Whats up with all these ugly hairstyles??????

Everytime Im out in the public I just :nono:

I groan every time I see a Mohawk, an actual shaved on the sides Mohawk with orange hair and spikes. It literally looks like the Chicken Hawk on Looney Tunes.

I groan every time I see red, blue, green, yellow, white extensions put in our hair.

I groan when I see 10 different hairstyles on one head.

Oh and dont get me started on the night-cap wearing out in the public deal.

WTH is going on mayne?????
PS when i'm out in tha street i find myself searching for natural heads of hair, maybe you can do that too so you wont focus on all the wierd hairdos out there.
Hehe. I can see what you mean. But I guess we are all different and perceive things differently. As they say, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

lol @ night-cap, I can totally see myself doing this if I was in a hurry to run an errand or something. Lol, I'm just the type who doesn't care what other people think for the most part. They aren't going to do my hair or run the errand for me, so...
Everytime Im out in the public I just :nono:

I groan every time I see a Mohawk, an actual shaved on the sides Mohawk with orange hair and spikes. It literally looks like the Chicken Hawk on Looney Tunes.

I groan every time I see red, blue, green, yellow, white extensions put in our hair.

I groan when I see 10 different hairstyles on one head.

Oh and dont get me started on the night-cap wearing out in the public deal.

WTH is going on mayne?????

Lol preachhhhhhhhhh!!!! :amen: Ive seen this at the mall and on campuses, Even ppl wearing a bonnet like its one of those knit caps, :nono:
OMG! I just saw this woman wearing the most obviousl wig! It was unnaturally black, unnaturally thick, and unnaturally shiny.

Another woman I saw literally had her weave crawling up her neck.

A night cap is one thing but bad weaves, bad wigs, bad extensions, GRRRRRR!!! I get sick when I see these in sistas heads. I makes me think that they don't care enough about themselves to take care of their own hair. They think it looks cute when it's really obvious that it's fake!!! Makes 'em look ghetto-ish!!