Hair vows 2023

Well-Known Member
Hello ladies,

This thread is to help remind you (and me) that there is optimal way that your hair prefers to be treated, and to encourage you to be consistent with that in 2023!

There are a few prompts bolded, but feel free to share whatever you like.

What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?

As for me, I am going back to what works the best for me - foreal this time. I've been saying this for the past three years, and at some point I stop doing what's best in the name of style, then at the end of the year I always tell myself "if only I had stuck with what works best throughout the whole year, I'd be farther". I had a reality check earlier today when I reported that I retained from BSB to BSL this year. Yes, I am greatful,. I am not doing this to myself for another year.

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:

Long term protective styling + scalp massage have made the most difference and allowed me to grow passed my hair plateau, and that's what i'll be committing to for at least 10 months out of the year.

Hair vows for 2023:
  • keep cornwows in for 3 months, crochet over them, change crochet after 6 weeks
  • by 3 months take down hair, detangle, shampoo, deep condition, dust or trim before getting cornrows again
  • shampoo monthly
  • scalp massage + moisturize and oil hair daily
Hair goal photo from the archive:

I'm adding this old photo from October 27, 2018 to remind me where I go if I am faithful to my vows.

Your turn. :)

What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:

Hair vows for 2023:

Hair goal from the archive:
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What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?
  1. Pre-pooing with warm oil on dirty dry hair to remove shedded hair to gently begin the detangling and braid take down process.
  2. Deeply moisturizing hair with flax seed gel combination or an aloe vera combination.
  3. Washing hair with baby shampoo and oiling/oil rinse immediately after wash to avoid velcro ends.
  4. Adding Shea butter (1 tablespoon before melting it) to my deep conditioner along with honey and oil.
  5. Deep conditioning with heat or a heating cap of some kind.
  6. Giving my complete attention to my hair and allotting the time, with a positive mindset, to do my hair with enjoyment and respect.

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:
  1. Emulsify pure Shea butter on hands and place on freshly washed and conditioned hair section.
  2. Heavily coat hair with Vaseline or a petroleum jelly equivalent.
  3. Braid up hair in a 'five-braid' bun.
  4. Roll up the ends of each braid and place a coated rubber band on balled up ends to protect ends.
  5. Spritz daily with my water bottle concoction of oil, glycerin, essential oils, conditioner and protein.
  6. Baggie hair until the next wash day.
  7. Do Aphogee 2 Step Treatment, with Amino Acids added, every 6 to 8 weeks.

Hair vows for 2023:
I promise to consistently make time for my hair on a weekly basis, in and with a Spirit of gratitude, deference and love for myself and for my hair.
When I get tired of my bun, I remind myself that this process has consistently helped me to maximize the beauty, health and length of my hair when I care for my hair attentively, conscientiously and consistently. Lastly, I remind myself that my practices work for me. When a self-proclaimed hair expert communicates or tries to shame me by stating or inferring that what I am doing to my hair is bad for the hair, I turn a deaf ear and a blind eye. I over trimmed and cut off 10 to 12 inches of my hair because someone said the ends of my hair were unattractive. I will NEVER let someone else's opinion about my hair impact my progress. That cut turned into an eight (8) year set-back as in it took me that long to get my length back. BUT, had it not been for this set-back, I would not have learned what I know today. That 'cut' was a Double Tap blessing in disguise: I got all 'fresh' new hair and I got a fresh knowledge about afro-textured hair.

Hair goal from the archive:
Shea butter has helped me reach and surpass the length of the hair pictured below. But, I chose this picture because when I first saw my hair length and thickness in this photo, it dazzled me and made me say, "Wow"! I would like to have a hair health, length and thickness I have not reached before that makes me say wow and stuns me like this photo did the first time I saw it. I want hair that makes me say, "Wow!" again.

Wow Hair Feb 2nd 2008.jpeg

Photo originally taken February 2nd, 2008.
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:amen: Love this thread!!:nicethread:

What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?
Being consistent and keeping her covered.
One flat iron for the EOTY picture

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:

PSing 99% alternating cornrows/braids and twist extension styles. Maintaining the styles for 3-4 weeks.
Wash and DC (protein + moisture) in between styles to maintain a regular DC schedule.

Hair vows for 2023:

Staying committed to the above

Hair goal from the archive:

Pre-locs, Nov 2019

My sister @MzSwift hair is so pretty like wow. Same as @Chicoro.

My vow is very simple, I will enjoy my hair this yr and not live in wigs. For over 2 decades I have dependent on wigs and now I want to get comfortable wearing my own out and even learning to style it. I would love to do ps but braids,twist, extensions don’t rock with my baby fine hair. Wearing my hair in the pic below outside last week was major.


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My sister @MzSwift hair is so pretty like wow. Same as @Chicoro.

My vow is very simple, I will enjoy my hair this yr and not live in wigs. For over 2 decades I have dependent on wigs and now I want to get comfortable wearing my own out and even learning to style it. I would love to do ps but braids,twist, extensions don’t rock with my baby fine hair. Wearing my hair in the pic below outside last week was major.
Congratulations on your accomplishment! Good for you! Yeah!!!!
What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?
Not cutting. I swear I get the itch every few months. Last a few weeks then I come back down to earth.
Keep up with my 3x a year trims at the salon

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:

Keeping it simple. Wash. Condition. Style every 5-6 days.

Hair vows for 2023:

Have more fun with my hair and don't be so worried about damage. When I'm bored with my hair I want to chop it so playing around should keep me away from scissors.
DC 2x/month and Olaplex 1x/month due to having my hair colored
No new products, only repurchasing what I've already been using this past year. It's a stretch vow.

Hair goal from the archive:
My hair is currently as long as it's ever been as an adult so only up from here..or down as in more length. Someone gets me lolol.
What are you committing to for hair health and length retention / hair vows in 2023?
  • Deep conditioning.
  • Protective styling.
What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:
  • Keeping it simple but not to the point of neglect.
Hair Vows for 2023
  • Keep hair trimmed and free of problem ends.
  • Improve overall hair health.
Hair goal photo from the archive:
  • Photo is my current length and would I’d like to at least maintain.


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What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?
To deep condition once a week and keep it protected and moisturized

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:
Keep my routine consistent, ends moisturized, and scalp clean. Low maintenance hairstyles with low manipulation.

Hair vows for 2023:
I vow to take time and be consistent with my hair care on a weekly basis, take hair vitamins, massage and workout to stimulate hair growth. I will baby my ends and trim as needed. Also only use products that I know work and I am comfortable with instead of buying the new, in or must have products. Keeping it simple!

Hair goal from the archive:

Hair goal is HL. This is my hair from 2013.. A hairdresser put protein in my hair and caused a major setback March 2022 (had to shave my hair off due to all the knotting), but it's now a little past NL and it is growing pretty fast.
Long hair.jpg
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What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?
*MBL or longer with my current thickness.
*Babysit my nape: One side broke off and the other is long. The side that I sleep on has been peeking out of my scarf at night, it's also been neglected since I never had a problem there before. But now I will moisturize/ seal it daily and wear a bonnet at night instead which sits much lower on my head and everything is covered 110%. I've also changed out my pillowcase to satin, but if I break out on my cheeks/chin I might go back to cotton unfortunately.

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:
*Washing my hair every two weeks and doing a blowout on low heat. Bun daily.
*Only using a flat iron 1x per relaxer cycle (10-12 weeks)
*Self relaxing every 10-12 weeks and staying out of the salon (except for trims).
*Trim 1/4" every relaxer.
*Catering to my hair's porosity. This revelation has given me the best hair growth/ thickness/ retention of any year (2022) while having my hair out 24-7. I have high porosity hair and many usual things that people do, DON'T WORK for me. Like deep conditioning with heat, hair steamers, olaplex, and avoiding "cones". Doing the opposite works better for me for so many reasons. Eventhough I've been on the hair boards since around 2008, not paying attention to my hair's porosity has been a major factor that's kept me from getting to the coveted WL and beyond because my hair routine hasn't been quite right. I've had many setbacks, my hair would get matted, or broken off and I'd have to cut it off and start over. I've been in a perpetual cycle of cutting off 4-6 inches and starting over since around 2014. I've figured out so many things in the last 2 years and hope and pray I will reach my goal once and for all and not have to keep starting over.

Hair vows for 2023:
*Being consistent and doing what works for me.
*Moisturize and seal regularly, check my hair for dryness, and don't forget the nape.
*Minimizing # of products and stick to what works unless it's been discontinued. No trendy products/ bandwagoning.
*Avoid heat, tight buns/ponytails and wet styling.

Hair goal from the archive:
*My future will far outshine my past. I was a thin MBL once around 2012, but don't aspire to be that since know I can do better. So I'll go for the red line, but I'm okay with where my finger is for 2023.

Red line for 2023.
Let's retain about 4-5" this year
What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?
I am committing to blow drying my hair every wash day from January to July to see if this will help with retention and cut down on wash days.
Protective styling during the summer
Flat ironing hair every quarter to see hair progress and for trims

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:
Stretching my hair in twists, braids, and buns
Wash days every 2-3 weeks
Trimming ends every 8-12 weeks

Hair vows for 2023:
Healthy ends by babying my ends more
Grow hair to waist length

Hair goal from the archive:
I don't have a picture in mind from the archive. Just focusing on mine tbh.
Reading through this thread inspired me to join. I'm pretty much starting over from last year's goal. Last year, I chopped my hair to get the last bit of ginger color off and to give it some shape. My goal was to grow my hair from stretched-NL to stretched APL or curly NL. A medical issue changed my hair, making it drier and tightened my curl pattern. My hair is slowly behaving like it use to, but there is still work to be done.
My overall health needs some TLC. I need to be a better me

What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?

First, I’m doing back to Shea butter. I reached my longest length using Shea butter to seal my hair. I stopped using Shea due to laziness. I wouldn’t find the time to make my Shea butter concoctions and vendor mixes weren’t cutting it.
Second, I need to improve my overall health. This means increasing my water intake, limiting dairy, and exercising (HIIT, yoga, walking) for a minimum of 30 minutes 5-6x/wk. I will also stop delaying personal care. My personal care routine will include meditation, device detoxing, and long baths. My mental health was at stake this year and it’s due to not being proactive in the care of me.

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:

Weekly washes (clarify, then moisture)
DC with protein and moisturizing conditioner
Weekly blowouts
Slather hair with Shea butter
Trims every 6 weeks (dusting)

Hair vows for 2023:

No new products for the first 6 months of this journey.

Consistency is key. I will not place my need for self-care to the side. I will not state that I don’t have time to complete self-care.
I will use my planner to journal my self-care tasks and goals.

Hair goal from the archive: The longest my hair has ever been.


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What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?

Washing and deep conditioning every week. Cutting out knots rather than snapping them. Only bleaching and coloring my hair twice a year. Keeping up with my protein and bonding treatments.

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:
Accepting that my strands are just too fine to lift to pale blonde and still be attached to my scalp.
Incorporating protein throughout my regimen.

Hair vows for 2023:

Keep enjoying my hair.

Hair goal from the archive:
I'm sure my braid-outs can hit the green line no problem. It'd be nice to see if I could achieve the red line with a super consistent regimen.
What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?

This year I want to focus on proper diet and nutrition for my hair. I feel like my abilities to retain have been good, but my growth has been stagnating for the last few years. I’m working with a doctor and naturopath to fix things internally, but they can only give me the plan…I need to follow through.

I also need to focus on giving my hair as much moisture as I can. I used to LCO daily when I first started out. Now, it’s weekly. My hair doesn’t feel dry by the end of the week, but maybe it just wants to be moisturized and oiled daily.

Continue to increase the thickness of my edges.

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:

Generally speaking, I’m good at just styling my hair and leaving it alone for the week, so this year I’m going to use this as my mantra: Moisture, moisture, moisture. (Inside and out.)

Hair vows for 2023:
  • Eat lots of veggies and drink lots of water daily. Also, also eat three meals a day.
  • Moisturize my hair daily
Hair goal from the archive:

My avatar.
What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?
This year I am committing to finding a regimen that works for my hair health but also allows me to enjoy my hair safely.

I am bringing back some old habits, such as prepooing with oil (and maybe some conditioner) the day before wash day. Chelating monthly to remove hard water build up, and keeping my ends stretched and tucked away.

I am also committing to finding cute styles that I can wear for the week that protect my hair and dont need to be retouched.

My hair grows at the standard 1/2 inch per month. I plan to trim 1/4 inch in march and another 1/4 inch in June, so by June 2023 I should have grown about 3 inches and retained 2.5. This is my current 2023 goal, and in June I will reassess my goal for the rest of the year.

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:
Being consistent with my regimen. Washing and deep conditioning weekly, trimming regularly and protective styling (ends tucked away) and stretched styles.

Hair vows for 2023:
  • Trim every 12 weeks
  • prepoo with oil before washing
  • Olaplex no 1 and 2 monthly
  • chelate monthly with olaplex chelating treatment
  • low manipulation styling
  • blow outs 2x per month

Hair goal from the archive:
not from the archive but hoping to retain 3-4 inches this year, which for me would be full MBL and grazing/beginning WL.

I recently learned that from my roots to about 3/4 way down the shaft, my hair is low porosity, while the rest is high porosity. I need to figure what is altering the porosity of my hair as it’s growing out.

This past week, I did a little experiment, where I only used a creamy moisturizer and Shea butter to M&S. It wasn’t an epic fail, but it did remind me that I need a liquid first. I thought I could do without it based on my product selection.

So, I decided to put on my DIY hat and make something. This evening, I’m in the process of making a nourishing hairspray. I used the following: a sachet full of cloves and mint, sachet full of marshmallow root, two bamboo teabags, and two cups of water.

I also made my first Shea butter concoction of the year using the following: Shea butter and lanolin. I’m waiting for it to cool down before I whip it with some hair oils I have on hand.

Side note: 3CAYG is legit. I have had this 5lb brick of Shea butter for at least 5 years and it is still good! I cut it up into smaller pieces looking and smelling for rancidness and found nothing.


The spray came out nicely. The marshmallow root created a nice mucilage that mixed well with the other ingredients. I will keep it in the fridge and brew a fresh batch weekly. I used the rest of my Belle Bar garlic/onion oil and Bread brand hair oil to whip the Shea butter and lanolin. My Shea butter concoction came out wonderfully, like thick buttercream icing.
Creating a self care journal has helped me to better focus on caring for my hair. I'm paying attention more. I'm making mental notes of how my hair reacts to my care and lack there of. It has reignited my passion.

Yes, journaling is the way to go! And if you can throw in some pix, it helps so much!
I just spent that last 1.5 months doing that retroactively and I'm finding patterns that work.
I'm also learning so much about little things I did that made a difference but I wasn't paying attention.
Yes, journaling is the way to go! And if you can throw in some pix, it helps so much!
I just spent that last 1.5 months doing that retroactively and I'm finding patterns that work.
I'm also learning so much about little things I did that made a difference but I wasn't paying attention.
Totally agree with you. Hair journaling is super helpful. Tried it for the first time last year and it has been invaluable to me while figuring out some hair issues I was experiencing.
What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?
  1. Pre-pooing with warm oil on dirty dry hair to remove shedded hair to gently begin the detangling and braid take down process.
  2. Deeply moisturizing hair with flax seed gel combination or an aloe vera combination.
  3. Washing hair with baby shampoo and oiling/oil rinse immediately after wash to avoid velcro ends.
  4. Adding Shea butter (1 tablespoon before melting it) to my deep conditioner along with honey and oil.
  5. Deep conditioning with heat or a heating cap of some kind.
  6. Giving my complete attention to my hair and allotting the time, with a positive mindset, to do my hair with enjoyment and respect.

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:
  1. Emulsify pure Shea butter on hands and place on freshly washed and conditioned hair section.
  2. Heavily coat hair with Vaseline or a petroleum jelly equivalent.
  3. Braid up hair in a 'five-braid' bun.
  4. Roll up the ends of each braid and place a coated rubber band on balled up ends to protect ends.
  5. Spritz daily with my water bottle concoction of oil, glycerin, essential oils, conditioner and protein.
  6. Baggie hair until the next wash day.
  7. Do Aphogee 2 Step Treatment, with Amino Acids added, every 6 to 8 weeks.

Hair vows for 2023:
I promise to consistently make time for my hair on a weekly basis, in and with a Spirit of gratitude, deference and love for myself and for my hair.
When I get tired of my bun, I remind myself that this process has consistently helped me to maximize the beauty, health and length of my hair when I care for my hair attentively, conscientiously and consistently. Lastly, I remind myself that my practices work for me. When a self-proclaimed hair expert communicates or tries to shame me by stating or inferring that what I am doing to my hair is bad for the hair, I turn a deaf ear and a blind eye. I over trimmed and cut off 10 to 12 inches of my hair because someone said the ends of my hair were unattractive. I will NEVER let someone else's opinion about my hair impact my progress. That cut turned into an eight (8) year set-back as in it took me that long to get my length back. BUT, had it not been for this set-back, I would not have learned what I know today. That 'cut' was a Double Tap blessing in disguise: I got all 'fresh' new hair and I got a fresh knowledge about afro-textured hair.

Hair goal from the archive:
Shea butter has helped me reach and surpass the length of the hair pictured below. But, I chose this picture because when I first saw my hair length and thickness in this photo, it dazzled me and made me say, "Wow"! I would like to have a hair health, length and thickness I have not reached before that makes me say wow and stuns me like this photo did the first time I saw it. I want hair that makes me say, "Wow!" again.

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Photo originally taken February 2nd, 2008.

I'm checking back five (5) months later in May 2023. I'm not consistently adding Shea butter to my conditioner, nor am I using a heat cap or using Aphogee. I am definitely doing the baggie process of coating hair, braiding and putting on a baggie and that is paying dividends!

I'm on track. I am glad I looked at this thread. I want to go back to doctoring up my conditioner with Shea butter, honey and oil, deep conditioning with a heat cap. I just don't want to make the time for the Aphogee treatment.

I use clay instead of shampoo now. This along with the baggie process has transformed the ends of my hair. I do not have velcro hair ends anymore. I am so thankful to have found a solution.
Reading through this thread inspired me to join. I'm pretty much starting over from last year's goal. Last year, I chopped my hair to get the last bit of ginger color off and to give it some shape. My goal was to grow my hair from stretched-NL to stretched APL or curly NL. A medical issue changed my hair, making it drier and tightened my curl pattern. My hair is slowly behaving like it use to, but there is still work to be done.
My overall health needs some TLC. I need to be a better me

What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?

First, I’m doing back to Shea butter. I reached my longest length using Shea butter to seal my hair. I stopped using Shea due to laziness. I wouldn’t find the time to make my Shea butter concoctions and vendor mixes weren’t cutting it.
Second, I need to improve my overall health. This means increasing my water intake, limiting dairy, and exercising (HIIT, yoga, walking) for a minimum of 30 minutes 5-6x/wk. I will also stop delaying personal care. My personal care routine will include meditation, device detoxing, and long baths. My mental health was at stake this year and it’s due to not being proactive in the care of me.

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:

Weekly washes (clarify, then moisture)
DC with protein and moisturizing conditioner
Weekly blowouts
Slather hair with Shea butter
Trims every 6 weeks (dusting)

Hair vows for 2023:

No new products for the first 6 months of this journey.

Consistency is key. I will not place my need for self-care to the side. I will not state that I don’t have time to complete self-care.
I will use my planner to journal my self-care tasks and goals.

Hair goal from the archive: The longest my hair has ever been.
I have revamped my whole regimen. While I still wash my hair weekly, I only clarify once a month vs. weekly, if needed. I mainly do clay washes weekly, except the fourth week I will clarify and do a treatment. I started the year micro-trimming every 4-5 weeks, but I skipped April’s micro-trim for my twist protective style.
I haven’t used my Shea concoction since I stopped wearing my wigs. I’m currently rocking WNGs as my style of choice. Twists are an option for me now, so I plan to alternate between them and WNGs. Overall, my hair is doing well and it is thriving.
My health still needs some improvement.
What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?
This year I am committing to finding a regimen that works for my hair health but also allows me to enjoy my hair safely.

I am bringing back some old habits, such as prepooing with oil (and maybe some conditioner) the day before wash day. Chelating monthly to remove hard water build up, and keeping my ends stretched and tucked away.

I am also committing to finding cute styles that I can wear for the week that protect my hair and dont need to be retouched.

My hair grows at the standard 1/2 inch per month. I plan to trim 1/4 inch in march and another 1/4 inch in June, so by June 2023 I should have grown about 3 inches and retained 2.5. This is my current 2023 goal, and in June I will reassess my goal for the rest of the year.

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:
Being consistent with my regimen. Washing and deep conditioning weekly, trimming regularly and protective styling (ends tucked away) and stretched styles.

Hair vows for 2023:
  • Trim every 12 weeks
  • prepoo with oil before washing
  • Olaplex no 1 and 2 monthly
  • chelate monthly with olaplex chelating treatment
  • low manipulation styling
  • blow outs 2x per month

Hair goal from the archive:
not from the archive but hoping to retain 3-4 inches this year, which for me would be full MBL and grazing/beginning WL.

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Checking in as well! So far I have kept up with all of this except my oil prepoos. I will try to do them monthly going forward.
I have revamped my whole regimen. While I still wash my hair weekly, I only clarify once a month vs. weekly, if needed. I mainly do clay washes weekly, except the fourth week I will clarify and do a treatment. I started the year micro-trimming every 4-5 weeks, but I skipped April’s micro-trim for my twist protective style.
I haven’t used my Shea concoction since I stopped wearing my wigs. I’m currently rocking WNGs as my style of choice. Twists are an option for me now, so I plan to alternate between them and WNGs. Overall, my hair is doing well and it is thriving.
My health still needs some improvement.
:pray: :pray: Praying for you and wishing you a full recovery.
What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?

Washing and deep conditioning every week. Cutting out knots rather than snapping them. Only bleaching and coloring my hair twice a year. Keeping up with my protein and bonding treatments.

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:
Accepting that my strands are just too fine to lift to pale blonde and still be attached to my scalp.
Incorporating protein throughout my regimen.

Hair vows for 2023:

Keep enjoying my hair.

Hair goal from the archive:
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I'm sure my braid-outs can hit the green line no problem. It'd be nice to see if I could achieve the red line with a super consistent regimen.
I've been maintaining this schedule except for a disastrous attempt at a wash n go. After that I kept my hair in twists for 2 weeks to recover. I've had one round of bleach and color this year. My hair lifted to a level 7/8 with bleach and 10 volume developer. I'm thinking my strands are fine enough that I may not need bleach at all to get the color I want. For my second round, I'll experiment with just using color and developer.
What are you committing to for hair health and length retention in 2023?

This year I want to focus on proper diet and nutrition for my hair. I feel like my abilities to retain have been good, but my growth has been stagnating for the last few years. I’m working with a doctor and naturopath to fix things internally, but they can only give me the plan…I need to follow through.

I also need to focus on giving my hair as much moisture as I can. I used to LCO daily when I first started out. Now, it’s weekly. My hair doesn’t feel dry by the end of the week, but maybe it just wants to be moisturized and oiled daily.

Continue to increase the thickness of my edges.

What works the best for me to retain healthy hair is:

Generally speaking, I’m good at just styling my hair and leaving it alone for the week, so this year I’m going to use this as my mantra: Moisture, moisture, moisture. (Inside and out.)

Hair vows for 2023:
  • Eat lots of veggies and drink lots of water daily. Also, also eat three meals a day.
  • Moisturize my hair daily
Hair goal from the archive:

My avatar.

Checking in: Not doing very well with eating healthy and drinking water. I'm not necessarily filling myself with junk, I'm just not eating enough good calories or drinking water. Also, my hair needs more TLC. We're doing renos and even washing it with clays and such will be on hold for a while because I don't have any space to mix and create and I don't have any of my DIY hair lotion. I used store bought stuff on my hair for the first time in YEARS. Maybe 7 if you count the only time I went to a stylist... closer to 11 if you don't. I think it's going to have to be this way for the next 2 months, at least.

So, I'll have to focus on drinking water, water, water so I don't dry myself out completely.