******* Hair Loss Myth *******


New Member
Hey pple, let's keep updating this post with hair loss myth :

Does drinking wine helps to stimulate hair growth?

Wine or alcohol makes the blood vessels to dilate, and some people thought this can help with blood circulation and allow hair growth. Some remedies even taught people to rub wine or brandy into the scalp to promote hair growth. Unfortunately, this does not help at all. So do not waste your wine on your hair.

Is taking too much salt bad for hair?

Some people said that taking too much salt or food that contains lots of salt can cause hair loss. Again this is not true. But too much salt in the diet can cause high blood pressure, and hence should be avoided.

Does taking MSG cause hair loss?

MSG is a flavoring agent used in cooking to make dishes tastier. But there is no scientific finding that shows MSG and hair loss are related. However, some people do complain of hair loss after taking MSG for a long period of time. So try to take in moderation and avoid taking MSG for extended period of time.
I was just getting on here to find the old post about black hair myths but I'm too lazy to search so I'll post what I just heard here:

I'm at work and across the way I hear 2 people talking and one lady said she showers at night but doesn't wash her hair, then when she showers in the morning she washes her hair. The other lady, an older lady, said "See I guess that's the difference; black people don't wash their hair like that. If we did, we wouldn't have any hair." I wash or CW my hair every day and don't have a problem but since she wasn't talking to me, I didn't butt in.
I was just getting on here to find the old post about black hair myths but I'm too lazy to search so I'll post what I just heard here:

I'm at work and across the way I hear 2 people talking and one lady said she showers at night but doesn't wash her hair, then when she showers in the morning she washes her hair. The other lady, an older lady, said "See I guess that's the difference; black people don't wash their hair like that. If we did, we wouldn't have any hair." I wash or CW my hair every day and don't have a problem but since she wasn't talking to me, I didn't butt in.

I would have butted in, politely of course, and explained the co-washing method to her. It's all about word of mouth and passing the message along so that others can gain some knowledge.
I was just getting on here to find the old post about black hair myths but I'm too lazy to search so I'll post what I just heard here:

I'm at work and across the way I hear 2 people talking and one lady said she showers at night but doesn't wash her hair, then when she showers in the morning she washes her hair. The other lady, an older lady, said "See I guess that's the difference; black people don't wash their hair like that. If we did, we wouldn't have any hair." I wash or CW my hair every day and don't have a problem but since she wasn't talking to me, I didn't butt in.

I would have butted in, politely of course, and explained the co-washing method to her. It's all about word of mouth and passing the message along so that others can gain some knowledge.

It's funny though, because in a way - she's right. I would think that if we washed our hair, every day, with JUST shampoo (cuz you know a lot of folx don't use conditioner), and then flat iron/blow dry it, roughly comb & manipulate it, etc - :nono: - you would be half way to baldheaded in no time at all - and not from washing it, but from all the manipulation/stripping/drying/heat that follows!

It's so sad how knowledge has been - warped - into something just so WRONG. But I guess every myth starts with a kernel of truth, eh?
It's funny though, because in a way - she's right. I would think that if we washed our hair, every day, with JUST shampoo (cuz you know a lot of folx don't use conditioner), and then flat iron/blow dry it, roughly comb & manipulate it, etc - :nono: - you would be half way to baldheaded in no time at all - and not from washing it, but from all the manipulation/stripping/drying/heat that follows!

It's so sad how knowledge has been - warped - into something just so WRONG. But I guess every myth starts with a kernel of truth, eh?

You are very right. I ended up talking to her after I posted this anyway. She walked by and said I smelled like oranges and I told her it was my condish. Then she commented on how wavy my hair is and how it always looks nice. I then told her that I cowash or wash basically everyday then put it up and leave it alone. I told her I've been able to maintain, not lose, any hair this way and the key is to keep the heat out of it yada, yada, yada. She said she didn't know I washed everyday, even though she thought my hair did look "wet" most of the time. Then she made the good hair comment so I just dropped it lol.
I was just getting on here to find the old post about black hair myths but I'm too lazy to search so I'll post what I just heard here:

I'm at work and across the way I hear 2 people talking and one lady said she showers at night but doesn't wash her hair, then when she showers in the morning she washes her hair. The other lady, an older lady, said "See I guess that's the difference; black people don't wash their hair like that. If we did, we wouldn't have any hair." I wash or CW my hair every day and don't have a problem but since she wasn't talking to me, I didn't butt in.

Knowing me, I would have had something to say. Like stop passing along outdated theories about black hair. In high school I went through a phase where I washed everyday (even when black women were saying I would go bald) and was seeing great growth, then I had one bad relaxer (my last) that ruined everything.