No Heat Challenge Anyone?


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone!

I’m a member from eons ago making a re-entry. Is anyone interested in a no heat challenge from January 1 - December 1 2018?

I have already started on November 1 but failed to take before pics! So I’ll straighten my hair, take pics and restart if I get people to join me.

My main reason for this is because last year I successfully passed BSL and was on my way to waist length. My regimen at that time consisted of blow drying twice per month and yet i still passed BSL. (I know I know, that’s a horrific amount of heat) Once i passed BSL I did something stupid and put color in my hair and it DESTROYED IT! I got a hair cut in October and am now starting over at APL (I think it may be longer than that by now though.)

Anyway, if i can achieve BSL with frequent blow drying, and no real regimen I’m sure i can do it again plus more with no heat and more care.

I have restarted my healthy hair regimen and given up the blow dryer. I’m deep conditioning weekly and using low manipulation. My ends are still colored so i am being very careful with protecting them and keeping them moisturized. The colored ends are very dry.

The protein and moisture balance is also off with my hair at the moment. I’m incorporating frequent mild protein treatments to correct what the color destroyed. The protein is helping to slow the breakage. All this coupled with the no-heat has already resulted in retaining half an inch since November 1.

Anyone interested in joining me? I just want to give others a chance to capitalize on this so I’m not the only one who benefits from this. If people join I’ll edit this post with rules and suggestions on how to style through the year.

Let me know!

Here are the rules! This is a challenge for avoiding DIRECT HEAT. If it’s indirect heat (hooded dryer) that’s fine and if it’s direct but cold (blow dryer on cool) that’s also fine also.

***you are allowed 2 heat passes during the challenge***

1. Blow drying on high heat is not allowed. You can use your blow dryer on cool and sparingly on warm.
2. Flat irons are not allowed
3. Hooded dryer is fine since that is not direct heat
4. Steamers are allowed.

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I agree with the other posters. I will need 1-2 heat passes for the year. I also steam my hair for moisture, so as long as that doesn't count as direct heat, I will be able to join.
I agree with the other posters. I will need 1-2 heat passes for the year. I also steam my hair for moisture, so as long as that doesn't count as direct heat, I will be able to join.

I'm in!
My hair texture is fine, soft, medium density, 3abc/4a, and colored.
I will use indirect heat through steam treatments and rollersets when I'm not wearing a wig.
Below is my starting pic. I'm not expecting a change in length this month, since my shorter hairs are in the catch-up phase.
I'm in. I've never used direct heat on my natural hair and I am not itching to either... so I guess it's not much of a challenge for me, but I would still like to join anyway. Who knows, I might get an itch to use heat 2018 and this challenge will be here to steer me away (hopefully).
I am in I only use direct heat about 2 a month, but can do without it since I have been wearing buns and then will be roller sitting when not wearing buns! I am relaxed and at CBL striving for BSL by the end of Dec 2018.
Glad to see people joining! Dont forget to post before pics to mark your starting point!
It's been years since I used heat. At least 5 years. I can join this challenge too.
I will post a picture whenever I take my braids out.
I'm In!

I'm natural with 3c/4a, Fine textured, Low Porosity S-Shaped Curls. These are my starting pics. These are from my recent blow-out.
IMG-1160.JPG IMG-1161.JPG

I plan to use my heat passes specifically to trim/access my progress.

I will do my first heat pass mid-year June 2018 (blow out only) and my Second will be December 2018 (blow out/flat iron) to see if my goal was reached (Full WL, inching towards HL).

I wear wigs 95% of the time, so I will protective styling my way through this challenge.

I'm excited ladies. We are going to rock this!! :love:
Ooooohhhhh, where is everybody at lol. I'm still not using heat, but ooh I wanted to flat iron my hair so badly this week. It would have been a total waste of time, since I'm working out on a regular basis. I hope everyone is doing well. January is almost over.
Ooooohhhhh, where is everybody at lol. I'm still not using heat, but ooh I wanted to flat iron my hair so badly this week. It would have been a total waste of time, since I'm working out on a regular basis. I hope everyone is doing well. January is almost over.
Because everybody who joined this challenge doesn’t use heat, so it really wasn’t much of a challenge..smh..
Because everybody who joined this challenge doesn’t use heat, so it really wasn’t much of a challenge..smh..
LOL! This is true.

Not much to update... still not using heat. When you’ve never used direct heat on your natural hair the temptation is little to none— I intend on keeping it that way.