Embrace your hair shedding!

This is the first time my hair has ever shed like this. Unless I had a weave in and haven't combed it for ages. ETA That is one ball of hair open and rolled up
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Bump!!!!!! Come on you guys
my hair has suddenly just stopped shedding , like I only lose a few hairs here and there...I have been marveling at this after years of what I thought to be normal shedding, I have wanted to talk about the mass of hair on my head now due to this lack of shedding, it is no joke. I am going to do a thread soon, because I want to get to the bottom of what so dramatically ceased my shedding like this and for so long, I want to have the answers to help others.....I hope to anyway

as for your shedding, did you try anything new? products? treatments, styles? what is your vitamin regimen exactly? and are you missing protein in your diet or epa's? try a black tea rinse, I know i just tried one one day just to try it, not for shedding but was amazed at how it decreased shedding, also you know they suggest garlic supps around here for shedding (don't go to heavy with them cause they are blood thinners) I never tea rinsed again, and I did it so long ago , I can say it worked that one time, long ago, but cant attribute it for now, and I can't figure out all the variables to stopping even normal shedding that I was used to for years right now. I am working on figuring it out though, and in meantime figuring out how to deal with the new massiveness of it.

Also if there is no answer in your vitamin regimen, oh and are you taking any meds/hormones? and if there is no answer to trying anything new, etc . and it doesnt start to slow down, please look into seeing your doc getting blood work done asap
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Im experiencing a lot of shedding at the moment thats making me really sad. After reading the above information i have a few questions. If the amount of shedding i have, has increased DRAMATICALLY without growth aids does that mean that my my hair follicles have decided to go into the shedding phase. Or is my normal shedding considered the shedding phase for each follicle and this increase is something else. I washed my hair yday and just from finger combing there was so much hair. My hair was in a twist out for 5 days but i never expected this much shedding compared to normal. Even now that its in twist if I lightly pull on the ends hair is just coming out in my hands, sometimes it looks like 2 hairs are coming from the same place like a coil with 2 or 3 hairs. I only expect shedding like this if I had a weave. I started taking biotin and vitamins again but not regularly enough to see a difference and when I was taking it before i never had shedding like this. Could this be an overload of some sort. Please help im going to upload pics.

What dose of biotin are you taking?
I say also stop the biotin or lower the dose for now.... since it's something you just started, also if you are taking it without the other b vits you could be creating a lack in the others, they all have to work together, too much of one can deplete another. what other vits did you just start?
I take 3000 mg of biotin 1 vit c a multi vitamin and fish oil tablets. I used to take all of this in the summer but stopped because i really hate taking pills. Thats why i dont take msm anymore when I started taking my vitamins again recently. I started use Motions Moisture Plus a couple of months ago with no problems and loved it. I took a break when my hair was straightened and then last week I used skala chocolate for the first time thats the only thing different. Why would that make my hair shed?
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I take 3000 mg of biotin 1 vit c a multi vitamin and fish oil tablets.
yeah girl, try stopping the biotin and see what happens, that could very much have triggered this. for now just get a balanced b complex that contains all the b vits in equal amounts so that you can also undo the possibility if the megadose of biotin alone created a depletion on others. do this right away. Pls let me know by inbox how this goes. I think this will fix it though:yep:
yeah girl, try stopping the biotin and see what happens, that could very much have triggered this. for now just get a balanced b complex that contains all the b vits in equal amounts so that you can also undo the possibility if the megadose of biotin alone created a depletion on others. do this right away. Pls let me know by inbox how this goes. I think this will fix it though:yep:
Thanks girl. Im also gonna do a black tea rinse but I didn't want to mask the problem without finding out the root cause
I take 3000 mg of biotin 1 vit c a multi vitamin and fish oil tablets. I used to take all of this in the summer but stopped because i really hate taking pills. Thats why i dont take msm anymore when I started taking my vitamins again recently. I started use Motions Moisture Plus a couple of months ago with no problems and loved it. I took a break when my hair was straightened and then last week I used skala chocolate for the first time thats the only thing different. Why would that make my hair shed?
ok I see you edited your post after my response. I have no answers as to why a new product can start a shedding fiasco, it's like your hair may not like it and starts to jump off your head lol. but really I guess they say it can be an allergy. It's just not worth it, if you start a new product and see increased shedding just dump it or ditch it , it's not worth using again to even see if that's the culprit. But between you just starting biotin also, I say stop them both. also how long ago did you stop taking msm? -thinking along the lines if that is recent also , could be your body was used to the msm. Most shedding from product or diet or health is sudden and immediate, so I wouldn't attribute it to something used two months ago with no problems like the motions-but when in major shed mode, to get to the bottom of it, and get it to cease, just stop anything you have used new and go back to what you know worked for your hair reliably in the past......also I use oil for everything :lachen::yep:

try a good overnight oil treatment (before or after the tea rinse) if you havent used any oil in a while your hair and scalp may like it, make sure it's one you used in the past and your hair likes.
Thanks girl. Im also gonna do a black tea rinse but I didn't want to mask the problem without finding out the root cause
I agree, no quick fixes will solve it without knowing the root cause....I think you are off to a good start with ruling out the possible culprits. pls keep me posted
You have been so helpful. I dont think im going to use the skala again and cut out the biotin. Damn it made my hair feel so good tho.I stopped taking my vitamins months ago and decided i need to start again i was taking the exact same thing before no problems only now minus the msm. I gonna try the black tea rinse for sure. Thanks again for responding.
I've never heard that shedding was bad. In fact I heard it was good, at least in relation to breakage. Only if the shedding was excessive (which may indicate other health issues) would I worry about it.