The "Black" Rogaine.................... Regrow?


Future ESQ. w/nice hair:)
Good Morning,

My friend is experiencing stress related balding. She was told about a product called REGROW. You are supposedly able to find it in the local BS. It is suppose to be a "BLACK" Rogaine. Has anyone ever heard of this stuff..............................if so pros and cons. Any help is much appreciated:).

Thanks in advance:)
I saw Regrow a few months back and the ingredients read almost exactly like 2% Rogaine. With any Rogaine type product, once you start using it, you are stuck using it for life or until the come up with something to take its place. I've beaten alopecia and my advice to your friend is to go to a good dermatologist quickly! The longer she waits and fools around with OTC products the longer and harder it will be for her hair to grow back.
there is something cheaper than Regrow and Rogaine...called Minoval..i think it has the same main ingredient that the both of them have in comes in a orange packaging..its about 2.00 to 5.00 at a little small bottle with a dropper to it...
vickid said:
I saw Regrow a few months back and the ingredients read almost exactly like 2% Rogaine. With any Rogaine type product, once you start using it, you are stuck using it for life or until the come up with something to take its place. I've beaten alopecia and my advice to your friend is to go to a good dermatologist quickly! The longer she waits and fools around with OTC products the longer and harder it will be for her hair to grow back.

Does your hair fall out once you stop using it?
Thank you ladies for the advice.

Whenever she gets stressed out her hair does that; I told her about Surge and even the infamous mtg. I think she is desperate:(. Thanks again for the advice. Are there any other side effects for these types of products?
I've said this b4 and I will say this again. Could be a rare occurrence, BUT for me......... UNWANTED HAIR---- like FACIAL HAIR & increased body hair. My arms and legs made me look like a wolf! Mind you I hardly ever have to shave b/c the hair on my legs are usually not THAT noticeable. Okay I'm exaggerating (just a bit), but I definitely had noticeable hair esp. on my face since I usually have NONE whatsoever. I took a pic of my face when I was using it to see and I cried. :( It was so bad to me that I deleted the pic. Anyway, the hair wasn't coarse, but it was longer. I had mustache and hair on my cheeks. ( I wish I had kept the pic to show) I hated rubbing my face and feeling hair. Ugh!

Anyway, it cleared up after I stopped using it. So all is well now. :)
vaqtea said:
Does your hair fall out once you stop using it?

I've stopped using it periodically and my hair hasn't fallen out. However, I replaced it by using the essential oils for hair regrowth. Your friend might also check out using Retin A gel and Rogaine. It also works and provides much faster results.

Yes, Rogaine does make hair grow on your face but that can easily be taken care of via waxing or shaving. The bottom line for me was that hair was growing back on my head