*****Sickbay: "Dominican Products" Sale*****

This is the response that I received from Sickbay regarding the Kan Kanechomn inventory.


We are trying to get more Kan Kanechomn but it is hard for us to get it since the supplier from Brasil does not have more inventory to offer.

As soon as we can get more then we will let you know.


Customer Service

I got this one this morning too. I hope they get a supply soon.
Thanks i will order some Alter Ego Garlic Treatment...this is my fave!:grin:...and I want to try adding some garlic to it,to curb shedding:yep:
Everything seems to be sold out...guess I will go to the salon and buy it...it was $4 cheaper onling...oh well:ohwell:....yall have to try UNA's products...its not Domincan,I believe it's Spanish or Italian:yep:
I got this one this morning too. I hope they get a supply soon.

me 2

Which Kan Kanechomn products have ya'll tried and liked? TIA

Karite Butter, Black Hair (not all that), Max Selective,
Aloe Vera
they have a whole line that Sickbay does not even carry.
I emailed Sickbay about 2 months ago asking them to increase their line. I did not get a response. I followed that up with a reply to the email sent today to see if some of these other flavors could be selected.

look at them....just simply YUMMY http://www.kanechom.com/products.php

I will let you know if I get a response on that.

Thanks i will order some Alter Ego Garlic Treatment...this is my fave!:grin:...and I want to try adding some garlic to it,to curb shedding:yep:
This one is supposed to be for growth.

Look at this one!



Everything seems to be sold out...guess I will go to the salon and buy it...it was $4 cheaper onling...oh well:ohwell:....yall have to try UNA's products...its not Domincan,I believe it's Spanish or Italian:yep:

UNA is all my dominican stylist uses. It is that crack, it is Italian and nothing can do it better. If it weren't so expensive, I'd buy the whole line and use it exclusively.
Everything seems to be sold out...guess I will go to the salon and buy it...it was $4 cheaper onling...oh well:ohwell:....yall have to try UNA's products...its not Domincan,I believe it's Spanish or Italian:yep:

Its Brazilian...and at highlighted. THAT'S NOT FAIR....!
Did you click the link...they have friends....:grin:

i see all great minds thing alike. This afternoon I was looking at that site. I even went out and left it on the contact page. Sooo tempted to email and find out how much for bulk shipments. I have been thinking about starting my own lil online BSS. I said thinking. Just thinking thats all. Its just the PJism speaking.
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i see all great minds thing alike. This afternoon I was looking at that site. I even went out and left it on the contact page. Sooo tempted to email and find out how much for bulk shipments. I have been thinking about starting my own lil online BSS. I said thinking. Just thinking thats all. Its just the PJism speaking.

I did that too! Even typed it out in Spanish. Nothing. Not even a Hell No!

What are their sales usually like??

I forgot. I know one year it was BOGO. I think last year all the prices were dramatically reduced but they had certain items that you could not buy.
Dang i think I gone to that site every day to see if there is a new annoucement...well anyways what are some good super moisturizing conditioners?? I am already in Love with SIlicon Mix what else?
I know my CC #'s by heart :look: so even if a site doesn't have Paypal, it's all good! :lachen:

OMG you are an addict:lachen:

Dang i think I gone to that site every day to see if there is a new annoucement...well anyways what are some good super moisturizing conditioners?? I am already in Love with SIlicon Mix what else?

I have used Silicon Mix before and yes it is pretty good.
I like the Nacidit Coconut and the Nacidit Olive Oil
I have heard raves about Alter Ego and do plan to try it.

I have also tried Whale Sperm and loved it. I am going to buy some more of that. Henna Queen has some good products as well.
Okay ladies, here is another.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way!

Sickbay announcing that they are having special
prices December 12 to December 14.

I am ready to stock up on my Dominican Condishes!

I am in love with Nacidit Coconut and the Olive Oil.
Kan Kanechomn is da bom.
Not too much in to Silicon Mix, but I might try it again to see if I changed my mind. There are many others in that sotre that I like but I want to see what the prices are. Remeber too that Sickbay.biz offers discounts to LCHF members with a $25 purchase or more.

Website: http://store.sickbay.biz/
Discount: LENNOX05

See ya week after next.

Wow let's see if they have lacio lacio
Thanks, puffyb. Okay so if they happen to run out of Lacio Lacio is the Silicon mix leave in compareable?

OH! I mis understood. I haven't used the leave in. I have heard from other LCHF members that is has worked for them. I personally use a non dominican leave in because they are not moisturizing enough for my hair.