Metformin is Making Me Go Bald


New Member
I am literally on the brink of tears.

I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes this past July and was immediately started on metformin 500mg 2x a day. I thought everything was fine up until the beginning of August I noticed my hair was shedding alot. I mean tufts of hair whenever I was combing.
So I did every treatment in the book I could think of, garlic, aphogee 2 step protein, keeping my hair up.

To give a little background on my hair. I was about 3 inches from APL in July when the shedding started I thought I should cut it a lil and maybe that would help, so I cut it to the base of my neck. My hair was still falling out. I mean long strands with the bulb. Now my hair is collar bone/sL. I didn't think anything of the shedding because it is starting to slow down a lil (a lil), and I see my hair is still growing. I usually have my hair in a protective style, and yesterday I put it in a bun and my mom mentioned that my temple seemed thin. I looked and I assumed it was cause I didn't smooth my hair enough. Well this morning I woke up to take a closer look and as I am seperating the hair at my temples I am definitely balding. There is about a spot on the inside where the hair is so short that you can't even grab it. I put some l'huille maskreti (haitian castor oil) and hope this will save it.

I don't know what to do. My hair was showing such promise after all the years of mistreating it for something like medication to retard all my efforts.
Anyone else experience this or know what to do. I read online some people have experienced this and it could be my B12 that is low. I am just so frustrated right now.
Did you talk to your doc about it. Sounds like you need to go to an endocrinologist. Metformin actually helps women with PCOS grow hair. It sounds like you may have some other issues going on. Are you on BC too?
The medication can be the problem along with diabetes itself. Diabetes runs rampant in my family and many of the women lost their hair due to not keeping their sugar levels under control and the many medications. I can't stay on met long enough to tell.
Ahhh sweety, My heart goes out to u, Plz let me help you......No i dont think its the metfor. literally making ur hair Fall out but that doesnt mean U have to stay with that name brand. U can ask the MD for a change if u like. Diabetics often go through many different brands before they find the one that really work. Metfor. is just one of the popular ones.
Are u doing ACCU checks?
Remember what the MD told you sweety...out of control blood sugar will effects your circulation starting form the head(effects the hair) hand and feet(numbness and tinging) then works its way in effecting everything. Ask the MD for an A1C. You need to know how well ur doing on blood sugar control. HTH. Take care love.
Did you talk to your doc about it. Sounds like you need to go to an endocrinologist. Metformin actually helps women with PCOS grow hair. It sounds like you may have some other issues going on. Are you on BC too?

I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS, although it has passed through my mind and my bestie has it, and I think I have some symptoms. I am not on BC. I don't have insurance so I go to the public clinic and gettin an appointment there takes forever...but I will still try.
my levels are more regulated now. When I was diagnosed after being rushed to the hospital with sugar levels in the 700s( My mom is diabetic and has a meter, and God saved me from a coma), it is now in the 100-118.

I am due for a follow-up to see how everything is working. I hope its nothing more serious. Thanks for the love.
I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS, although it has passed through my mind and my bestie has it, and I think I have some symptoms. I am not on BC. I don't have insurance so I go to the public clinic and gettin an appointment there takes forever...but I will still try.

I'm sorry I can't be of more help. Saw palmetto helps some people, but don't try that until you get a clear idea of what's happening.
Hmmm, how high were your blood glucose levels? Did you have a fasting or postprandial blood glucose test?
Was metformin the first medication the md placed you on?
Ask your md about a class of medications called Sulfonylureas, ie,Glucotrol, Amaryl,etc. These used to be first line but they may have changed the guidelines.
Since you have Type 2 diabetes and not type 1, this can be controlled through a strict diet and exercise. Check out foods that are considered high glycemic and try to limit your intake of those.
If you have a doctor like most patients I come in contact with, having hair shedding might not be enough to take you off of the medication. Some doctors are even blatant with the reasoning, 'well, would you rather have lower blood glucose and extending your life or would you rather have a little hair shedding?'
Hmmm, how high were your blood glucose levels? Did you have a fasting or postprandial blood glucose test?
Was metformin the first medication the md placed you on?
Ask your md about a class of medications called Sulfonylureas, ie,Glucotrol, Amaryl,etc. These used to be first line but they may have changed the guidelines.
Since you have Type 2 diabetes and not type 1, this can be controlled through a strict diet and exercise. Check out foods that are considered high glycemic and try to limit your intake of those.
If you have a doctor like most patients I come in contact with, having hair shedding might not be enough to take you off of the medication. Some doctors are even blatant with the reasoning, 'well, would you rather have lower blood glucose and extending your life or would you rather have a little hair shedding?'

well not to be to graphic, what made me go to the hospital was that i could not hold my urine and peed in the car. my mom was worried and checked my sugar and the machine just said HI. A few hours later it was in the 500s. I went to the er that night and was checked in at the high 300s.
I've had a fasting and it was in the 3s. Metformin was the first and only medication the doc put me on. I have been controlling my diet and exercise and honestly I haven't taken my medication in a week and have been able to keep it in the 100-118 range. When I see a doc I'll ask about the meds u named.

Off topic...bomb hair lady! LOL
Jujubelle, i'm so sorry. I'm no knowledgeable about diabetes to help there, but try coffee rinsing your hair (just plain brewed coffee, not instant), if it's not a problem with your condition, everday...put it in a spray bottle and spritz your scalp. It works wonders for shedding/tangled hair. I hope it works for you. Blessings to ya, Hon.
My sister went through this and she's of the things that helped her was getting realistic about her diet. Even though her numbers were ok, high-glycemic things were still really messing with her body chemistry, as well as gluten. So definitely take a look at your diet.

I hope you're able to figure this out though. I was going bald from medication I had to take for lupus but I've recovered (thank God!). I think if you address the medication and your diet you'll be good to go.
my levels are more regulated now. When I was diagnosed after being rushed to the hospital with sugar levels in the 700s( My mom is diabetic and has a meter, and God saved me from a coma), it is now in the 100-118.

I am due for a follow-up to see how everything is working. I hope its nothing more serious. Thanks for the love.

Oooo 700 :blush:, yes I concur "God saved you". :grin: So u have been regulating ur blood sugar, thats good butttt... the A1C blood test is what i call the "almighty truth teller." Its tell you how well you have been doing over a period of time. Oh wait, as a matter of fact, the MD will probably do that anyway at your next app.......
Hey Juju just a little FYI...... About two years ago the new regulation for normal blood sugar levels have changed....its now 70-110. In the hospital we now giving pt insulin starting at 121. Which I think it crazy but doctors are becoming more aggressive with diabetics.
So if your Blood sugar are normal, I now see why you would think its the metfor. hhmmm I dont know.....I just hate thats happening to you. :sad:
My sister went through this and she's of the things that helped her was getting realistic about her diet. Even though her numbers were ok, high-glycemic things were still really messing with her body chemistry, as well as gluten. So definitely take a look at your diet.

I hope you're able to figure this out though. I was going bald from medication I had to take for lupus but I've recovered (thank God!). I think if you address the medication and your diet you'll be good to go.

Good Point!!!!!!!!TIA:yep:
If you have a doctor like most patients I come in contact with, having hair shedding might not be enough to take you off of the medication. Some doctors are even blatant with the reasoning, 'well, would you rather have lower blood glucose and extending your life or would you rather have a little hair shedding?'

Yup this is what my docs tell me. I was on multiple chemo and anti-rejection transplant drugs at the same time for an over active immune system that just won't quit. On top of that I am on high doses of steroids. All of these drugs have taken a massive toll on my hair! It's so brittle and sheds so much, I am left with half the thickness. When I tell my docs about the shedding they make me feel like I am just being vain.

My hair doesn't appear to be very thin, my temples thinned out a lot and I can see hairs sprouting trying to grow back and then they just shed again! I shed newly grown hairs!! The one thing I have learned is that this type of shedding from meds cannot be treated from the outside. I have tried all the topical treatments in the world ,it seems, to stop shedding to no avail. I eat right now and try to drink lots of water and keep my scalp clean and free of debris to try and help offset some of the shedding. I am playing with my meds to try to get on something less extreme but it seems that all meds for my condition wreak havoc on the hair. Good luck to you, I feel your pain:yep:.
I'm a diabetic and I have PCOS, when I noticed my shredding, and facial hair growth, my doctor placed me Spironolactone (sp?). I made a world of difference, but I too suggest going to see an endocrinologist...
Sorry to hear about everything. I'm glad you're getting you blood sugar under control. I take Metformin too, but I haven't noticed any additional thinning. I am 4a/b relaxed with fine hair/medium density so I am extra careful with stretching relaxers and avoiding a lot of manipulation. I have read that Metformin can cause vitamin B12 deficiency. So it may not hurt to take a supplement. I buy the liquid form (that is supposed to be the most absorbable) from Target for about $6 and it last about 1 1/2 months. Here are some links about B12 deficiency in Metformin users:
Yup this is what my docs tell me. I was on multiple chemo and anti-rejection transplant drugs at the same time for an over active immune system that just won't quit. On top of that I am on high doses of steroids. All of these drugs have taken a massive toll on my hair! It's so brittle and sheds so much, I am left with half the thickness. When I tell my docs about the shedding they make me feel like I am just being vain.

My hair doesn't appear to be very thin, my temples thinned out a lot and I can see hairs sprouting trying to grow back and then they just shed again! I shed newly grown hairs!! The one thing I have learned is that this type of shedding from meds cannot be treated from the outside. I have tried all the topical treatments in the world ,it seems, to stop shedding to no avail. I eat right now and try to drink lots of water and keep my scalp clean and free of debris to try and help offset some of the shedding. I am playing with my meds to try to get on something less extreme but it seems that all meds for my condition wreak havoc on the hair. Good luck to you, I feel your pain:yep:.

I work with pts on oral and intravenous chemo and they have some very disheartening side effects. They call me and ask me what they can do about their hair, nails, skin, etc, because their doctors tell them basically to suck it up and enjoy life:nono:
I am deb.. and take metaformin , in May 2009 I lost all of my hair, I think it was a cobination of too much protein and doing to much to my hair, it growing back after 4 months progess. As for Metformin, I not sure of any hair issues just that it mess with my digestive system an make feel sick to my stomach most of the time , my doctor just chaged medication I will talk on tomorrow, so I see if their a difference in my hair and report back to you. Sorry I amout your hair loss.
Sorry to hear about everything. I'm glad you're getting you blood sugar under control. I take Metformin too, but I haven't noticed any additional thinning. I am 4a/b relaxed with fine hair/medium density so I am extra careful with stretching relaxers and avoiding a lot of manipulation. I have read that Metformin can cause vitamin B12 deficiency. So it may not hurt to take a supplement. I buy the liquid form (that is supposed to be the most absorbable) from Target for about $6 and it last about 1 1/2 months. Here are some links about B12 deficiency in Metformin users:

Thanks for the links.
I am deb.. and take metaformin , in May 2009 I lost all of my hair, I think it was a cobination of too much protein and doing to much to my hair, it growing back after 4 months progess. As for Metformin, I not sure of any hair issues just that it mess with my digestive system an make feel sick to my stomach most of the time , my doctor just chaged medication I will talk on tomorrow, so I see if their a difference in my hair and report back to you. Sorry I amout your hair loss.

Met made me feel sick too when I first got on it. and I felt like a zombie walking because my energy was almost non existent.
Oooo 700 :blush:, yes I concur "God saved you". :grin: So u have been regulating ur blood sugar, thats good butttt... the A1C blood test is what i call the "almighty truth teller." Its tell you how well you have been doing over a period of time. Oh wait, as a matter of fact, the MD will probably do that anyway at your next app.......
Hey Juju just a little FYI...... About two years ago the new regulation for normal blood sugar levels have changed....its now 70-110. In the hospital we now giving pt insulin starting at 121. Which I think it crazy but doctors are becoming more aggressive with diabetics.
So if your Blood sugar are normal, I now see why you would think its the metfor. hhmmm I dont know.....I just hate thats happening to you. :sad:

yeah it is unfortunate. but hopefully I will have an answer soon.