April 2019: What's On Sale This Month? Hair, Bath, Beauty

Wasn't asked but my faves are:
Marshmallow Herbal Hair Cream
Marula Marrow Hair Cream
Pomegranate Pear Hydrating Spray
Cranberry Cream Hair Cocktail
Coco Creme Leave On Conditioner
Avocado Moisturizing Conditioner
Papaya Ultra Nourishing Conditioner

Thank you! I purchased the Papaya mask, okra reconstructor, marshmallow melt, and royal honey mask. The blueberry cowash was sold out.
Oyin Handmade = Free Shipping (No Code/No Minimum Purchase)

Alikay Naturals = All 8oz Products $10.00

Mielle Organics = All Products 30% Off (No Code Needed) @Aggie

Camille Rose Naturals = All Products $10.00 w/$1.00 Shipping US

Carol's Daughter = B1G1 Free (Join and get an additional 20%)

SherTerra Organics = 30% APR2019
It's on the homepage, but it scrolls by pretty fast. I had to keep scrolling back to it, to see the full info lol.

I just realized why I missed the sample sale earlier this month. The message went to my spam folder :(

SN: The homepage has an ad saying "The best darn moisturizers for dry, thirsty hair. Period". That sounds super similar to the Miss Jessie's taglines. It's weird to see QB doing that.
It's on the homepage, but it scrolls by pretty fast. I had to keep scrolling back to it, to see the full info lol.

I just realized why I missed the sample sale earlier this month. The message went to my spam folder :(

SN: The homepage has an ad saying "The best darn moisturizers for dry, thirsty hair. Period". That sounds super similar to the Miss Jessie's taglines. It's weird to see QB doing that.
That’s been QB slogan for awhile

@IDareT'sHair it’s been a Minute since i saw 25%. I love me some QB. I gotta scoop me some Of everything.
@prettyinpurple @rileypak @shawnyblazes
Doesn't QB always have a 25% Spring Sale? :look:

Why are ya'll surprised? Or am I missing something?:eek:

OT: I'm tryna' figure out if I want a 16oz BRBC b/up.
The ad does say annual, but I didn't recall it. I usually stock up on Black Friday I think, maybe that's why I forgot about this one. QB is spoiling us with sales. Nice.

I think they're just excited for the sale lol :lachen: