How/why I Lost My Hair!

My excess shedding, as some of you may know, is from Graves disease and anemia. I haven't figured out how to stop the shedding but I have figured out how to manage the shedding so that it doesn't cause any tangles. I've been doing MHM two times a week and if I don't have time to do MHM, I will finger detangle at least 2x's a week. I used to be able to go once a week, sometimes every 2 weeks but not anymore.

Also, I noticed that my growth rate has slowed down tremendously. I've been using WGHO to help stimulate growth. I haven't noticed any bald spots, just alittle thinning in the crown, but I am keeping a look out for them.

I have to get better at taking my vitamins. I take calcium and chorella.

I have been having difficulty with staying motivated to continue with this growth journey, but I tell myself that this will past. I just get so discouraged when I see balls of hair just coming out. I'm going to be optimistic

My shedding has decreased greatly!!! I have been eating soooo much more greens and stopped taking the calcium. I have also stopped taking my prescribed iron medication. I sometimes take an iron supplement that I purchased at a natural market. I take two pills around my menstrual.

I am getting blood work done in Jan; so hopefully it will show good results. Even though my hair seems to be improving (however, I still have the thinness around my hairline), physically something feels off. I haven't been sleeping well and I've been getting night sweats. I am also sporadically getting heat palpitations and arm muscle soreness. I'm gonna def bring this up to my doctor. I've been thinking about going back to see my endocrinologist specialist; instead of just seeing my primary for everything.
Hello ladies,

I have stopped getting the cortisone shots as they weren't really helping and were a bit painful. I have contacted the natural hair transplant, hair restoration clinic out of ft lauderdale. I have a consultation via FaceTime scheduled for Monday. Hopefully all goes well and I'll be getting my hair transplant soon.
Had my consultation today and will be scheduling my surgery for sometime in March. Im so excited!! I spoke with the head surgeon he was really nice and assured me all would go well. Now I just have to decide on which of the surgeons I want to perform my surgery and location. I was quoted $5k, $6k or $ 8k based on the doctor. The price includes a $1k travel discount. Decisions, decisions......
Had my consultation today and will be scheduling my surgery for sometime in March. Im so excited!! I spoke with the head surgeon he was really nice and assured me all would go well. Now I just have to decide on which of the surgeons I want to perform my surgery and location. I was quoted $5k, $6k or $ 8k based on the doctor. The price includes a $1k travel discount. Decisions, decisions......
What type of alopecia do you have?
Had my consultation today and will be scheduling my surgery for sometime in March. Im so excited!! I spoke with the head surgeon he was really nice and assured me all would go well. Now I just have to decide on which of the surgeons I want to perform my surgery and location. I was quoted $5k, $6k or $ 8k based on the doctor. The price includes a $1k travel discount. Decisions, decisions......

I too am considering a hair transplant please kep us posted on how things turn out!! :yep:
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My hair started shedding in December. Not just the hair on my head, but everywhere. I'd be talking to someone, start blinking, and my eyelashes would fall out. The hair on my arms and legs is very thin and sparse. On the outside, my hair looks OK for now, but I can certainly tell it is thinning. I'm not sure what to do. I had some blood tests, but everything came back normal.

A doctor I know suggested zinc, so I've been taking that every day.
My hair started shedding in December. Not just the hair on my head, but everywhere. I'd be talking to someone, start blinking, and my eyelashes would fall out. The hair on my arms and legs is very thin and sparse. On the outside, my hair looks OK for now, but I can certainly tell it is thinning. I'm not sure what to do. I had some blood tests, but everything came back normal.

A doctor I know suggested zinc, so I've been taking that every day.

I'm sorry this is happening to you. I know how scary it can be. Have you been under extreme stress in recent months or had something traumatic happen to you? My primary care physician told me that sometimes the body "resets" itself and once the hair is done shedding the growth cycle will return to normal. I don't know how true that is. I've found that sometimes doctors will make up something rather than say, " I don't know" when they don't have any answers.
I'm sorry this is happening to you. I know how scary it can be. Have you been under extreme stress in recent months or had something traumatic happen to you? My primary care physician told me that sometimes the body "resets" itself and once the hair is done shedding the growth cycle will return to normal. I don't know how true that is. I've found that sometimes doctors will make up something rather than say, " I don't know" when they don't have any answers.

I had to go back to the US because my mom had a serious health problem. I thought she was going to die and that I'd lose two parents in two years. This all happened around the same time that Comrade Orange became president, plus I was having serious money problems and was scared that I would not be able to bury my mother if she died.

Everything is fine now, but hair loss is still happening. :/
I too am considering a hair transplant please kep us posted on ho things turn out!! :yep:

Hey Ladies,

I scheduled my transplant for April 28th at their new location in Maryland. I'm so excited. For anyone interested but funds are low(you will have to pay a $1000 deposit debit or credit to book), you can apply for a care credit card for the amount of surgery. They offer a 6 month payment plan same as cash option, 18, 24 & 60 months payment option with 16% interest but no penalty if you pay off early which lessens the overall interest paid. I will be sure to post my first day pictures and experience.
Hey Ladies,

I scheduled my transplant for April 28th at their new location in Maryland. I'm so excited. For anyone interested but funds are low(you will have to pay a $1000 deposit debit or credit to book), you can apply for a care credit card for the amount of surgery. They offer a 6 month payment plan same as cash option, 18, 24 & 60 months payment option with 16% interest but no penalty if you pay off early which lessens the overall interest paid. I will be sure to post my first day pictures and experience.

@LostInAdream ...WONDERFUL!! How much is the cost and where in Maryland are you having it done?
@LostInAdream ...WONDERFUL!! How much is the cost and where in Maryland are you having it done?

@Kalia1 I was quoted at $7,000 with a $1,000 travel deduction(Im in NJ). The facility is in Bethesda, MD. They are having a special for the month of April for $6,000 with no travel deduction included because of the grand opening. I can send you the email if you're interested.
@Kalia1 I was quoted at $7,000 with a $1,000 travel deduction(Im in NJ). The facility is in Bethesda, MD. They are having a special for the month of April for $6,000 with no travel deduction included because of the grand opening. I can send you the email if you're interested.

Thank you so much for the info!
I will PM you my email address!
@LostInAdream - congratulations on your upcoming hair transplant! How exciting.

I know that you are aware of the hair transplant thread.

The goal is to have any and all hair transplant information in that thread so members considering a hair transplant will have a comprehensive repository. If you don't mind sharing as much information as you're comfortable with regarding what doctors you had consults with, the doctor you finally selected, costs, number of grafts, procedure type (FUE/FUT), in the thread it would be so helpful.
Sharing the doctor is so based on experience and results, other members will have a source for consideration.
I noticed my hair thinning and shedding, I didn't know the cause so I had blood work done recently and my ferritin level was 18 and my % ferritin saturation was 10%. I'm on prescription iron tablets now and I have to recheck my levels in 6 months. I'm hoping the iron tablets will stop the shedding and that my hair will start filling back in. I've decided to also give up relaxing and using direct heat on my hair. I hope to be back in stride again by Dec.
It's now been about eight months since my hair started falling out. It's on/off -- some days or weeks are better than others. I haven't changed much -- I haven't cut my hair because I thought if I went with a twa that it would look even more obvious. It feels like my hair texture changed and has gone to "cotton" or something different, and it's much thinner.

To quote Allandra, "I'm not my hair" but it still hurts, because my hair was always my best feature. And it's also my eyebrows and eyelashes too.
It's now been about eight months since my hair started falling out. It's on/off -- some days or weeks are better than others. I haven't changed much -- I haven't cut my hair because I thought if I went with a twa that it would look even more obvious. It feels like my hair texture changed and has gone to "cotton" or something different, and it's much thinner.

To quote Allandra, "I'm not my hair" but it still hurts, because my hair was always my best feature. And it's also my eyebrows and eyelashes too.

I'm sorry this is happening to you :( the full effects of stress can take a while to show and even longer to reverse. I remember it once took me a full year for my roots to re-thicken a few years ago. I recently applied for grad school and my hair loss was insane (golf/tennis ball every 1 - 2 weeks) and my texture has changed as well; its more droopy. The shedding is slowing down naturally but I'm also moving to a vegetarian diet, taking more supps, and really focusing on my mental and scalp health (playing an instrument, gentle exfoliation, massages, frequent rinses, etc). Also I see you're in the UK, hows the water where you're at? The last time I was there it was tough on my system (very hard water) and I could definitely feel a change in my digestion and my skin/hair.
I'm sorry this is happening to you :( the full effects of stress can take a while to show and even longer to reverse. I remember it once took me a full year for my roots to re-thicken a few years ago. I recently applied for grad school and my hair loss was insane (golf/tennis ball every 1 - 2 weeks) and my texture has changed as well; its more droopy. The shedding is slowing down naturally but I'm also moving to a vegetarian diet, taking more supps, and really focusing on my mental and scalp health (playing an instrument, gentle exfoliation, massages, frequent rinses, etc). Also I see you're in the UK, hows the water where you're at? The last time I was there it was tough on my system (very hard water) and I could definitely feel a change in my digestion and my skin/hair.

Thank you so much for your kind comments. :)

My texture changed too -- my curl pattern lessened, my hair is less thick, and it just seemed sad. I'm focusing on health too! I'm taking a new supplement as well as using the old ones.

I have soft water where I live, which comes from Wales. It's good water. My in-laws have hard water. I always take water when I visit them. :look:
While my hair isn't in the best condition of my life and my battle with Hyperthyroidism (caused by Graves' Disease), Celiac Disease and stress itself has taken its toll on my locs, I have finally started to see results from the TLS (TLC... what the hell is TLS? I am sure it means something ... LOL) I have been giving it. I wash with Wen Pomegrante, and Deep condition alternately with Alter Ego Garlic Deep Conditioner and Miss Jessies Rapid Recovery Masque. I leave it on for an hour and rinse my hair every two weeks. I can't be in it as much as I used to be and for the most part, I don't want to. It stresses me to think about it. So I reduce my stress by not. I have been keeping it simple. My shedding is less. I blow dry it or wear it out. Yet, in between my hair styles, I leave it alone.
While my hair isn't in the best condition of my life and my battle with Hyperthyroidism (caused by Graves' Disease), Celiac Disease and stress itself has taken its toll on my locs, I have finally started to see results from the TLS (TLC... what the hell is TLS? I am sure it means something ... LOL) I have been giving it. I wash with Wen Pomegrante, and Deep condition alternately with Alter Ego Garlic Deep Conditioner and Miss Jessies Rapid Recovery Masque. I leave it on for an hour and rinse my hair every two weeks. I can't be in it as much as I used to be and for the most part, I don't want to. It stresses me to think about it. So I reduce my stress by not. I have been keeping it simple. My shedding is less. I blow dry it or wear it out. Yet, in between my hair styles, I leave it alone.
@JJamiah - you are right to not stress over your hair. As much as we all want a head full of long, thick, luscious hair, it just may not be His plan for us. However, His blessings are manifested in ways, other than through hair. :smile:
I think I know why my hair began to thin.

I have eczema, asthma and other inflammatory disorders of different intensities. When I get stressed, it manifest itself in my my body. Usually get flaky and dry. This bout of stress I going myself getting a painful tender scalp at the back and top of my head . I couldn't even touch it and parting my hair bought tears to my eyes
It took me a while to connect the pain I was getting in my scalp with the hair loss because it would take 2-3 weeks to be noticeable.
Meditation for the stress snd anxiety has helped my overall health. I started using a steroid foam which im not sure actually did anything for the inflammation. It contain a lot of alcohol bit. I stopped using commercial natural products because if I happened to be having an allergic reaction as well I was having an allergic reaction I couldn't test which ingredient was causing it.
I also used an Ayurvedic henna hair oil that I made myself. It smells like rancid onions. I can't believe I'm saying this but I but I believe this was thr most beneficial thing Ive been doing.

Ive uploaded some pictures. Apologies for the quality but they're all I've got. These are about 4 month's apart. In the both I have Marley twists which I've worn for on and off for years with no issues ( so I don't think they're a culprit?) I still have some work to do but I'm getting closer


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Is anyone taking any new supplements? I started Pantogar in September, but on the website it says it takes three months to start working.
Is anyone taking any new supplements? I started Pantogar in September, but on the website it says it takes three months to start working.

Have you noticed any changes to your hair during the first month? I just watched some YouTube videos about it. Some had positive results.
Have you noticed any changes to your hair during the first month? I just watched some YouTube videos about it. Some had positive results.

Nothing yet. I heard about it on YouTube too. Since I live in the UK and we don't sell Pantogar here, I had to order it through some website based in Germany/Austria. I got 3 months and 3 weeks worth.

I'm also taking: Collagen, Hylurolic Acid, and MSM (on/off since 2010 but daily now). I'm also using that wild hair growth oil thing that there was a thread about on Off Topic.
Hi all --- I'm new to this side of the hair care forum. About a couple of weeks ago I was diagnosed with alopecia in the back of my head and traction hair loss in the front of my hair. I'm new to this journey and not sure where to go from here. I received steroid injections all across my hair line so I'm praying this will help revive the hair follicles. Any other things you can suggest will be very helpful!
Hi all --- I'm new to this side of the hair care forum. About a couple of weeks ago I was diagnosed with alopecia in the back of my head and traction hair loss in the front of my hair. I'm new to this journey and not sure where to go from here. I received steroid injections all across my hair line so I'm praying this will help revive the hair follicles. Any other things you can suggest will be very helpful!
Hi there!
Can you start incorporating scalp massages into your routine? I use an oil blend of jbco, cedarwood, rosemary, peppermint, tea tree, and lavender. Thyme is good too.
It works really well. I do this daily
Hi ladies!
I started using MN 7 day cream mixed with Motions hair and scalp hairdressing. It’s been about 5 Days so far. I don’t know if the headache I got was from stress, caffeine, or the MN. That was on the second day of use. Haven’t had any issues since then, so I will assume it was stress and not having any coffee that day.
I apply it early in the morning, and massage my scalp. I m&s and wear my hair in a bun.
I will wash my hair tomorrow and take pics of my crown area. I’m also starting the inversion method over again.