the top of my hair


Active Member
He I have a bad hair cut and awful layers and my hair would be so pretty if i didnt get it trimmed. The back is excellent!:grin: But the top is in so many layers its a HOTT MESS:lachen:Wat are somethings i can do to grow and baby my hair especially the top. Oh and I think my edges are thinning from LAce wigs (just the lace i dont glue or tape). Im 4b natural, its almost shoulder length but those ugly layers make me look bald:nono:. I wear wigs 99% of the time but i need help give me protective styles ideas products growth aids any advice u can! Thanks
thanks for bumping for me, I decided I was doing two strand natural twists! I need any advice I can get like what to put on them daily and how long is too long to keep them in