A Solution To Hair Loss/growth

You can scroll down to "Nourishing Your Hair" if you want to get down to basics and the chapter after that.
thanks for posting! after doing the BC, i noticed areas of hair loss in my scalp. i'll check this out once i get back from church.
Hope you had a good service. You're very welcome. I'm on the cayenne/olive oil thing now. I took some pictures today and I'm going to compare them a month from now. I will be revamping my vitamin intake. I just purchased some L-cyst....TEEN (Yeah I couldn't spell it. it's 12:00 a.m. in the morning!).
I found that this info from the article to be the most helpful:

Amino acids are what the cell uses to make protein. It has been found that amino acid balances were off in individuals with poor hair. The body can manufacture all but nine of the amino acids. These nine amino acids are considered essential to health and must be obtained from outside sources, like food or supplements.

Without amino acids, cells cannot maintain or repair themselves, nor will certain crucial enzymes and hormones be manufactured. Without sufficient amino acids, human hair color and texture can change dramatically in response to protein malnutrition. Protein deficiency, even short-term, results in dramatic changes in the hair roots. These changes include a reduction in hair diameter, slowed growth, and increased breakage under stress and strain, like brushing.

The two most important amino acids for the health of your hair are L-Cysteine and L-Methionine. These two amino acids improve quality, texture, and growth of hair. Cysteine is present in alpha-keratin, the chief protein in hair. Methionine helps prevent brittle hair. The synthesis of the amino acid cysteine may be dependent on the availability of methionine. Lecithin is a good source of methionine as well as inositol.

The best single supplement to feed your hair’s amino acid requirements is methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). This is a superior form of sulfur, which plays a major role in the structural maintenance of the scalp capillaries. MSM contains both amino acids cysteine and methionine, and has a host of benefits besides assisting hair growth. Methylsulfonylmethane is a chemical already existing within your body. It’s a derivative of another natural substance known as DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide); a chemical made from trees that has been used to fight the pain of arthritis. DMSO is used worldwide for many physical maladies, unfortunately it possesses a disturbing odor. MSM does not have this smell.

Methylsulfonylmethane will help your hair grow about as fast as it is able to. MSM is preferable to all other sulfur containing nutrients, as it provides an impressive list of benefits, which include decreased inflammation, boosting of the blood supply, lessened muscle spasms, and a desensitizing of pain signals. Its anti-inflammatory properties along with its sulfur yield make this a "must have" supplement for healthy hair.

Another essential amino acid for proper hair growth is L-Arginine. It is the metabolic precursor for nitric oxide, which is a messenger substance that stimulates hair growth by opening potassium channels. Arginine in large doses (3g-12g) is said to help the release of growth hormone, which may help in hair loss (along with anti-aging and body development). To increase nitric oxide and growth hormone levels take 1.5 mg in morning and evening for this), it also enhances sexual performance.

Another way to increase the body’s supply of nitric oxide is from a very special type of copper. Not the inorganic, oxide mineral, but in the form of a cream, specifically a skin cream that contains copper peptides. Supplements containing more than 2mg RDA for copper should not be taken, and applying the inorganic mineral to the skin directly could promote free-radical formation. When copper is converted to organic form by binding to peptides (small fragments of proteins) it can be safely applied to the skin. Such copper peptides have been shown to promote collagen synthesis and thereby stimulate hair growth, as well as skin healing.

A type of substance called prezatide copper peptide, marketed under names like lamin hydrating gel and Tricomin, is a type of triamino or polypeptide of copper (the binding of three amino acids to metal). This is a blue copper cream or gel that is applied to the skin. What this copper peptide cream does is reactivate dormant hair follicles by way of absorption of organic copper through the skin.

A protein in the blood, known as ceruloplasmin binds over 80% of the body’s naturally occurring copper in the plasma, transporting copper into the cells. There it is incorporated into enzymes such as lysyl oxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Without getting into too much detail, this helps provide vascularity to the capillaries and significantly helps blood flow through them. In addition, this is vital for collagen synthesis, which is critical to the health of your hair.

Copper-peptides and the amino acid arginine are considered blood vessel dilating hair-growth stimulators. These are called nitrovasodialiators, which mimic the natural messenger substance, nitric oxide mediating both dilation and hair growth. Nitric oxide is found everywhere in the body as a means of transport, which has identical effects to minoxidil on blood vessels.

The health of the hair, nails and skin is an indication of the over-all health of the entire body. When the skins has eruptions, rashes, and allergic reactions, it means the inner skin or mucous membranes also have eruptions. Lack of essential minerals is also a cause of hair loss and unhealthy skin. To establish a healthy blood supply to follicles, the mineral silica has been shown to support the structure of blood vessel walls that supply nutrients to follicle hair roots.

Recent studies show that applying the mineral silica, combined with what’s called "activated oxygen" to your scalp may be able to encourage scalp blood flow. The frequent result, hair growth.

A treatment called, oxygenated glycerol triester complex, a solution of plant extracts fused to pure oxygen enhances circulation to overcome the hormonal blocks that would otherwise starve hair follicles. This actually is accomplished, without altering the body’s mechanisms for construction and distribution of hormones. This is an optional treatment, for those who want to halt thinning hair as quickly as possible.

A study of 72 balding men, conducted at the Hospital of St. Louis in Paris, France compared the benefits of using the drug minoxidil to restore hair versus applying oxygenated plant extracts plus organic silicon and amino acids. The result of the study showed increased diameters of the hair shafts and improved the number of growing hairs as much as the minoxidil. In addition, an increase of blood flow to the hair follicles was observed. Optimal results were experienced within three months of use.

Zinc is one mineral that should be considered essential. For instance, zinc inhibits the biological activity of 5-alpha-reductase; the enzyme that produces elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which will help shrink your prostate and your hair follicles.

Zinc also takes part in antioxidant reactions that limit free radical cellular damage. Zinc helps to combat superoxide, a free radical that oxidizes NO2 (nitric oxide). The substance that makes your blood flow for better circulation. Superoxide is the principal precursor of many other free radicals. Zinc; along with copper help with the destruction of superoxide.

Since a dynamic bloody supply is necessary for keeping hair follicles productive, the B-Vitamins, including niacin, thiamine and biotin, can enhance hair health by improving factors that promote circulation of blood to the skin of the scalp.

Try to limit your intake of raw eggs, as they are high in avidin, a protein that binds biotin and prevents it from being absorbed.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) help improve hair texture and prevent dry, brittle hair. Omega-3 is the most important, which is most deficient in the "standard" diet. Sources include cold water fish, flaxseed and hemp seed oil. Gamma Linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid found in unrefined evening primrose oil, hemp seed and black current oils are very beneficial as well.

Dosage Recommendations:



Take 500 Milligrams per day, either in the form of 250 tablets/capsules twice a day or 150 to 175 Milligram tablet/capsules three times per day. This is mandatory--if you take nothing else, take this!

Saw Palmetto (seronoa repens) *

Saw palmetto is available in either standardized extract or the whole herb. Either one will work fine, although personally I use the whole herb. It is important to take this morning and night, as you do not want to allow DHT any chance to form in your body. If you use the whole herb, take three in the morning and three at night before retiring to bed. The extract form is always more expensive and does not come in economical quantities. If you can find an economical size of 240 or 360 capsule counts (whole herb) you can save yourself some money. Typically concentrated extracts come in 30 to 60 capsule counts; they are more potent per capsule, but still not as kind to your wallet.

Saw Palmetto & Pygeum Combination *

It is preferable to use saw palmetto along with pygeum, other than pygeum alone. Saw Palmetto used alone is adequate in itself, although it doesn’t hurt to be taking pygeum along with it. Pygeum and saw palmetto combinations are easily found in health food stores, but not usually elsewhere. Again, using pygeum along with saw palmetto is optional and it will increase the cost of supplementation. If you’re going to take pygeum by itself, use a brand of pygeum that contains a lipophilic extract standardized to 13% total sterols (typically calculated as beta-sitosterol). The recommended dose is 50-100 mg two times per day.

Fo-ti (root), also called Ho-Shou-Wu *

Fo-ti root is always found in whole form (non-extract) only and is quite inexpensive. Take three capsules morning and night along with your anti-androgen of choice.

Progesterone Cream

Make certain that you buy a recommended brand from your local health food store. Pharmacology preparations are not recommended. Some brands may not work, and others may work better for different users. One brand that I personally recommend is from Source Naturals, called Natural Progesterone cream, which is mostly derived from soybeans as the source of USP Progesterone cream. If you are a women, apply about a ½ teaspoon of the cream to soft areas of the skin, which should supply 20 mg of progesterone. Apply this morning and evening. Progesterone cream is not be used everyday, as it's very important to use as a cycle basis. Consult your doctor for proper usage. If you are a male, apply just an 1/8th of a teaspoon on the testes. Use for 19 to 20 days, then take a week break, then continue use, repeat the cycle.

Phytoestrogens, Soy (Soy Isoflavones) or Plant Estrogens *

Phytoestrogens are found in soy supplement preparations (soy isoflavones), phytoestrogen formulas, and natural hormone replacement therapy formulas.

These products have been quite popular in the last few years, and are widely available in supermarkets, drug and health food stores. Use products as directed on label.

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) *

MSM is found just about everywhere. Its growing popularity for joint flexibility and arthritis relief has stirred demand; it’s available at supermarkets, drug and health food stores. Take one gram (1000 mgs) in the morning and evening. If available, use a formula that also contains Glucosamine sulfate and bromelain.

Bovine Colostrum *

This "first milk" from a mother cow is a very potent powerhouse of pro-immunity substances. This ability to regulate immune system response, while providing a host of nutrients in perfect combinations is excellent for hair health and re-growth. Taking bovine colostrum is vital for immunological hair loss conditions. Colostrum boosts levels of human growth hormone, which has been shown to reverse graying hair and stimulate follicle growth.

Make sure to avoid brands that offer colostrum in "convenient forms," like chocolate, wafers, or lozenges. Take two or more grams (1000 mg per gram) per day, preferably one gram in the morning and one at night.

GHR-15 (Growth Hormone Releaser) *

Will allow your pituitary gland to secrete healthy amounts of human growth hormone. GHR-15 contains a blend of specific amounts of amino acids, phytosterol, hypothalamus and soy phosphatides. See Bovine Colostrum for more information on human growth hormone.

Use as directed on label.

Essential Fatty Acids (Omega-3 & Omega-6) *

Flaxseed oil is the best way to begin supplementing your diet with EFAs. However, Flaxseed oil contains an improper ratio of omega-3 and omega-6, about four times the omega-3 than the omega-6. The proper ratio for human health is 3:1 omega-6 to omega-3 intake. That isn’t a problem however as body tissues are normally so deprived of omega-3 type fatty acids that flaxseed oil will bridge the deficiency gap rather well. About after a year, it is recommended to switch to a more balanced supplement, using the proper ratio of 3:1 (triple the Omega-6 to Omega-3). Hemp seed oil contains that perfect ratio and is available for purchase via mail order or at a health food store. Following a year of flaxseed oil intake, hemp seed oil should be used thereafter. If Hemp seed oil is not available, look for a brand or product that contains a blended or balanced oil formula.

Flaxseed oil comes in a refrigerated, opaque container to protect it from light and heat. I recommend at least two tablespoons consumption a day. If you take more than that, you may experience some weight loss (increases metabolic rate), if overweight. Essential fatty acids are not stored as fat, but used as energy, repair, and body function. If you prefer a supplement, you can purchase flaxseed or hemp seed oil capsules.

Oxygenated Serum (dermal amino acid and plant sterol complex) *

One such brand name product is Folliderm by Nature’s Plus. Use as directed.

Apple-Cider-Vinegar & Cayenne (capsicum) *

This simple mixture of apple-cider-vinegar and cayenne pepper is a topical circulation aid that you can prepare yourself. You may add ginger (from ginger capsules for additional comfort and effect). Apply this mixture directly to your scalp. The apple-cider-vinegar acts as a solution, the cayenne pepper as a stimulant and ruberfacient (increases blood flow to the surface of the skin). Be very careful too not to let this get into your eyes. As I mentioned in chapter 6, (Polysorbates & Scalp Cleansers), this combination is much like a milder version of pepper spray. It will dilate your capillaries to a blood red. Your scalp will feel a tingling sensation (if ginger is used) or like a mild sunburn if the ginger is not added. Leave this astringent mixture on for five minutes or more rinse off after use. If you feel that your scalp has poor circulation, you may use this as often as you like, although I think of it primarily as a good way to jump-start the process of renewal.

How to prepare:

Mix one 12-ounce bottle of apple-cider-vinegar with three tablespoons of cayenne pepper (capsicum). If using other than condiment style cayenne pepper, like the capsules, then beware of the heat units contained. Cayenne supplements are offered in 40,000 to 200,000 heat units. Use the same three tablespoons worth if the cayenne capsules read 40,000 heat units on the label. If using 100,000 heat units capsicum, then reduce the amount of cayenne to the mixture by one half. If using 200,000 heat units, reduce the amount by a quarter. The amount of ginger to add (optional) can be from one tablespoon or more of ginger powder. Ginger will add to the tingling sensation and help reduce the heat from the capsicum while aiding circulation.

L-Arginine (amino acid supplement) *

Recommended dosage is taking one and a half grams in the morning and at night. Taking over three grams will encourage growth hormone production. The nitric oxide that this amino acid helps your body produce will allow for better blood flow and circulation (for improved uptake of nutrients into scalp capillaries).

Gingko Biloba *

Like the amino acid L-Arginine, the herb Gingko Biloba will help improve circulation and your body’s production of nitric oxide from within. Use as directed on label.

Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) *

This is the natural way to stop chronic inflammation of the hair follicle. SOD helps with the breakdown of the superoxide free radical, which affects your copper stores (needed to make collagen-elastin, vital for healthy hair) and help maintain healthy nitric oxide levels. Superoxide can be expensive using the correct dosages. To normalize levels of superoxide in your body, the dosage is 30,000 I.U. (International Units) roughly equivalent of 3 Million SOD’s. The best way to acquire these levels is by way of a transdermal cream. This is not widely available in stores as of this writing, therefore a search will have to be conducted to find one via the internet. An alternative to an S.O.D. cream that can be found locally is by using a brand of S.O.D. capsules called Cell Guard by Bio-Tech (an anti-oxidant formula with wheat grass and barley green). If you use a non-green food based SOD supplement, make sure you buy a product that is either buffered or enteric coated, otherwise it may be destroyed before it reaches your small intestine. Whole food formulations, like Bio-Tech’s Cell Guard anti-oxidant formula do not require the SOD to be enteric-coated. Extracted versions of SOD are listed in international units (I.U.) these must be enteric-coated.
very informative, I have to subscribe to this thread so that I can read it at work later.
I take collagen supplements by You Theory daily. They sell them at Costco, I have been taking them for over 1 year, and I can see a marked improvement in my hair growth and the strength of my hair. I used to take Saw Palmetto but I fell off recently, I'm going back to taking them again after reading this article. I take Biotin almost daily, and I try to eat a good bit of protein, particularly I eat wild caught sardines. My hair grows faster when I exercise every day, no question about that. Circulation plays a huge role in hair growth.

ETA: Collagen really helps my skin stay young looking too. I get sooooo many complements on my skin now!
I take collagen supplements by You Theory daily. They sell them at Costco, I have been taking them for over 1 year, and I can see a marked improvement in my hair growth and the strength of my hair. I used to take Saw Palmetto but I fell off recently, I'm going back to taking them again after reading this article. I take Biotin almost daily, and I try to eat a good bit of protein, particularly I eat wild caught sardines. My hair grows faster when I exercise every day, no question about that. Circulation plays a huge role in hair growth.

ETA: Collagen really helps my skin stay young looking too. I get sooooo many complements on my skin now!
I really need to get back to taking collagen..