Anyone notice how similar Herbal Essence LTR conditioner and leave in ingredients are


Active Member
Hello LHCF family,

I was looking at my bottle of HE LTR conditioner and leave in conditioner, and I noticed that they are extremely similar. Do you think I could use some of the conditioner as a leave in? :grin:
Re: Anyone notice how similar Herbal Essence LTR conditioner and leave in ingredients

Yes, I've noticed this and this is what has kept me from purchasing the leave-in. I prefer the ingriedients in the conditioner than the leave-in which has more cones. The conditioner works great on its own as a leave-in. You get more bang for your buck with it too.
Re: Anyone notice how similar Herbal Essence LTR conditioner and leave in ingredients

Thanks for replying. Do you dilute it with water or use it straight? :)
Re: Anyone notice how similar Herbal Essence LTR conditioner and leave in ingredients

the ingredients are similar, but they are not exactly the same. i.e., both contain cetyl alcohol & hydrolyzed silk, but in different amounts. the concentrations of those ingredients are different. the leave-in gives more slip than the conditioner, and the leave in doesn't leave the hair crunchy like the conditioner does (the one time i tried it as a leave-in on dry hair).
Re: Anyone notice how similar Herbal Essence LTR conditioner and leave in ingredients

I've always wondered what was so herbal about Herbal Essences. I see maybe one or two ingredients that would fall in the herbal category; the rest are synthetic ingredients. :look: I still use the stuff though, but that doesn't keep me from wondering!
Re: Anyone notice how similar Herbal Essence LTR conditioner and leave in ingredients

the ingredients are similar, but they are not exactly the same. i.e., both contain cetyl alcohol & hydrolyzed silk, but in different amounts. the concentrations of those ingredients are different. the leave-in gives more slip than the conditioner, and the leave in doesn't leave the hair crunchy like the conditioner does (the one time i tried it as a leave-in on dry hair).

Oh Ok. Thanks for this. I'll have to pay close attention to how my hair responds.