2022 Christian Random Thoughts - It’s All About Trust in Jesus


Rabbi Jonathan Kahn
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Shalom, to you my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission...

Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah-from the LORD out of the heavens.Gen.19:24

Genesis 18 and 19 record the judgment and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah - cities so evil that their inhabitants attempted to rape the angels sent to them. The Bible records the judgment - fire rains down from the sky and the cities are destroyed.

Of course, modern scholars and critics of the Bible believe the account to be a myth and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah an event that never took place. And there has never been any remnant of any city that would fit the description of the account... until now.

The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah would have been located in the region of the Dead Sea. Seven miles northeast of the Dead Sea is a city called Tall el-Hamman.

It has in recent times been the focus of an extensive multi-national archaeological excavation. Those involved in the excavation included archaeologists, geologists, geochemists, geomorphologists, mineralogists, paleobotanists, sedimentologists, medical doctors, and cosmic-impact experts.

After fifteen excavations, the team published its conclusions. The conclusions were stunning.

They placed the city about 3,600 years ago, which is within the generally accepted time period of Sodom and Gomorrah. What they found, set apart the ruins from virtually any other city ever excavated. They came to the conclusion that the city was destroyed - suddenly, violently, cataclysmically.

How was it destroyed? Fire from the sky. The blast was so great that the scientists likened it to that of an atomic bomb. In fact they believe that the force of the blast was greater than the atomic bomb of Hiroshima... a thousand times greater - or the equivalent of a thousand atomic bombs!

The force that destroyed the city was so powerful that the temperature of the air rose above 3,600 Fahrenheit. Mudbrick houses, clay vessels, swords, shields, and spears began to melt.

According to the scientists, none of the estimated 8,000 people or animals within the city survived, just as in the account of Genesis.

In fact, it appears that wood and small plants were blasted into tiny diamond-like structures. Other finds indicated the melting of elements that require temperatures of 4,435% Fahrenheit!

As for the vegetation, it appears to have been wiped out as it was written "and also the vegetation of the land." Further, it appears that the destruction caused the land to be covered with salt - also echoing the account in Genesis.

It is yet another example of science catching up with the Bible. And it's striking for this to be revealed in our generation. For our culture once identified with the morality of Abraham - now it identifies more with that of Sodom - and now the stones cry out, warning of judgment.

Be confident in the Word of God. In the end it will be proven true. In the meantime, live by it, stand by it, and overcome by it.

And May God greatly bless you this month as you do!

Your brother and co-laborer in His love and service,


See Message: Miracles in Sodom
Scripture: Isaiah 42:5

What You're Born for

Rabbi Jonathan Kahn
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

You say, it's hard to worship and pray; it's not for you.

You spend hours watching TV or on the internet, but can't spend time worshiping? Not cut out for it. If you're born again, you are born to worship.

According to I Peter, you are kohaneem, a priest. As in the Old Covenant, you are kohaneem in the New, born to worship and praise God.

Not cut out for it? No, no, you were born for it in the new birth; it's in your new nature, and your new heart.

It's more natural for you to be in His presence than watching TV; to listen to His voice than the radio; to read His word rather than that magazine, to look at Him rather than that object of lust.

You were born a royal priest to worship Him, to dwell in His glory. It's your new nature. Believe it; exercise it. Do as every priest--enter His presence, dwell in His courts, minister to your God, and you will find the joy and desire of your heart because the priests, the kohaneem, are called to worship. It's the very thing they were born to fulfill.

From Message #647 - The Genesi of The Kohanim
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9

TODAY'S MISSION - Remove obstacles stopping you from learning what it feels like to be in His presence the whole day - sing His praises, talk to Him, find your joy there. You will find the secret of His blessings.

We were talking about this in my bible study - how all of the old testament is built on how your actions could make you ceremonially unclean. Touching a dead body - unclean, touching blood - unclean, touching, eating certain animals - unclean. Your very contact with something unclean made you unclean. But for Jesus, the Holy one, if he touched you, your uncleanness didn't make him unclean. He made you clean - the very reverse of what was "natural" according to the Old Testament.
Didn't want to force my beliefs in the secular forum on the Sister Wives but Meri's sadness is her conscience. Their lifestyle is heretical to the Christian faith. I pray all of them will find their way out of that disaster and find true freedom by following what the faith teaches - the actual faith.

Love Song

"He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing." - Zephaniah 3:17

Today's Scripture & Insight: Zephaniah 3:9–17

It’s a quiet riverside park on a Saturday afternoon. Joggers pass by, fishing rods whirl, seagulls fight over fish and chip wrappers, and my wife and I sit watching the couple. They are maybe in their late forties and are speaking a language unknown to us. She sits gazing into his eyes while he, without a hint of self-consciousness, sings to her a love song in his own tongue, carried on the breeze for us all to hear.

This delightful act got me thinking about the book of Zephaniah. At first you might wonder why. In Zephaniah’s day, God’s people had become corrupt by bowing to false gods (1:4–5), and Israel’s prophets and priests were now arrogant and profane (3:4). For much of the book, Zephaniah declares God’s coming judgment on not just Israel but all the nations of the earth (v. 8).

Yet Zephaniah foresees something else. Out of that dark day will emerge a people who wholeheartedly love God (vv. 9–13). To these people God will be like a bridegroom who delights in His beloved: “In his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing” (v. 17).
Creator, Father, Warrior, Judge. Scripture uses many titles for God. But how many of us see God as a Singer with a love song for us on His lips?

By: Sheridan Voysey

Reflect & Pray​

How do you normally picture God—as Creator, Father, Warrior, or something else? How might your life change if you were to think of God as Lover, and yourself as His beloved?
Great Singer, I delight in Your singing over me.
Listen closely.

Jesus' love does not depend upon what we do for him. Not at all.

In the eyes of the King, you have value simply because you are. You don't have to look nice or perform well. Your value is inborn.


Think about that for just a minute. You are valuable just because you exist. Not because of what you do or what you have done, but simply because you are.

Remember that.

Max Lucado
Christian Ministries
We were talking about this in my bible study - how all of the old testament is built on how your actions could make you ceremonially unclean. Touching a dead body - unclean, touching blood - unclean, touching, eating certain animals - unclean. Your very contact with something unclean made you unclean. But for Jesus, the Holy one, if he touched you, your uncleanness didn't make him unclean. He made you clean - the very reverse of what was "natural" according to the Old Testament.

Love Song

"He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing." - Zephaniah 3:17

Today's Scripture & Insight: Zephaniah 3:9–17

It’s a quiet riverside park on a Saturday afternoon. Joggers pass by, fishing rods whirl, seagulls fight over fish and chip wrappers, and my wife and I sit watching the couple. They are maybe in their late forties and are speaking a language unknown to us. She sits gazing into his eyes while he, without a hint of self-consciousness, sings to her a love song in his own tongue, carried on the breeze for us all to hear.

This delightful act got me thinking about the book of Zephaniah. At first you might wonder why. In Zephaniah’s day, God’s people had become corrupt by bowing to false gods (1:4–5), and Israel’s prophets and priests were now arrogant and profane (3:4). For much of the book, Zephaniah declares God’s coming judgment on not just Israel but all the nations of the earth (v. 8).

Yet Zephaniah foresees something else. Out of that dark day will emerge a people who wholeheartedly love God (vv. 9–13). To these people God will be like a bridegroom who delights in His beloved: “In his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing” (v. 17).
Creator, Father, Warrior, Judge. Scripture uses many titles for God. But how many of us see God as a Singer with a love song for us on His lips?

By: Sheridan Voysey

Reflect & Pray​

How do you normally picture God—as Creator, Father, Warrior, or something else? How might your life change if you were to think of God as Lover, and yourself as His beloved?
Great Singer, I delight in Your singing over me.
So Beautiful…
Didn't want to force my beliefs in the secular forum on the Sister Wives but Meri's sadness is her conscience. Their lifestyle is heretical to the Christian faith. I pray all of them will find their way out of that disaster and find true freedom by following what the faith teaches - the actual faith.
Although I’m unfamiliar with all of the details of the show, I’m happy that you opened my eyes to this. You made a very vital and powerful statement regarding this show and it’s issues. Thank you so much for this. :yep:
This morning I had my usual talk with the Lord and I asked Him why did He bother to create mankind since He knew in advance how wicked we would be. His response to me was "because of you." This made me cry.

Permanent Address

Psalm 27:1-6
Not long ago we moved to a new home just a short distance from our old one. Despite the close proximity, we still needed to load all of our belongings onto a moving truck because of the timing of the financial transactions. Between the sale and purchase, our furnishings stayed on the truck and our family found temporary lodging. During that time, I was surprised to discover how “at home” I felt despite the displacement from our physical home—simply because I was with those I love most: my family.

For part of his life, David lacked a physical home. He lived life on the run from King Saul. As David was God’s appointed successor to the throne, Saul perceived him as a threat and sought to kill him. David fled his home and slept wherever he found shelter. Though he had companions with him, David’s most earnest desire was to “dwell in the house of the Lord”—to enjoy permanent fellowship with Him (Psalm 27:4).

Jesus is our constant companion, our sense of “home” no matter where we are. He’s with us in our present troubles and even prepares a place for us to live with Him forever (John 14:3). Despite the uncertainty and change we might experience as citizens of this earth, we can dwell permanently in our fellowship with Him every day and everywhere.

By: Kirsten Holmberg
May God give us the grace, power, and courage to choose life under all circumstances.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (New International Version)
(19) This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live (20) and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
It feels very surreal to be revisiting Christianity after cutting ties with all 8 years ago. There’s still so many questions and concerns and truly wondering if I can live such a life. I learned a lot about myself, past and values. Joining a church seems very aspirational but I am watching a local church weekly. My desires of marriage and life focus esp career as I feel if I can’t have marriage at least let me be wealthy so I can take care of self as I don’t have family is a heavy thing. Praying and studying the Bible seem fluid instantly. I feel pretty isolated w the pandemic and even more now but just needed to share.
@Plushottie, welcome back. Don't strive. Start with honest, raw, real prayer (Psalm 62:8) and reading the Bible (John 8:31-32). Humbly invite Holy Spirit to teach you (Psalm 25, John 16:7-14)) and let Him show you what is true and real and valuable. Worship King Jesus because when this life is over, worship will remain (Revelation 4:8-11). Christianity is a big name for turning to Christ (which involves turning your back on sin), getting to know and trust Him, following Him and allowing Him to love you. And doing it daily.

I pray that God renews and restores you. God bless.
I’m not sure if this is the place to ask but I need prayer. My depression has hit me hard this time and hits even more as I’m trying to pick my walk with God after 8yrs. My heart won’t let me be sappy and pushes hard on having faith. I don’t need flogging as I do that to self well. I’m studying my bible and prayer journaling a first in life, but this whole community stuff is lost on me.
@Plushottie through the blood of Jesus the past is gone and no longer has a hold of you. In the mighty name of Jesus, you will know the love, blessing, freedom and joy of King Jesus. It is for freedom that Christ has set you free (Galatians 5:1).
The Lord rejoices over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). He loves you with an everlasting love. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Let His Word fill your heart and mind and spirit.
I will continue to pray for you.
May God bless and keep you in the palm of His hand (John 10:28).
@Plushottie through the blood of Jesus the past is gone and no longer has a hold of you. In the mighty name of Jesus, you will know the love, blessing, freedom and joy of King Jesus. It is for freedom that Christ has set you free (Galatians 5:1).
The Lord rejoices over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). He loves you with an everlasting love. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Let His Word fill your heart and mind and spirit.
I will continue to pray for you.
May God bless and keep you in the palm of His hand (John 10:28).
Thank you so very much.
The Lord used people who were imperfect in mighty ways like Paul and I know the word is timeless but I wonder if I’m too far gone to be used profoundly. I want to have faith as it’s the only way to please God. I want to pray for major things like Elijah did praying for no rain and it stopped for 3 yrs. I wonder if my hesitation is knowing that God can but having experienced so much that didn’t. Just a true random thought
The Lord used people who were imperfect in mighty ways like Paul and I know the word is timeless but I wonder if I’m too far gone to be used profoundly. I want to have faith as it’s the only way to please God. I want to pray for major things like Elijah did praying for no rain and it stopped for 3 yrs. I wonder if my hesitation is knowing that God can but having experienced so much that didn’t. Just a true random thought
God is able and He is no respecter of persons. You know what they say - God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called.
@Plushottie, welcome back. Don't strive. Start with honest, raw, real prayer (Psalm 62:8) and reading the Bible (John 8:31-32). Humbly invite Holy Spirit to teach you (Psalm 25, John 16:7-14)) and let Him show you what is true and real and valuable. Worship King Jesus because when this life is over, worship will remain (Revelation 4:8-11). Christianity is a big name for turning to Christ (which involves turning your back on sin), getting to know and trust Him, following Him and allowing Him to love you. And doing it daily.

I pray that God renews and restores you. God bless.
Congratulations, @blessedandfavoured. Look at you ministering to others as Christ has ministered to you. Continue in your purpose and may God bless you abundantly.