Paging GiGi


New Member
I am desperatly trying to add a picture to my signature and am failing miserably. Everything I've tried is not working. Please tell me how u just posted that old lady. Thanks in advance.
I just right-clicked onto a pic from a website and pasted onto the "URL to your picture" section under EDIT PROFILE. It is an Japanese anime pic from a video gaming site (I am a fan) - She is a girl off of a game - they all have big heads and eyes - lol.
Then something must be wrong with my settings because I've done the exact same thing countless number of times and it still doesn't work. I just keep trying until I get tired. Thx for the reply.
Armyqt have you toggled in the "my home" section when asked about viewing pictures on the board? Try saying yes to all questions about the photos.