Is one side longer or thicker than the other?

Well-Known Member
When I was braiding my hair today at work (it was a slow day) I noticed that I had to put more braids on my right side than on my left. Also I noticed that the braids were thicker on the right than the left. I don't have any breakage on the left side and the length appear to be even so I'm not sure why one side is thicker than the other. Do any of you have either one side longer or thicker or both?
yes. My right side is thinner. But i noticed that's also the side I usually comb and brush first. My left side is thicker
Beginning of my journey..absolutely. I hated one side of my hair , thought it was never going to catch up. I learned to nurture and take better care of all of my hair. You do the same it'll all flourish in patient time:yep:.
yessss :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:, part of the reason for my 1/2 trim 2weeks ago :grin:

and now its all good. untill next month :look:, one side is just soo perfect and the other is well...blah :rolleyes:
The left side has always seemed longer and thicker than my right side and I have always wondered why, I think maybe it's because I always wear my hear to the left.
The left side is more and grows longer on my head, I kept trimming thinking I must have done something damaging but alas no lol. I now just ignore it and treat like the rest and can see progress from not trying to "fix it"
This weird for me b/c my left has always been thicker but my right has been longer when I was relaxed but now the length is pretty much even except that now my right has gotten thicker. I know it can't be my sleeping pattern b/c I generally sleep on either side evenly. Maybe it was all my praying for that side to thicken up is the cause of this. Idk
My right side is thinner and shorter and I'm left handed. My stylist told me she thinks that the side you use more may tend to be thicker and longer...hmmm could be. :scratchch
my left side is thick and when i part my hair and do pigtail braids for gym the left side looks so thick and nice and shiny and the right side looks healthy and shiny but like baby hair, i camoflague it by doing side or zigzag parts so i can add a little extra hair to the right side, and im right handed.
OMG me too! My left side is thicker, healthier, grows faster, lies better etc etc etc. I m alwsys trimming the left side so the right can catch up. Im left handed, and always thought there was a correlation. Interesting that so many have the same issue.
I am so happy someone asked this question. My left side is thicker than my right side and I always wanted to know why. I'm right handed by the way so I don't know if that means anything.
I'm right handed also but this new to me. I am thinking maybe I always work on the right side first when shampooing, conditioning and styling.
Yes I have the same problem.
My left is shorter than my right. I think its because I sleep on my left side and I have horrible hair in afro disease (HIAD).
My left side is thicker and I am left handed. Wow, a majority of people have seem to be thicker/longer on the left. For as long as I can remember my hair has been that way. My mother even said as a baby the right side of my hair was always thinnier. Hmmmm...
I'm a leftie, and my right side grows thicker and longer! I hate it, but you can't make the pokey side hurry up and grow!
I'm left handed and my my left side is thicker. It is also harder to smooth down my left side. When I flatiron my hair I actually have to turn the heat up to get my left side the same as my right.
Right handed, right side is thicker and grows longer than the left.

I try to switch up my wrapping, and I've switched my parts up, so the left side is catching up.
My right side is longer than my left. When I thought that the left side had caught up, the right side just grew right past it.