I Had A Hair Transplant Today

@Black Ambrosia

He made a cut horizontally from ear to ear & took a piece of scalp skin about as thick as a finger. He said my donor area was perfect because of the density of my hair. He sewed that back up in a way to leave minimal scarring. Then his team used microscopes and made 2,000 grafts out of that skin. He then implanted the grafts in the bald area. He said one transplant won't give you back your full density but I should get back 50%. You can have multiple implants but that's a lot of money & I don't want to keep cutting away my scalp.

In his pictures of his patients I couldn't even tell they had lost hair. The implanted hair looked just as full as the rest of their hair. I guess that's why people come from all over the world to see him. His reviews were excellent. He even corrects what other doctors mess up. I read reviews where other doctors had people's hair looking like a porcupine and he corrects that & makes them look normal again. He also teaches other doctors how to do hair transplants. His research team is also working on cloning hair.

While the grafts are being made, he soaks them in the same solution that Drs use to keep vital organs fresh for organ transplants. Other hair surgeons use saline but he doesn't. He also puts this substance called ACell inside the donor area & the implanted area to make sure there is no scarring. It helps heal wounds.

He also worked with a chemist to develop this spray I have to use every few hours to make sure the implants take root. It's like fertilizer for them & crucial to make sure it's a success. Dr. Cooley is awesome!!

I am happy that you finally found something to give you back what you lost. I am a Veteran as well so I am familiar with the conditions that servicememners can be subjected to. I have not read every response but have you filed for disability for this? At the very least, you can request that they pay for your treatments. I am very familiar with the VA system, I have a high rating and I had to fight to get it, working on 100% After they cut and destroyed my lady parts 3 times on top of other things, they were trying to get me to accept an extremely low rating. This is something you could at least have them pay for.
I am happy that you finally found something to give you back what you lost. I am a Veteran as well so I am familiar with the conditions that servicememners can be subjected to. I have not read every response but have you filed for disability for this? At the very least, you can request that they pay for your treatments. I am very familiar with the VA system, I have a high rating and I had to fight to get it, working on 100% After they cut and destroyed my lady parts 3 times on top of other things, they were trying to get me to accept an extremely low rating. This is something you could at least have them pay for.


I'm fighting for that now. Since I didn't know I had an infection when I got out, it's not on my active duty medical records but it is in my VA records. I also had Dr. Cooley fill out a DBQ form for me & he gave me pics to send with my claim. My cousin works at the claims office & said if something comes up within a year after separating you can claim it. I went to the VA about this a few months after I separated. I'm gonna try to get a few of my friends to write buddy statements for me talking about the living conditions over there too. Right now I'm at 0% for some other things but I'm fighting to get those raised and add some more things to it. The military is gonna pay for everything they did to me.
Ladies, I had my 2nd PRP injection this morning. It went well although since my doctor does not use local anesthesia, it was a bit rough but tolerable. I squeezed 2 small cubes of ice in my hands during the procedure which helped. He took pictures again before he started and compared them to the initial ones. Surprisingly a spot in the middle looks like its filling in! I had been thinking that myself when I looked in the mirror last week but discounted it as happening too soon!

One thing that I did after the first procedure was to spray Copper Peptide on my scalp for the 1st 3 days starting the next day. I don't if this helped the growth, anyway I will be doing it again this time. I see him again in 7 weeks for the last treatment.

I'll keep everyone updated. This is a bit exciting, the idea of getting my density back to some reasonable degree? I'll just keep praying.
@sizzle - this is awesome news! I've been watching for your update in the PRP thread. Would you mind also updating your experience in the PRP thread at https://longhaircareforum.com/threads/platelet-rich-plasma-prp-for-androgenic-alopecia.761665/ ? HD pictures are crucial to help visually monitor growth and progress.

P.S. Yep, those injections can make you holla':freakout: . <lol>
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I'm so very sorry you had to go thru this and I'm sooo upset the military had you guys living in such conditions. I didn't even realize that happened in this day and age; and then the amount of time to see a DR, f'ing ridiculous!
Please keep fighting until you get any & everything you can.

I'm so happy you're on the other side of this trial.
I know that I am SUPER late, but OP- let me just say you are AMAZING...any one of the issues that you have contended against could've sent someone over the edge. You are AWESOME!!! I am so glad that you made the decision to get the transplant and I'm even more glad that it is working out for you!!! :2inlove::2inlove:

How was your surgery?
It was relatively easy. The needles to administer the anesthesia hurt a little but it was more like I was getting pinched and it was quick I didn't have much pain after since they gave me meds. My hair is very fine and not dense so they ended up having to do a combo of both the FUT and FUE in order to get to 1600. He basically had to shave a strip of hair in the back for additional hair. My hair is long enough to cover the track so it's no biggie.

I didn't swell immediately and I traveled to Florida from NY and flew back the day after. The swelling started the 2nd day after and lasted 4-5 days.

I went back the following AM for a hair wash. I followed all the instructions (wash gently with mild shampoo, use bacitracin in the incision, etc.). My sutures are practically all dissolved and the crust is still slightly there. I'm supposed to rub it all off by 10-14 days so I will be doing that between today and tomorrow since tomorrow is 2 weeks already. The part that was shaved itches but it's because it's already growing back.

I went to see my new hairstylist and she's somewhat familiar with transplants; allegedly. Anyway, she said the result is good and showed me how quickly my hair is growing since following her advice and using their products :look: . The advice is what I get here for practically free and the products are Devacurl which basically means staying away from anything with cones, parabens, sulfates, yadda yadda yadda. I still wanted a professional stylist to assess it so I'm grateful.
The hair is supposed to fall out and I'm supposed to be left with only the follicles which should start to grow in 4 months. Every doc I consulted with suggested that I might need a 2nd procedure to gain additional density but I'll see in about a year. I'm wearing scarfs around my edges when out in public. I haven't organized myself enough to post my pics as yet because I have some other stuff going on but I eventually will.
It was relatively easy. The needles to administer the anesthesia hurt a little but it was more like I was getting pinched and it was quick I didn't have much pain after since they gave me meds. My hair is very fine and not dense so they ended up having to do a combo of both the FUT and FUE in order to get to 1600. He basically had to shave a strip of hair in the back for additional hair. My hair is long enough to cover the track so it's no biggie.

I didn't swell immediately and I traveled to Florida from NY and flew back the day after. The swelling started the 2nd day after and lasted 4-5 days.

I went back the following AM for a hair wash. I followed all the instructions (wash gently with mild shampoo, use bacitracin in the incision, etc.). My sutures are practically all dissolved and the crust is still slightly there. I'm supposed to rub it all off by 10-14 days so I will be doing that between today and tomorrow since tomorrow is 2 weeks already. The part that was shaved itches but it's because it's already growing back.

I went to see my new hairstylist and she's somewhat familiar with transplants; allegedly. Anyway, she said the result is good and showed me how quickly my hair is growing since following her advice and using their products :look: . The advice is what I get here for practically free and the products are Devacurl which basically means staying away from anything with cones, parabens, sulfates, yadda yadda yadda. I still wanted a professional stylist to assess it so I'm grateful.
The hair is supposed to fall out and I'm supposed to be left with only the follicles which should start to grow in 4 months. Every doc I consulted with suggested that I might need a 2nd procedure to gain additional density but I'll see in about a year. I'm wearing scarfs around my edges when out in public. I haven't organized myself enough to post my pics as yet because I have some other stuff going on but I eventually will.

Glad everything went well. I'm using copper peptides shampoo & conditioner on the area. I'm also drinking a protein shake everyday called Help Hair Shake. My dr. gave me prednisone to take for 3 days so I didn't have any swelling.

My transplanted hair fell out & then started growing back around 3 months later.

Can't wait to see your progress pics!
Glad everything went well. I'm using copper peptides shampoo & conditioner on the area. I'm also drinking a protein shake everyday called Help Hair Shake. My dr. gave me prednisone to take for 3 days so I didn't have any swelling.

My transplanted hair fell out & then started growing back around 3 months later.

Can't wait to see your progress pics!
Thanks so much for your tips @VinDieselsWifey :bighug:I'm going to look up the copper peptides shampoo. I think the spray they gave me to use after had copper. I cover the area with nice scarves making a headband. I've been wearing wigs and weaves for so long, that now that I have my hair out I feel "free". I'm patient and I have faith that God is gonna make sure this turns out just right.