Dabur brand Vatika Enriched Coconut Oil


Active Member
I just bought this today and i wanted to know if anyone used this or if it sounds ok. it says that it for the hair and scalp.


the ingredients are:
Coconut Oil (Cocos Nucifera Oil), Neem (Azadirachta indica Leaf Extract), Brahmi (Centella asiatica Plant Extract), Fruit Extracts of Amla, Bahera and Harar (Extracts of Emblica officinalis, Terminalia belirica and Terminalia chebula), Kapur kachri (Hedychium spicatum rhizome Extract), Henna (Lawsonia inermis leaf Extract), Milk (Lac), Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis Oil) Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum Oil), TBHQ (t-Butyl Hydroquinone), Fragrance.

I use this exact one. Its great for pre-pooing and moisturizing your ends at night. I think you'll really like it.
No, I've seen it but never used it. JMHO, but the only compound vedic oil I really like is Ramtirth's brahmi oil. If I'm buying I pefrer single oils (say Bhringraj oil) w/ maybe only a few complimentary herbs (if anything) added. I skipped this product because of the added henna (tho I also avoid neem in compounds). On your amla thread, I explained why I avoid henna in oils, but neem simply smells to bad to be worn.
Girl you ole skool! Everybody and their mama loves that oil. :lol:

It's good for pre-pooing and sealing! I love it.
wow i didnt how this stuff would be but now im excited to start using it especially seeing yall nobody uses this on their scalp?
I agree...I bought this oil to use as a pre-poo for my dry hair but i've never used it as i can't stand the smell. What do you all think about the smell?

The smell of neem? Umm...slightly less offensive than durian fruit and worse than most anything rotted! The powder isn't nearly as bad (let's say you're making a facial) but I do have a huge amount sitting around my house untouched (powered and oil form). LOL, I didn't know how bad it smelled it until I bought it.

Is this Vatika oil supposed to be for scalp problems? Neem is the 1st listed oil and that's very unusual for most standard hair oils. Neem is very good for skin problems, but it seems awfully high up on the list for a normal hair oil.

I'm glad it can be masked in some way (or you'd knock out large groups of people), but I bet the Sunsilk (wonderful stuff) ratio is WAY high. LOL
Oh yeah... Vatika oil :grin:. Am I the only one who thinks the smell is yummy :lick:? I :love: coconut oil, and that's mainly what I smell in Vatika oil.

Now, straight up Amla oil... :nono: :barf:
I :love: Vatika oil, it's one of the best! It's great as the ladies have said for pre-poos and such. I especially like to use it when my new growth comes in, it makes it more managable. And it's very soothing on my scalp.
You have just purchased one of the premium coconut oils for hair care!!! I added it to my regimen six months ago, and I love what it does for my hair!! The amla and lemon strengthen the hair, and nourish the scalp. You will love it!:grin:
will it make my hair darker and shinier??

I don't know about darker, but it'll definitely make it shinier and thicker/denser. I just started it this summer and I have already noticed a huge difference in my hair. It's one of those things I wish I had started using when I first joined this board. Trust me, it's definitely worth it, my strands that were thin now look thicker and healthier.
No prob. Check out these threads. I don't know if you plan to use it for growth purposes, but they are great reads.

thanxx....just finished reading it all:spinning:

:yep: I use it after every wash and absolutely LOVE it. :up:

do you use it like a leave-in or with a leave-in or after a leave-in? does that make sense?