Caruso Rollers? Help!!!!!


New Member
I am trying really hard to get my hair to turn out great using these rollers. :wallbash: I have read countless threads on caruso rollers, but have not found anyone describbing how they actually roll their hair.
Do you roll your hair as if your rollersetting it? (mohawk and then the sides)
Do you place them in, any kind of way?
Please help I am sooooooo lost.

YES!!! I especially love the girl from "yepanotherone" who does the Caruso w/the Jill Scott in the background. She made me run out to get my Caruso set. I still haven't gotten the hang of it yet, actually I did but MY hair was like 16 weeks post and now that I have touched up it'll prolly turn out a LOT better!!!
But yes, Yasjencon is the troof! She has tutorials on other stuff too. I wonder if she is a member here???

Keep @ it, OP and you will get it!!!:yep:
YES!!! I especially love the girl from "yepanotherone" who does the Caruso w/the Jill Scott in the background. She made me run out to get my Caruso set. I still haven't gotten the hang of it yet, actually I did but MY hair was like 16 weeks post and now that I have touched up it'll prolly turn out a LOT better!!!
But yes, Yasjencon is the troof! She has tutorials on other stuff too. I wonder if she is a member here???

Keep @ it, OP and you will get it!!!:yep:
Yes, she is a member here but i can't remember her screen name to save my life.
The girl in the 1st video, "KeepItSimpleSista", did her caruso set turn out like it should have? I really didnt see anything impressive about her hair for the final results. I'm not trying to be funny, but it just looked like she curled the ends w/some pink fluffy rollers overnight... Am I trippin? Maybe I was expecting to see some results like the Yasjencon girl...???:ohwell:
It's been a long time but I used to use them before I started transitioning. I used them sort of like a curling iron - just on the edges. Let it get "hot" for a few seconds then rolled under just the ends and maybe an extra turn for one lock curled under if that makes sense. I'd leave them in maybe 10+ mins till there were completely dry and cool. HTS Good luck!
I used mine for the first time today, and the only problem I have is that my hair looks dry!! I know your not supposed to use much product, but how do you stop it from looking so dry. I washed then put in a little watery leave in, then blow dried. Then used the carusso's I love the curls I just hate the dryness!
Thanks ladies for the advice I went ahead and smacked my curaso rollers in and they turned out a mess. I will keep trying, because I paid to much for these rollers to just lay them to the side.

If anyone finds out a great way, please post :)
The girl in the 1st video, "KeepItSimpleSista", did her caruso set turn out like it should have? I really didnt see anything impressive about her hair for the final results. I'm not trying to be funny, but it just looked like she curled the ends w/some pink fluffy rollers overnight... Am I trippin? Maybe I was expecting to see some results like the Yasjencon girl...???:ohwell:
It could've been the results she wanted. I guess the way you set it and/or comb it out varies.
I used mine for the first time today, and the only problem I have is that my hair looks dry!! I know your not supposed to use much product, but how do you stop it from looking so dry. I washed then put in a little watery leave in, then blow dried. Then used the carusso's I love the curls I just hate the dryness!

When I used them back in the day (when I was fully relaxed) I always used extra oil on each curl, and finger combed, dry curls only, and it turned out well.
Yasjencon's Caruso set was the truth. I loved it! I wonder if I can do it on 8-9 week post hair and just flat iron the roots...Hmm...An experiment to try :)
I used mine for the first time today, and the only problem I have is that my hair looks dry!! I know your not supposed to use much product, but how do you stop it from looking so dry. I washed then put in a little watery leave in, then blow dried. Then used the carusso's I love the curls I just hate the dryness!

Put a little coconut oil on each section before you roll it.
Couldn't make these work for me either... back to sally's they went... I actually have a set of Conair ones from back in the day day..that work pretty dern good.
Last time I used them I moisturized my hair like I normaly do before bed and did a pony like this:


the next morning I just finger comb:



I have also done the same thing to wear it in a ponytail like this:


Hair comes out moisturezed but the curls don't last the whole day...:ohwell:
Good thing I saw this thread. I just ordered mine yesterday morning. I wanted something that used steam, but I've read mixed reviews of the maxiglide, plus the Caruso set was half the price, so I ordered the rollers. Off to watch those videos. Thanks for the links!
Good thing I saw this thread. I just ordered mine yesterday morning. I wanted something that used steam, but I've read mixed reviews of the maxiglide, plus the Caruso set was half the price, so I ordered the rollers. Off to watch those videos. Thanks for the links!

Where did you find them half off?
Where did you find them half off?

Sorry about that; I didn't get them for half off, I meant that the maxiglide has been about $80-100 everywhere I've looked. I ordered the Caruso set for $44. The one I ordered comes with 36 rollers: 12 medium, 12 large, 12 jumbo.
Sorry about that; I didn't get them for half off, I meant that the maxiglide has been about $80-100 everywhere I've looked. I ordered the Caruso set for $44. The one I ordered comes with 36 rollers: 12 medium, 12 large, 12 jumbo.

Is there only one kind of Caruso sets?....where did you get it?
Hmm...I might have to try these out again. I bought them a couple years ago from Sally's but returned it because my curls were frizzy, but I see now that I should've used the end papers. I will be definitely trying them out again. I like both girls' hair, too. :yep:

Thanks for posting those videos, Wheezy! :)

ETA: I also read somewhere that it's best to use distilled water, so I hope that helps someone.
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The girl in the 1st video, "KeepItSimpleSista", did her caruso set turn out like it should have? I really didnt see anything impressive about her hair for the final results. I'm not trying to be funny, but it just looked like she curled the ends w/some pink fluffy rollers overnight... Am I trippin? Maybe I was expecting to see some results like the Yasjencon girl...???:ohwell:

Hahahaha...That because it was my very first one.....But look at my sets now..




Once you get the hang of it...Its really easy....My mistake in the beginning was using aloe vera gel ...
It came out beautiful Traycee...what type of leave in do you use and does the curl hold w/o the Aloe Vera Gel?
I am trying really hard to get my hair to turn out great using these rollers. :wallbash: I have read countless threads on caruso rollers, but have not found anyone describbing how they actually roll their hair.
Do you roll your hair as if your rollersetting it? (mohawk and then the sides)
Do you place them in, any kind of way?
Please help I am sooooooo lost.

It took awhile for me to get it but this is what works for me....
  • Heat the roller no more than 6 sec
  • put a serum or light oil on hair, but, especially on the ends
  • fold end paper in half over the ends and fold the paper once more. Make sure the ends are totally covered before putting the roller on your hair.
When I roll my hair I put the rollers in any kind of way. I also do a saran wrap afterwards depending on how I want the end result. After 5 long years my Caruso sets are coming out great!:yep: