends one night he made a toast talking about our relationship and said, "If I had known then what I know now I would have done some things a little differently."

Trust God.