How/why I Lost My Hair!

Month three of pantovigar/pantogar is this month.

I've noticed less hair loss (by about 50%?), but there is still some. The main difference is that there's no "bulb" at the end of the hair now.
I began losing my hair in 2001. I probably lost about half of my hair density within 6 months from that time. I was in college at the time and EVERYTIME I would wash my hair I would clog the drain which was very distressing for me and embarrassing living in a dorm environment. I noticed that the hairs coming out had a white bulb at the end so I knew my hair was coming out at the root. I began taking hair supplements and I joined the forum which lead me to trying a lot of great products. My hair was moisturized, shiny and healthy outside of the fact that it wont stop falling out. In 2009, while researching my hair loss symptoms I discovered that my symptoms were in line with the diagnosis of PCOS. I went to my MD and it was official. It felt good to finally know why I lost my hair. I began metformin and birth control. I also decided to keep my hair cornrowed under a wig as a protective style. I did that for about 2 years on and off. That time period was also one of the most stressful times of my life and my hair feel out tremendously. My hair got so thin, you could now see my scalp. I cannot leave my hair out because Im terrified when the wind blows. My hair can only go into a bun with specified comb over techniques and sometimes I use that black hair powder. It's depressing because I had beautiful thick hair that was down my back in high school and if it wasn't for my condition I would still enjoy it. I began losing my hair at 18 and never got to enjoy my adult like without worrying about my hair......Now fast forward to today, I have almost given up on my hair because with all my trials my hair loss has become progressively worst. I am hoping to get some inspiration from this new forum to try again. I look forward to reading everyone's stories.

I'm so sorry. PCOS is a nightmare.

I was formally diagnosed with PCOS last year although it had been mentioned as a possibility since I first started having periods. My hair is the thinnest it has ever been due to this condition, having a very stressful surgery last year, and since the surgery being on a medication that also exacerbates and can cause PCOS and hair loss. I'm doing everything I can to minimize messing with my hair including cutting it off as any manipulation cause hair to come out from the bulb. I'm also taking vitamins which should help with PCOS and fight the effects of the medication. Additional, I'm eating a PCOS friendly low carb diet. I'm praying to be healed of all this and to be able to come off of the medication soon to at least remove one factor. I miss having hair.
I added tea tree, lavender, and peppermint oil to my silicon mix Argan oil shampoo yesterday. Also added them to Eden bodyworks deep conditioner with avocado oil. I applied that after shampooing, then applied silk Elements Cholesterol on top. My scalp felt so much better and my hair felt soft.

My bump went down and I don’t feel much irritation anymore. My hair stills feel soft.
I started taking vitamin D3. I take a low dose, since my multivitamin has it too, and I don’t wanna over do it. I also started taking a low dose of iron. I don’t know what’s going on, but my cycle is coming in light! This a great for me! Lol I bleed like I have been stabbed.

It also feels like my crown area is thickening up too. I can really feel the new growth coming in. I will shampoo with my diy tea tree shampoo again this evening.
I watched some videos to give me ideas on how to style my hair to cover my bad Area.
I have given myself a big trim, so my crown area is really exposed right now. I will use the Toppik powder (spelling?) to cover those areas. I also have found other areas of bald spots (5-7), so the trim helped with getting rid of damaged ends and thickening up my hemline.
I will continue to use WGO, or my oil mix. I haven’t been good with my vitamins today. I have a cold. Stuffy, runny nose.
I had thick APL - BSL hair for most of my adult life, then all of a sudden I noticed that the hair in the back was breaking off. And when I would wash my hair it would shed so badly...I hated washing my hair. The back was maybe 1/2" to 1" long and my sides were longer but starting to suffer. My thyroid levels were normal as was my iron. It turned out I had low cortisol levels, as well as low testoterone, DHEA and few other hormonal issues. I went to an osteopathic doctor, and she's got me on supplements and hormones to treat the issues. In December, I cut my hair into a short style. I haven't had anymore shedding or breaking since I cut my hair. This has been one of the most traumatic experiences aside from the loss of a loved one.
I haven't posted in a while.

My hair started falling out in December 2016. Until then I was between full APL and BSL. Now I'm around shoulder length if that with lots of thinning. You can mostly see it at my crown, but many people say they can't see anything wrong.

I had a blood test back in February 2017 which said that nothing was wrong. I had a second one this month (May 2018) and it came up with either low iron or low iron stores. (They didn't test for iron stores in February 2017.) I'm not sure which but the receptionist looked a little alarmed and reassured me I could get a prescription and they would help me when she saw it had been flagged.

I had stopped taking pantovigar/pantogar for a while until I found out what was wrong, and now I have. Once I start taking iron and doing other things, I will get back on the pantovigar and try some other supplements again.
Technically, I lost it by cutting it all off. I had to let it go because pool water damaged it beyond repair.
The first time - due to weaves which gradually thinned spots.

More recently, due to low iron/vitamin D deficiency. I got acupuncture which has helped tremendously.
It's been a while since I posted on this forum, but I'm back with major hair loss after baby #2, a cross-country move and other professional stressors. I had such wonderfully thick hair during the pregnancy, though my hairline never recovered, but now it's thinner than ever. And I never get the easy babies so, even though he's one, I'm still sleep deprived, get no exercise and am terrible at keeping up any recovery regimen.