Rollersets and Cardio....


Well-Known Member
Does anyone who rollersets do cardio work outs dasily or a few times a week? How do you preserve the curls? I tend to leave it in pin curls (I do it arly before work) with my net and a sweat band, after i have finshed, I put on my head scarf and shower cap, shower, get dressed and when its dry, or almost dry (sometimes it makes me late) i take the pin curls out and do my hair. It comes out ok, but I was wondering if there is a better way to do mad cardio whilst having cute hair......


I have been searching for the answer to this question for the longest. I sweat like crazy when I work out. My rollersets usually start out cute, move on to a ponytail and by the end of the week, it's back to a wash 'n go. I'm not giving up, though! :nono:

One day I tried leaving the ends rolled in a ponytail, but I'd sweat so much that even the ends got wet.

I have been searching for the answer to this question for the longest. I sweat like crazy when I work out. My rollersets usually start out cute, move on to a ponytail and by the end of the week, it's back to a wash 'n go. I'm not giving up, though! :nono:

One day I tried leaving the ends rolled in a ponytail, but I'd sweat so much that even the ends got wet.

Same thing for me. I cannot keep a roller set. I have water running from my head. I gave up. :sad:
:nono: This is the worst...trying to preserve my sexy while working out.

Someone suggested a while ago that after a workout, do a mohawk set or actually re-rolling damp hair with big rollers and letting it air dry. I haven't tried the mohawk but re-rolling has helped some. I get a little body back and helps smooth out the sweated edges.
No answers :(...after working out I am literally pouring sweat from my scalp. The only option I can think of is lessing the intensity of your workout, but that's not really a logic option:ohwell:
One phrase: wash and go. Right now I am wearing my hair straight,, and I'm natural, but it's pretty much required using heat alot more then I'd like to. I'm only using it on the front though, or else just tying to down and slicking it back into a sleek ponytail. I'm w/ you neezmj I tried the pony tail thing, and while it does save some of my hair, I'm pretty much at almost full fro on the ends and the roots. I just wear it out and straight for a day or two, and only do yoga, or light cardio, and then get ready to go back to buns etc when I get into my harder training. There's really no other option for me, but protective styling, and wash and go's for me. :ohwell:
I don't know if this would work for everyone but when I had a rollerset, I would put my hair in like 5-8 bantu knots and work out. Then I would leave it after the workout for a couple of hours and I would have curls. I know humidty and moisture is one great way to set natural hair, even if frizz is involved. So working out, is not much of a threat to a rollerset for me, as long as I put my hair into knots, I will come out with a curl.

The pics below are of extremely big hair. I am sure your hair would not be this big if you are relaxed. Natural hair does not have to be this big, I am sure bigger knots with a little product would help.This was day 5 and 6 of this rollerset and I had worked out a great deal that week. I do an hour of cardio and 45 minutes of strength training, so I get my sweat on. I sweat a whole lot, if I go to a reggae dance club, I will come out completely wet. Hair clothes and all shirt and pants. I know that is gross but it's the best way to illistrate how much I sweat.


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I don't know if this would work for everyone but when I had a rollerset, I would put my hair in like 5-8 bantu knots and work out. Then I would leave it after the workout for a couple of hours and I would have curls. I know humidty and moisture is one great way to set natural hair, even if frizz is involved. So working out, is not much of a threat to a rollerset for me, as long as I put my hair into knots, I will come out with a curl.

The pics below are of extremely big hair. I am sure your hair would not be this big if you are relaxed. Natural hair does not have to be this big, I am sure bigger knots with a little product would help.This was day 5 and 6 of this rollerset and I had worked out a great deal that week. I do an hour of cardio and 45 minutes of strength training, so I get my sweat on. I sweat a whole lot, if I go to a reggae dance club, I will come out completely wet. Hair clothes and all shirt and pants. I know that is gross but it's the best way to illistrate how much I sweat.

Those pics look great! Thats kind of what i do and it does work. My only problem is that i never have enough time to let it completely dry and that can be somewhat problematic! But, I refuse to be unhealthy for the sake of fly hair, I guess I just have to get on with it! Thanks ladies!
I have dance practice twice a week, and I work out about 2 days out of the week on my own, so I'm ALWAYS SWEATING! I use a knit scarf. You know, the scarves with the knitted wholes in them? You can probably find them at your local beauty supply. The whole allows my scalp to breathe while holding my style (wrap, pincurls, etc) in place.