I am confused about Christians and their voting habits


New Member
So now a bunch of women I'm friends with online are saying they will vote for Romney because of what Obama said yesterday :wallbash:

Whats up with our community failing to research before they vote???
Don't they understand that there are traps set for Christians along the political trail?

With that said...
Did you decide who you were voting for already?
Have any of the voters in CF read the budget proposals on either side?

2012 Republican Budget Proposal
2013 Democrat Budget Proposal
I am Christian liberal. What Obama said yesterday didnt change my vote one bit.

However I know some people (I will not call them friends) who changed their vote but also refuse to vote for a Mormon so they are voting independent or stayinig home.

I don't think God participates in politics or sports. The Republicians don't believe in God's charity but in his morals. Democrats not so much morals but his charity. Yesterday I was called a "lukewarm" Chrisitan because of my beliefs and that's fine. I simply said "If you think Im wrong pray for me... Bcuz I'm surely praying for you."

I urge everyone I know to watch Jefferson Bethke's "Why I Hate Religion" video on youtube. He is a Chrisitan poet.

Eta: There are people on this board who probably don't agree with me. I have stated once before I am not trying to change anyone's mind. I just ask my opinion to be respected.
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I'm definitely not voting for Romney. I'm on the fence about Obama.

The topic of voting has become a difficult one for me, particularly for this election year. Why? Because it's like choosing between two meh candidates, neither of which is the ideal candidate. So let me vote for the one who will do less harm to the country. I'm not really a politics person because there is so much "acting" involved.
I know who I am voting for and the recent announcement doesn't change my mind. IRL I live for God but I can't stomach religion. IMO it's an excuse for people to think they are better than others and to try control and moralize others. That's not what my God is about. I don't know what God some of these people serve. Their words and deeds show that they may have read the good book but failed to understand the most fundamental messages God had for his people.
In the political arena I weigh the main issues of the times and vote for the public servant I believe capable of delivering in the best interest of the nation. That's all. I don't care about gender, color, political party...just the facts man. I can't vote for someone because their words are in line with my religious beliefs if their actions will have disastrous effects on millions. That's not standing on Christian principles, I think they call that insanity - to sacrifice people's welfare for what amounts to pure vanity, delusions of grandeur and just plain 'ole foolishness!
Romney will oppress the poor..I'm not voting for him.. :lol:

GIRL! thank you!!!!!

I'm sorry but I don't want someone who has no idea nor needs to know that organic eggs cost $5 at the grocery store leading millions of people who can't afford it... :rolleyes:
most of the folks i know will either vote for obama or not vote at all. i will be voting in november but i might write in. i'm in obama country so he'll get my states electoral votes anyways. last time black folks showed out in record number to support obama. he may have some folks 'in the bag' but i'm not one of them. his announcement certainly didn't help my indecision.
Here's the thing I think lots of people don't get about Christians and politics.

Political policies are about pragmatic solutions to practical problems. People get in heated discussions about them, but they usually are not about morality.

When a political issue *does* implicate morality, those who care have to make a choice as to whether they will support someone who stands for something they believe to be morally wrong, or not.

Flat tax v. progressive tax: non-moral question of policy.
Privatized social security: non-moral question of policy.
School choice/vouchers versus the educational system as is: non-moral question of policy.

When I say "non-moral" I mean that people can disagree about the best way to approach these issues without violating their consciences. Someone might disagree with a candidate on some non-moral issues, but still vote for them because in the grand scheme of things, they think that candidate will be better than the alternative.

The issue arises when a candidate will work for something that does violate someone's conscience, that a person believes is immoral. Moral political questions and non-moral political questions are totally different things and many will not trade the moral questions for the non-moral ones.

I happen to believe that the House GOP budget is immoral in the extent to which it caters to the wealthy and neglects the "least of these", like the Conference of Catholic Bishops said in their statement. For that reason I cannot support a candidate who would back such a measure. However, I don't necessarily buy that the morality of economic issues are more important than the morality of social issues (like marriage, religious freedom, etc.). They *both* have a significant impact on our society in the long run.

Also, I think that Christians have to realize that while we definitely have a duty to make good choices for the coming generations, this world is passing away. I have spent years of education devoted to political issues and at work monitor this stuff all day long...so I really get the significance. At the same time, I am much more concerned about what I will have to say to the Lord when I meet Him and with remaining unspotted from the world, as James tells us to be.
I happen to believe that the House GOP budget is immoral in the extent to which it caters to the wealthy and neglects the "least of these", like the Conference of Catholic Bishops said in their statement. For that reason I cannot support a candidate who would back such a measure. However, I don't necessarily buy that the morality of economic issues are more important than the morality of social issues (like marriage, religious freedom, etc.). They *both* have a significant impact on our society in the long run.


This was key to me :yep:
I think that the party is also immoral for using morals to get votes... but anywho...

u said u watch this stuff all day, could you school us on what you've noticed as far as negative impacts on culture due to litigation on gay marriage, abortion and other hot button issues?

I feel like I'm the only person thats watching politics and food... thats where most of my political reading goes, so I would really like to hear from you about
For those who say they are not voting for Romney and unsure if they will vote at all this time around....remember a no vote IS a vote for Romney.....so........would you rather spend the next 4 years under a Romney Presidency or under an Obama Presidency........never will we ever agree with everything a politician says or believes but we must be real and think which person will have MY best interests - would you be better off next year or the next under Romney and the Repubs or Obama????

If we were still slaves who would you feel comfortable would free us - Romney? or Obama?
So now a bunch of women I'm friends with online are saying they will vote for Romney because of what Obama said yesterday :wallbash:

Whats up with our community failing to research before they vote???
Don't they understand that there are traps set for Christians along the political trail?

With that said...
Did you decide who you were voting for already?
Have any of the voters in CF read the budget proposals on either side?

2012 Republican Budget Proposal
2013 Democrat Budget Proposal

Blame Obama for being 'stupid'... Did he not think before he allowed his puppet strings to be yanked. A dog collar is more like it... a choke chain.

There will be a price to pay and he will pay it... dearly. He has only himself to blame and no one else.
I will definetly be voting for Obama. What religions the candidates claim to adhere to does not influence my vote. They are all politicians which means they are all liars. These republicans are always on their high horse and claim to be so Christian but want the poor, even children die and suffer from lack of healthcare. The only God most of them serve is money. I don’t agree with everything the dems do as I am pro-life. But the quality of my life and society as a whole was best under Clinton, worse under Bush and will 1,000% be better under Obama vs. Romney. I know so many people who voted for Bush because he was a so called Christian and against gay marriage. I haven’t ever seen anything Christ like about him.
Romney will oppress the poor..I'm not voting for him.. :lol:

Behave.... :lol: Now you done got me started and in the wrong thread at that... Oh well... here I begin... :look:

I have to be honest. I've never suffered financially under any of the presidents.


Because God is my source and my Provider. He has always gone around any legalistic rule and has provided for me and my family. My son has his own business and never missed a dime, since he's been on his own... long before Obama. My daughter who is a Stay at home Mom with a husband and 4 children (my babies) ... My God, everything she touches turns to gold on one solid pay check.

We have a Godly principle and it never fails us. God is our Provider... we have chosen to live righteously and God honours that. It doesn't matter what the government says/does God provides.

How many of us, as Christians here, STILL made it in spite of the economy? Are we still here and making it.

My family and I live by this principle "As for me and my House'.

I choose to honour God and He will Never Fail anyone who does. Never.

One thing has surely come to the surface. Obama is self-serving and he has used this gay issue for his self/ not anyone else.

He'll do this very same thing with other issues that come up. Issues and decisions to benefit himself and not others.

It's fearful to depend upon 'man' to fulfill God's plan for one's life. We'll get fooled and disappointed every single time.

I will not insult the love and the grace of God nor my faith by voting for a man who has literally pooped in God's face, let alone the order of the human race. It's all about the poop... that's what Obama wants, he's gonna get it.

gays are not going to let him slide by with just this. They are going to turn completely against him. He's still 'Black' and there's still lack in what he needs to succeed. The very thing he will say to himself, "What a dumb decision I made, drinking the wrong koolaide. gays are going to 'bury him'. He's still hated and Black and that's going to be his biggest attack. gays will not save him...they still have oughts against him and it won't be pretty.
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I will definetly be voting for Obama. What religions the candidates claim to adhere to does not influence my vote. They are all politicians which means they are all liars. These republicans are always on their high horse and claim to be so Christian but want the poor, even children die and suffer from lack of healthcare. The only God most of them serve is money. I don’t agree with everything the dems do as I am pro-life. But the quality of my life and society as a whole was best under Clinton, worse under Bush and will 1,000% be better under Obama vs. Romney. I know so many people who voted for Bush because he was a so called Christian and against gay marriage. I haven’t ever seen anything Christ like about him.

So your faith is more in man than in God? It shouldn't matter who's president, the Just shall live by Faith. God provides even when man does not.

As a Christian, Obama is not your Provider. What happens when he fails to deliver, then what?
For those who say they are not voting for Romney and unsure if they will vote at all this time around....remember a no vote IS a vote for Romney.....so........would you rather spend the next 4 years under a Romney Presidency or under an Obama Presidency........never will we ever agree with everything a politician says or believes but we must be real and think which person will have MY best interests - would you be better off next year or the next under Romney and the Repubs or Obama????

If we were still slaves who would you feel comfortable would free us - Romney? or Obama?

Neither one... :nono:
Here's the thing I think lots of people don't get about Christians and politics.

Political policies are about pragmatic solutions to practical problems. People get in heated discussions about them, but they usually are not about morality.

When a political issue *does* implicate morality, those who care have to make a choice as to whether they will support someone who stands for something they believe to be morally wrong, or not.

Flat tax v. progressive tax: non-moral question of policy.
Privatized social security: non-moral question of policy.
School choice/vouchers versus the educational system as is: non-moral question of policy.

When I say "non-moral" I mean that people can disagree about the best way to approach these issues without violating their consciences. Someone might disagree with a candidate on some non-moral issues, but still vote for them because in the grand scheme of things, they think that candidate will be better than the alternative.

The issue arises when a candidate will work for something that does violate someone's conscience, that a person believes is immoral. Moral political questions and non-moral political questions are totally different things and many will not trade the moral questions for the non-moral ones.

I happen to believe that the House GOP budget is immoral in the extent to which it caters to the wealthy and neglects the "least of these", like the Conference of Catholic Bishops said in their statement. For that reason I cannot support a candidate who would back such a measure. However, I don't necessarily buy that the morality of economic issues are more important than the morality of social issues (like marriage, religious freedom, etc.). They *both* have a significant impact on our society in the long run.

Also, I think that Christians have to realize that while we definitely have a duty to make good choices for the coming generations, this world is passing away.

I have spent years of education devoted to political issues and at work monitor this stuff all day long...so I really get the significance.

At the same time, I am much more concerned about what I will have to say to the Lord when I meet Him and with remaining unspotted from the world, as James tells us to be.

Such a good Word (the bolded). I'm not selling out to earn an extra dime.

Everything that I've ever asked God for, I've gotten. He has never withheld any good thing from me. I refused to 'sell out' for 30 pieces of fake silver.
So your faith is more in man than in God? It shouldn't matter who's president, the Just shall live by Faith. God provides even when man does not.

As a Christian, Obama is not your Provider. What happens when he fails to deliver, then what?

As I said I don't but my faith in any of these politicians they are all liars and will say and do anything to get a vote. It is always a decision of what is the lesser of two evils. I have to ask myself does a man who believes that everyone should have the same rights under the law regardless of the sexual orientation worst than a man who believes that children whose parents cannot afford healthcare should die or receive substandard healthcare? God is my provider and he provided my with the funds to go to college through financial aid, the same aid that Obama wants to increase and that Romney wants to cut.

Matthew 22:36-39
Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments"
You know what I can't stand about some Christians (trust I am a believer) is that they feel they believe and put all faith and trust in God and then they sit back and wait for things to happen......I don't believe it works that way....God gave us the brains, mindset, education, etc to go out and use what HE gave us.......So my brain, mindset and education tells me that although I may not agree with some of what Romney says and some of what Obama says but my God given intelligence tells me I will be much better off with Obama in the White House as opposed to Romney.

It's like being unemployed and saying "I have faith and trust that God will make a way and I will get a job" and then sitting at home all day doing nothing on your part to obtain that job. :nono:
GIRL! thank you!!!!!

I'm sorry but I don't want someone who has no idea nor needs to know that organic eggs cost $5 at the grocery store leading millions of people who can't afford it... :rolleyes:
What is this thing people have with demanding whether politicians know the price of some random item at the grocery store?
I can't honestly say I could quote the exact price of milk even though I buy it whenever I go to the store. What exactly is this supposed to prove or measure? No snark intended I just don't get it.
What is this thing people have with demanding whether politicians know the price of some random item at the grocery store?
I can't honestly say I could quote the exact price of milk even though I buy it whenever I go to the store. What exactly is this supposed to prove or measure? No snark intended I just don't get it.

In Romneys case it shows he is out of touch with the middle class, poor and everyday Jack and Jill - Heck he told a bunch of college students, who more than likely were attending on student loans, to ask their parents for $20k and take a risk and start a business.......he even tried to bet someone $10k on an issue regular people don't have $10k to place an everyday bet with.

So he is not one that I believe would understand my issues with needing affordable healthcare and with no pre existing conditions loophole or needing a job that pays a LIVING wage, or understanding how much housing costs - he and Ann "struggled" in college with no job by living off of Romneys stock investment :perplexed - Michelle and Barack paid of their college loans within the last 7 or so years.
Heck he told a bunch of college students, who more than likely were attending on student loans, to ask their parents for $20k and take a risk and start a business.......he even tried to bet someone $10k on an issue regular people don't have $10k to place an everyday bet with.

THIS is indicative of being out of touch. Not knowing the price of milk is not.
What is this thing people have with demanding whether politicians know the price of some random item at the grocery store?
I can't honestly say I could quote the exact price of milk even though I buy it whenever I go to the store. What exactly is this supposed to prove or measure? No snark intended I just don't get it.

nathansgirl1908 its cool boo...

my point was people who don't know how expensive stuff is or who aren't being effected by the economy are out of touch with reality.
In Romneys case it shows he is out of touch with the middle class, poor and everyday Jack and Jill - Heck he told a bunch of college students, who more than likely were attending on student loans, to ask their parents for $20k and take a risk and start a business.......he even tried to bet someone $10k on an issue regular people don't have $10k to place an everyday bet with.

So he is not one that I believe would understand my issues with needing affordable healthcare and with no pre existing conditions loophole or needing a job that pays a LIVING wage, or understanding how much housing costs - he and Ann "struggled" in college with no job by living off of Romneys stock investment :perplexed - Michelle and Barack paid of their college loans within the last 7 or so years.

What a jerk. My parents don't just have 20k laying around to give me. That was a horrible thing to say. And it shows that he has no clue about what the average American family is dealing with.
As I said I don't but my faith in any of these politicians they are all liars and will say and do anything to get a vote. It is always a decision of what is the lesser of two evils. I have to ask myself does a man who believes that everyone should have the same rights under the law regardless of the sexual orientation worst than a man who believes that children whose parents cannot afford healthcare should die or receive substandard healthcare? God is my provider and he provided my with the funds to go to college through financial aid, the same aid that Obama wants to increase and that Romney wants to cut.

Matthew 22:36-39
Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments"

I hope you're not applying this scripture to Obama... this is not what his intentions were nor is it anywhere in his heart.

This man changes his spots and stripes to what benefits him and no one else. He says just enough to get 'Christians' to believe him; there's very little he has to say to get most Blacks to support him, for it's the color of his skin that drew us to him in the first place. And out of all of the people who love him 'most', we're the ones for whom he has done the least for. The very least.

gay is in and Blacks are out. The new 'affirmative action' will be for gays and Blacks will be pushed even further down the pipes. No other group of people are being hailed and rallied for than gays. Black was already a faded gray but now even more erased and invisible...and pushed behind yet another group of people ... gays. And Black gays will not benefit equal to white gays. Noooooppppe :nono:

Oh Really? Yes... indeed Really! Look at the media, who do you see most represented and for whom (which group of people) does one receive the most flack from? gays! Say something negative about a gay person, lawsuits and angry mobs come out the wood work like mad roaches and rats in a New York alley.

I've yet to see a president give so much favour and attention to any one set of people than Obama has to gays. If his wife and children weren't Black, I'd dare say the man didn't like Black folks at all.

Here's a fact and watch for it to happen. Watch for it. You won't have long to wait...just watch for it.

Before the end of this election, gays are going to pull at him for more and what he doesn't deliver they are going to drag him through the mud.

Obama is STILL Black and highly disliked for being a Black man in the White House. An attack is surely coming against him and gays will not support him. But Black folks will. Oh indeed, cause that's how Black people are, no matter how wronged they are by someone they love, they will still come to the rescue of their own. Right now, knowing full well how wrong Obama has been, there are millions of Blacks who still love and support him, no matter what.

He used us... Oh yes he did. He used us. We prayed for this man, protected this man, supported this man and he used us. Of all of the candidates, why could he not be different and not be like the rest? Why did he have to be a liar and a trickster? Why could he not just stand upon integrity and not compromise the true character of a man and not be a politician? He used us and he lied. And for this alone, I have lost all respect for him.

I could care less about Mitt Romney and whoever any of them are.

But this one.... Obama, I expected more from him in character and in intergrity. He's a snake, no different than any of the rest and for this he's lost me. It's a game to him and I refused to be played. Why did he have to lie? Why did he have to cheat? Why did he use the very people who loved him, not just the most, but the very people who loved him period? We didn't have enough to get him where he wanted to be, that's why.

The gay agenda has MONEY... Hundreds and Hundreds of Millions and this will cause a man who wants power to fail each and every time. Obama isn't about gay equality. They were never not equal. There were always laws to give them hospital visits and care for their children.

Don't be fooled ... It's time to turn away from the deceptions of man which includes Obama and focus upon God and no one else.

Obama will not be able to save anyone. His heart is not with us... it is on himself.
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I've yet to see a president give so much favour and attention to any one set of people than Obama has to gays. If his wife and children weren't Black, I'd dare say the man didn't like Black folks at all.

I read/ lurk and try not to say much but that is going to far. Why do you have to stoop low like that? Obama doesn't like black people? :nono::nono:

On twitter someone asked why Obama seems to like "everyone else but blacks" and won't support their issues. The answer is that we are too confused ourselves to give politicians something to fight on. Gays gave Obama Gay Marriage: Do you believe in it YES OR NO. Immigrants (mostly Latino) gave Obama the Dream Act YES OR NO.
We just tell obama "make our lives great!" thats no politics. Lets give him a bill to work with. Something centered around prison or education, something clear.

smh lets try to not sling mud..
I will not be voting for Romeny-I can't as a black or as a woman. While I'm not in love with Obama I never hailed him as the second coming as so many people did so my disappointment isn't as great. For me the gay issue isn't about right and wrong it is about freedom of religion. Should someone, who doesn't believe the same way I do, be allowed to have the rights that I have in this country? My answer is yes so I have no problem with gay marriage. But people tend to view this issue as a moral one rather than an issue of rights and freedom of religion. As long as our politicians continue to try to frame the issue as a moral decision they will continue to distract us from the real issues in our government. The decision to dissolve the rights of women, erase the middle class, and cut social programs for the poor and elderly will be completely ignored because of the marriage issue.
I hope you're not applying this scripture to Obama... this is not what his intentions were nor is it anywhere in his heart.

This man changes his spots and stripes to what benefits him and no one else. He says just enough to get 'Christians' to believe him; there's very little he has to say to get most Blacks to support him, for it's the color of his skin that drew us to him in the first place. And out of all of the people who love him 'most', we're the ones for whom he has done the least for. The very least.

gay is in and Blacks are out. The new 'affirmative action' will be for gays and Blacks will be pushed even further down the pipes. No other group of people are being hailed and rallied for than gays. Black was already a faded gray but now even more erased and invisible...and pushed behind yet another group of people ... gays. And Black gays will not benefit equal to white gays. Noooooppppe :nono:

Oh Really? Yes... indeed Really! Look at the media, who do you see most represented and for whom (which group of people) does one receive the most flack from? gays! Say something negative about a gay person, lawsuits and angry mobs come out the wood work like mad roaches and rats in a New York alley.

I've yet to see a president give so much favour and attention to any one set of people than Obama has to gays. If his wife and children weren't Black, I'd dare say the man didn't like Black folks at all.

Here's a fact and watch for it to happen. Watch for it. You won't have long to wait...just watch for it.

Before the end of this election, gays are going to pull at him for more and what he doesn't deliver they are going to drag him through the mud.

Obama is STILL Black and highly disliked for being a Black man in the White House. An attack is surely coming against him and gays will not support him. But Black folks will. Oh indeed, cause that's how Black people are, no matter how wronged they are by someone they love, they will still come to the rescue of their own. Right now, knowing full well how wrong Obama has been, there are millions of Blacks who still love and support him, no matter what.

He used us... Oh yes he did. He used us. We prayed for this man, protected this man, supported this man and he used us. Of all of the candidates, why could he not be different and not be like the rest? Why did he have to be a liar and a trickster? Why could he not just stand upon integrity and not compromise the true character of a man and not be a politician? He used us and he lied. And for this alone, I have lost all respect for him.

I could care less about Mitt Romney and whoever any of them are.

But this one.... Obama, I expected more from him in character and in intergrity. He's a snake, no different than any of the rest and for this he's lost me. It's a game to him and I refused to be played. Why did he have to lie? Why did he have to cheat? Why did he use the very people who loved him, not just the most, but the very people who loved him period? We didn't have enough to get him where he wanted to be, that's why.

The gay agenda has MONEY... Hundreds and Hundreds of Millions and this will cause a man who wants power to fail each and every time. Obama isn't about gay equality. They were never not equal. There were always laws to give them hospital visits and care for their children.

Don't be fooled ... It's time to turn away from the deceptions of man which includes Obama and focus upon God and no one else.

Obama will not be able to save anyone. His heart is not with us... it is on himself.

O.K. I don't know what blacks expected him to do for them that they couldn't do for themselves. I hear blacks say that but then I ask what was he supposed to do? They have no idea. Some people really did think they were voting for Superman. I actually felt sad when he was elected. With the poor economy (not much anyone can do about it), 2 wars, and a health care agenda I knew he was facing a situation that he couldn't win.
What a jerk. My parents don't just have 20k laying around to give me. That was a horrible thing to say. And it shows that he has no clue about what the average American family is dealing with.

True - he is probably a great PERSON, husband and father but just like if you were gong to trial you would want a jury of your peers....well in the case of the Presidency I want someone closer to being my peer and that happens to be Obama this time around.
I hope you're not applying this scripture to Obama... this is not what his intentions were nor is it anywhere in his heart.

This man changes his spots and stripes to what benefits him and no one else. He says just enough to get 'Christians' to believe him; there's very little he has to say to get most Blacks to support him, for it's the color of his skin that drew us to him in the first place. And out of all of the people who love him 'most', we're the ones for whom he has done the least for. The very least.

gay is in and Blacks are out. The new 'affirmative action' will be for gays and Blacks will be pushed even further down the pipes. No other group of people are being hailed and rallied for than gays. Black was already a faded gray but now even more erased and invisible...and pushed behind yet another group of people ... gays. And Black gays will not benefit equal to white gays. Noooooppppe :nono:

Oh Really? Yes... indeed Really! Look at the media, who do you see most represented and for whom (which group of people) does one receive the most flack from? gays! Say something negative about a gay person, lawsuits and angry mobs come out the wood work like mad roaches and rats in a New York alley.

I've yet to see a president give so much favour and attention to any one set of people than Obama has to gays. If his wife and children weren't Black, I'd dare say the man didn't like Black folks at all.

Here's a fact and watch for it to happen. Watch for it. You won't have long to wait...just watch for it.

Before the end of this election, gays are going to pull at him for more and what he doesn't deliver they are going to drag him through the mud.

Obama is STILL Black and highly disliked for being a Black man in the White House. An attack is surely coming against him and gays will not support him. But Black folks will. Oh indeed, cause that's how Black people are, no matter how wronged they are by someone they love, they will still come to the rescue of their own. Right now, knowing full well how wrong Obama has been, there are millions of Blacks who still love and support him, no matter what.

He used us... Oh yes he did. He used us. We prayed for this man, protected this man, supported this man and he used us. Of all of the candidates, why could he not be different and not be like the rest? Why did he have to be a liar and a trickster? Why could he not just stand upon integrity and not compromise the true character of a man and not be a politician? He used us and he lied. And for this alone, I have lost all respect for him.

I could care less about Mitt Romney and whoever any of them are.

But this one.... Obama, I expected more from him in character and in intergrity. He's a snake, no different than any of the rest and for this he's lost me. It's a game to him and I refused to be played. Why did he have to lie? Why did he have to cheat? Why did he use the very people who loved him, not just the most, but the very people who loved him period? We didn't have enough to get him where he wanted to be, that's why.

The gay agenda has MONEY... Hundreds and Hundreds of Millions and this will cause a man who wants power to fail each and every time. Obama isn't about gay equality. They were never not equal. There were always laws to give them hospital visits and care for their children.

Don't be fooled ... It's time to turn away from the deceptions of man which includes Obama and focus upon God and no one else.

Obama will not be able to save anyone. His heart is not with us... it is on himself.

I'm not one of those who was looking for Obama to "save" me for anyone who thought like that shame on them.......I don't look for any person or any President to "save" me.

Perhaps those who were looking for Obama to "save" them are now against him because they feel as if he didn't "save" them.....well that was not his job.