Does your family think you're crazy??

@ quasimodi & candy cane. . . exactly. . . she keeps asking me "when are u going to get a relaxer?" I just say "when I feel like it". :lachen: one time she took it as me getting smart. . . but i was like NO SERIOUSLY, when I feel like it, when I feel like my new growth is too much or I want to have it straight (not bone straight) i will use a mild relaxer for 10 minutes. . . but until then, im going to roll it, wrap it, rub my scalp and sleep. :lachen:for the first time since I've decided not to get a relaxer (she started asking me about it 4 WEEKS after i got my relaxer!!! i was like NO WONDER i was bald) she runs her fingers through my hair, she goes "whatever u are putting in it, it sure is soft". I told her that i would much rather have soft "nappy" long hair than straight short hair. she is REALLY wrapped up in that whole stylists know best thing. I was like mommy, too many relaxers damage your hair, she was like well get it professionally done. . . i was like UGH!!!! u aren't listening!!! I told her that I want to learn how to do my hair MYSELF, because no one will care for my hair the way I do. stylists have a station rent to pay for they aren't thinking about if an overlapping relaxer is causing split ends. i just tell her "I got this!" :lachen:

now ladies, THIS IS WHERE I CROSS MY FINGERS AND HOPE YA'LL ARE GOING TO LEAD MY ASTRAY!!!! i've been sassing folks lately that try to knock all of my products or my multiple washes in a week. I hope this stuff works, if NOT i will egg on my face.:lachen:
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@ quasimodi & candy cane. . . exactly. . . she keeps asking me "when are u going to get a relaxer?" I just say "when I feel like it". :lachen: one time she took it as me getting smart. . . but i was like NO SERIOUSLY, when I feel like it, when I feel like my new growth is too much or I want to have it straight (not bone straight) i will use a mild relaxer for 10 minutes. . . but until then, im going to roll it, wrap it, rub my scalp and sleep. :lachen:for the first time since I've decided not to get a relaxer (she started asking me about it 4 WEEKS after i got my relaxer!!! i was like NO WONDER i was bald) she runs her fingers through my hair, she goes "whatever u are putting in it, it sure is soft". I told her that i would much rather have soft "nappy" long hair than straight short hair. she is REALLY wrapped up in that whole stylists know best thing. I was like mommy, too many relaxers damage your hair, she was like well get it professionally done. . . i was like UGH!!!! u aren't listening!!! I told her that I want to learn how to do my hair MYSELF, because no one will care for my hair the way I do. stylists have a station rent to pay for they aren't thinking about if an overlapping relaxer is causing split ends. i just tell her "I got this!" :lachen:

:lachen: My mom is wrapped up in the stylists know best thing too, that drives me nuts because the stylist she took me to was overlapping my relaxer for about a year and a half!! :nono: It was amazing that I even had hair at all. Still to this day she LOVES that stylist and thinks it was me not moisturizing my hair correctly. Lol oh well.
:lachen:EXACTLY!!!! how does the STYLIST get the credit when it's healthy, but I get damnation when it's messed up??? the stylist only gets 2 hours with my hair but she can do some CRAZY damage! she can't FIX my hair in 2 hours. but my mother keeps a short cut, so she is like well my hair is healthy and it is growing. . . i had to explain to her that with all of that heat (she curls EACH little piece with the iron curlers, her WHOLE HEAD, every 2 weeks :nono:) her hair is CRAZY damaged. . . BUT she doesn't see it because they damaged ends are ALWAYS cut off the next weeks. so of course the hair is coming out of her head, but if she was to actually KEEP it, and let that cut grow out, i am certain it would all be heat damaged
My mother's hair is thick but it's definitely damaged. Her edges are completely gone but since she has a fair amount of hair she combs it over the missing edges. She continues to relax the edges though which is what I can't understand. Her hair has been the same length since I was a baby, and she always told me my hair wouldn't be much longer than hers because it's genetic. (the only person with long hair in my family was my great grandmother who was waist length and natural may I add) The thing is I've already proved her wrong about that. :yep:
My family think I am crazy AND obsessive when it comes to my hair. I have decided not to talk about hair anymore with them. I think I am starting to bore them to death!!! I noticed that whenever I start talking about hair products, regimen etc, both my sisters eyes would glaze over and seem to wander towards the door as if they are looking for an escape route from me:blush:
Some of you ladies have me dying over here:lachen:

I think I have a "rub off" the things that I do tend to rub off on others and they start doing it too. Thanks to my obsession, I have my mom and sis going hair crazy (not as deep as my issues) too.

My mom just got a digital camera...why are half the pics on it of her hair? Why do I wake up at 6am to find my sis rummaging through my stash of products? Why my mom want me to set her up with a fotki? Why my cousin probably on this site right now reading? Why my best friend tells me she stopped blowdrying her hair all the time, and wouldn't I be proud?

My family knows that I'm crazy about hair, I've always been, so they are not surprised.
I don't discuss hair with friends and family anymore because non of them are "into hair" like I am.:nono: Some of them already think I'm obsessed. So, I'm glad I found this site. I can communicate with other sistas that have the same interests (HAIR, PJ'ism, etc). I have learned so much and I have saved so much money because I'm not buying useless products every week.:grin:

*tearing up* I love you guys!:grouphug3:
:lachen:EXACTLY!!!! how does the STYLIST get the credit when it's healthy, but I get damnation when it's messed up??? the stylist only gets 2 hours with my hair but she can do some CRAZY damage! she can't FIX my hair in 2 hours. but my mother keeps a short cut, so she is like well my hair is healthy and it is growing. . . i had to explain to her that with all of that heat (she curls EACH little piece with the iron curlers, her WHOLE HEAD, every 2 weeks :nono:) her hair is CRAZY damaged. . . BUT she doesn't see it because they damaged ends are ALWAYS cut off the next weeks. so of course the hair is coming out of her head, but if she was to actually KEEP it, and let that cut grow out, i am certain it would all be heat damaged

You're right about stylists being able to do some heavy duty damage to your hair in one session. Overlapping relaxers (happened to me more than once), combing wet hair with rat-tailed combs (more than once), singed hair from too hot bonnet dryers (i don't want to even think about it) All totally up to damaged hair.

There are definitely some good stylists out there, some of which are featured on LHCF, but, in my opinion, no one is going to care of my hair as diligently and carefully as I am, because, after all, I'm the one who has to live with it. There are too many stylists who think that they know how to take care of your hair (since they did their stent in cosmetology school) better than you do, so they don't want to listen to you when you get in their chair. Just check out the threads of LCHF members who've gone to stylists for trims and leave with 3-4 inches gone and other similar horror stories. So, I'm reteaching myself to take care of my own hair.

On e thing I can say about my mother is that she doesn't think that stylists are "all knowing". She's seen my hair jacked up by enough of them to know better than that. I could mention the incident when Mom had a friend of hers braid my hair (I was 14 or 15) in an effort to "save" my damaged hair. What mom didn't let me know is that the woman before braiding hair, combed through my damaged, wet hair w/ a rat-tailed comb. I'm thinking that everything is all good, because when I looked around I didn't see any hair lying around. Unbeknowst to me, Mom was scooping up and throwing away the hair the woman was tearing out of my hair as she combed it! Afterwards, I was like "MOM? What in the world???"
now ladies, THIS IS WHERE I CROSS MY FINGERS AND HOPE YA'LL ARE GOING TO LEAD MY ASTRAY!!!! i've been sassing folks lately that try to knock all of my products or my multiple washes in a week. I hope this stuff works, if NOT i will egg on my face.:lachen:

Don't worry. If you take care of your hair, it will definitely grow. :yep:
My sister thinks that i am obsessive compulsive about my hair however, she did mention that it was growing the last time she saw it.:perplexed
My family don't care too much. Since I was 15 (now 25) I have been stocking up on hair products. So they are use to it anyways.
My family understands. My mom has always been a DIYer. I HATED that she didn't go to the salon and she wouldn't let me go either. Since she wouldn't I learned to do my own hair out of necessity. When I got old enough, I got a job and I went to the salon religiously. Then she always scrutinized how much I paid for the services.

The only time she allowed someone else to do her hair was back in '88. On a trip to SC she let our cousin give her pineapple waves. :lachen:

She has always been a PJ (I'll try to sneak and take a pic of her dresser) which has always been covered in hair products. I mean COVERED. She has stuff stacked on top of stuff. There's not an inch to spare. :nono: She's always open to trying something new. She used to always want to go into BSS's and I would say, "You just brought some stuff last week, You want to go to the BSS again?!" Now it's me wanting to go every Saturday. When I ordered BT, I ended up giving her half. My sister was just diagnosed with Alopecia, so I gave her the other half.

Although she's a DIYer, she doesn't have the knowledge that I've gotten from this board. She still buys a lot of greases..:ohwell: In the last two years, she's taken to wearing wigs. She doesn't wear her own hair out anymore. It's funny that I'm becoming more and more like her.
Oh yeah, my husband has seen it all. The craziest thing is my prepoos. I do them overnight and have developed an elaborate methodology to wrap my head and secure it so that the oil doesn't leak. Included is a special towel wrapped pillow that I sleep on.

I look like an arab shiek when I go to bed. At first I was using any old towel, rag. Now I have gone out and purchased more colorful wraps but they still make my head about 10X bigger than actual size!:laugh:

Oh and I used to put Neem oil in my prepoo - BIG MISTAKE that stuff STANK. Hubby was on the couch quite a few times back in the day.