Why I love shampoo


Human being
I was doing the cutting back on shampoo to 2x a month thing but it doesn't agree with my hair, specifically my scalp. Lesson I learned: If you use a lot of stuff in your hair (I moisturize and seal every morning) then you must shampoo at least once a week. If you wash everyday or every other day then shampooing everytime isn't necessary. I'm going back to shampooing twice a week cause my scalp desperately needs it to get rid of the product build up. That weigh down greasy stringy look isn't for me and that's what my hair looks like with product build up.
I know exactly what you mean! Since I started my transition, my hair has gotten a bit spoiled with being washed every two to three days; before, I could make a press last two weeks, but ended up washing my last press out barely at the week mark due to itchiness. My hair loves shampoo too, I'm guessing because I'm a bit heavy handed with the products...
i'm the same way kind of. in the winter i can get away with using shampoo 1-2x per month. but as the weather gets warmer i have to go back to every week or every other week
I think it also depends on how heavy handed you are with products and what kind of ingredients are in the products. My fine strands and scalp are prone to easy, quick build up. I've minimized that with the "less is more" approach with leave-ins and using cones in moderation without compromising moisture.

I use shampoo and clarify as needed.
I love shampoo. I use no products but cannot wait to shampoo my hair, more specifically my scalp every 3 days or so. I love the feeling of a clean scalp. I love the massaging that comes along with shampooing my scalp. Washing my hair is the highlight of this hair growing journey.
Ahhh yes, Shampoo! I need it in my life at least once a week. I'll never go without it.

My hair has no issues with cones and sulfates.
I love shampoo. I use no products but cannot wait to shampoo my hair, more specifically my scalp every 3 days or so. I love the feeling of a clean scalp. I love the massaging that comes along with shampooing my scalp. Washing my hair is the highlight of this hair growing journey.
ITA! I thought shampooing was an option but apparently it's a necessity for me. I think I am heavyhanded with my moisturizer that probably doesn't help matters much.
I love the poo too!! I shampoo once a week with sulfrate free shampoo. I recently started co washing once a week too, and it is sooo hard not to reach for the shampoo bottle.
i just recently started using shampoo on a regular basis.... i use very diluted peppermint dr bronners.... and i loves it... i love that tingly feeling on my scalp...
I like shampoo also but I'm trying to co-wash along w/ shampoo twice a week b/c 1. I'm heavy handed w/ product & 2. I tend to sweat from scalp a lot when it gets warmer.
I LOVE shampoo. It is the only way my hair and scalp feel clean, but the difference is I use the right stuff, it cleans without stripping my hair completely (Love Elucence and Giovanni Tea Tree)
I LOVE shampoo. It is the only way my hair and scalp feel clean, but the difference is I use the right stuff, it cleans without stripping my hair completely (Love Elucence and Giovanni Tea Tree)
Exactly! my shampoo doesn't strip my hair either. I also only shampoo once and I don't repeat.
I was on the co-washing bandwagon until one day, after I co-washed, I noticed a white film on my scalp. :nono: Disgusted the heck out of me.

Buildup! Never again. Love shampoo.
I love shampoo as well. Believe it or not, right now I'm in love with Suave Rosemary Mint Shampoo and conditioner.
I was on the co-washing bandwagon until one day, after I co-washed, I noticed a white film on my scalp. :nono: Disgusted the heck out of me.

Buildup! Never again. Love shampoo.

Exactly what happened to me. And there's nothing like getting through half a rollersetting session just to find out you have gunk on your scalp. oooooohh...I was NOT happy. That was the last time I let that happen. Now I wash once a week or once every few days. And I love how my hair feels after an extended prepoo.
I wash daily, but with an extremely gentle shampoo and currently have a low-cone regimen. My scalp hasn't been this happy in a long time.
I must shampoo at least once a week too...My hair and scalp loves it..I co-wash everyday.....I don't use a lot of product but my hair still feels weighed down without a good weekly shampoo...It's like a bath...I love to shower most of the time... but sometimes I just want to soak in a nice hot bubble bath
yep I shampoo once a week with my garnier :lick: I always mix my shampoo with olive oil to start putting some moisture back into my hair as I shampoo. If I have MTG in my hair and I want it out, shampoo gets rid of it 100%.
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I love shampoo. That nice fresh feeling my scalp has after.I tried to get down with cowashing and baking soda but my scalp never felt clean. I've realised that my scalp is sensitive to buildup, plus I have hard water and shampooing 2x with a mild chelating poo keeps my scalp and strands happy.
Ita. I can't do no-poo. Just like I need soap on my body, I need soap on my hair and scalp. There is nothing like a good lather of shampoo after 5 days worth of weather, elements, and products.
I wish my mum would understand this. She puts dax on her scalp and washes her locs like once every 3 months. Then she wonders why her scalp is breaking out and her hair is not growing.
I love the poo too!! I shampoo once a week with sulfrate free shampoo. I recently started co washing once a week too, and it is sooo hard not to reach for the shampoo bottle.

I know me too! I am trying out the 1/wk cowash and I keep wanting to put at least a little shampoo on my scalp.

I LOVE shampoo. It is the only way my hair and scalp feel clean, but the difference is I use the right stuff, it cleans without stripping my hair completely (Love Elucence and Giovanni Tea Tree)

Same here. For me it's CoN and Roux 5 in 1.

I was on the co-washing bandwagon until one day, after I co-washed, I noticed a white film on my scalp. :nono: Disgusted the heck out of me.

Buildup! Never again. Love shampoo.

Same happened to me. I am exerimenting with doing a cowash just once a week. We'll see how far that goes...

I feel like once you find the right shampoo, shampooing is great. i just love the lather

Yup finding the right one is key. I feel like maybe a lot of ladies haven't found the right one and maybe that's why there is an anti-shampoo movement going on, lol.
I don't love shampoo but after suffering from a itchy scalp/conditioner build up I realized that my heavy handed self wasn't going to get away with only cowashing. After some searching I found a few poo bars that don't strip my hair so I use these on my scalp almost every week or every wash. Got to keep the scalp happy!