Christian prospective on stem cell research


Well-Known Member
Obama to reverse limits on stem cell work

This conversation is going on in the political thread and I was just curious about the Christian perspective on the matter.

I'm personally against embryoic stem cell research, simply because I feel that we are disposing of life. People get into technicalities of when life begins when the simple fact is that we all started off as that little dot in our mother's womb.

I guess my republican Christian friend was right. She said that Obama administration will not reflect positively for the Christian community (beliefs). When she spoke those words I felt to a small degree that she was right.

I don't know, but I felt a sadness when he approved this bill.

Please keep it respectful.
I am one who DID seek in-depth information on stem cell research and I STILL came down on the side to vote against it.

This issue was on the state of Michigan's November 2008 ballot. The measure asked voters to approve stem cell research under certain conditions, INCLUDING EMBRYONIC stem cells. The selling point from the side advocating the measure strategically avoided the EMBRYONIC aspect and instead focused on income-generating opportunities that this kind of research would bring to this state with the most depressed economy in the union. Go figure.

I believe that life begins at CONCEPTION, which means that an embryo is a LIFE. One argument I was told (from one of my Christian friends who is a medical doctor) about the Christian vote for embryonic stem cell research is that at least some use would come out of the embryos by giving them to science versus them being discarded altogether. I understand that argument. And yet I still struggle with the point of the embryos even being created at all if their fate is to be eventually discarded.
I have not developed a stance on this issue but what Nef and Foxy have said makes sense to me. But beyond that...

Do any of the administrations reflect positively for the Christian community in every way? Too many Republicans are one-sided. Do they really think that true Christianity was reflected when Republicans (save 1) were all for the war? *smh*
That is my position as well. They are being discarded so why not use it for medical research?

I understand that you feel that life begins at conception but with the case of these embryos' they are just embryos' with no future, no potential for growth. They are frozen at a point in time and will not grow to become mature human beings.

Then I kindly advise you to take the advice you noted in your post about those who would condemn those opposing opinions as if such opinions are formed out of the side of their face. It's condescending.

Another aspect of this is the lack of control or oversight about when/how embryos are made. Who determines how much, how many, from whom? The Michigan legislation noted that eggs to make the embryos would come from women who WILLINGLY DONATED their eggs; they could not SELL their eggs. Again, Michigan is the most economically depressed state in the union right now. Give this woman the right dollar amount, could she sell her eggs like people donate blood and get paid for it? Sure, the eggs are hers to do whatever she wants to do with them. The overarching point is the lack of control/oversight as to how these embryos are created.
Then I kindly advise you to take the advice you noted in your post about those who would condemn those opposing opinions as if such opinions are formed out of the side of their face. It's condescending.

Come again? :ohwell:

I don't see anything wrong with your position at all and I understand where you're coming from.

I had the impression that we were just debating the issue that's why I offered a counter argument. If you took my post to be condescending I apologize because that was not my intent at all :sad:
I think stem cell research is a great idea. People have the misconception that stem cells are derived only from embryo's.

Here is some information from the Mayo clinic Website:

Where do stem cells come from?
  • Researchers have discovered several sources of stem cells:
  • t.
I was just thinking about this!!! Didn't they find a source in teeth recently? It was something like that. As far as embryos, I don't know if the soul is present or not. There is an ancient tradition in judaism of the body present without soul yet. I'm not sure iwhen it is birth, along which stage of development?? I still don't like that they make them and keep them in petrie dishes, tho. Whatever, it's still a human being. It's not ever going to be a lion or something lol.
Sorry I just woke up, so I apologize in advance if this doesn't make sense.

If I remember correctly at one point of time, scientists were looking to take cells from various parts of the body ie bones, blood, etc. and I guess clone or find a way to use those cells. I was fine with that, because no one was dying to retrieve those cells.

With this bill, they are taking parts from embryos, which I believe is a individual person. Yes, I understand the argument that these embryos was going to be discarded. But if the scientists were going to use embryonic cells that were going to be disposed of; what will the scientists use once those embryonic cells are gone?
Here's an article from today's Detroit Free Press on this subject from a Michigan perspective:
U-M director: Stem cell funds will stimulate jobs

This morning at the University of Michigan, the single room, with the single employee that is legally allowed to study embryonic stem cells, will no longer be so singular.

With the passage of Proposal 2 in November, which loosens state laws on embryonic stem cell research, and the lifting of the Bush-era ban on funding by President Obama this morning, Michigan scientists can now apply for federal dollars to create and study the type of stem cell that can become almost any cell in the human body, and could cure many diseases.

And, says Eva Feldman, director of the A. Alfred Taubman Research Institute at U-M, there will be jobs.

“This is one of the many programs to stimulate science as part of stimulating the economy,” she said.

The stem cells will come from embryos created during in vitro fertilization and not used to create a pregnancy. Researchers nationwide have said such embryos are destined for trash cans, so why not be able to coax them into nerve cells, blood cells and other cells to potential treat disease, test drugs and better understand reproduction.

In 2001, former President Bush stopped the National Institutes of Health from funding embryonic stem cell research on all but a handful of cells that had already been created. He said the destruction of embryos needed to produce the cells was immoral. Both John McCain and Obama campaigned on reforming that order.

In 2008, after multiple attempts to change state law through the Legislature, concerned citizens in Michigan formed a ballot committee which put Proposal 2 on the November ballot. At the time, it was illegal to destroy an embryo in the state and illegal to donate unused embryos for research. They spent millions to eke out a 52% win.

“Fortunately, we were able to convince the citizens of Michigan to vote for Proposal 2. I’m proud of our state for taking away this archaic law,” said Alfred Taubman, the Michigan businessman who has given millions to U-M for biomedical research, including stem cell research.
I think stem cell research is a great idea. People have the misconception that stem cells are derived only from embryo's.

Here is some information from the Mayo clinic Website:

Where do stem cells come from?
  • Researchers have discovered several sources of stem cells:
  • Embryonic stem cells.
  • Adult stem cells. Adult cells altered to have properties of embryonic stem cells. Amniotic fluid stem cells.
What is the source of Embryonic Stem Cells:
The embryos being used in embryonic stem cell research come from eggs that were fertilized at in vitro fertilization clinics but never implanted in a woman's uterus because they were no longer wanted or needed. The excess embryos were frozen and later voluntarily donated for research purposes. The stem cells can live and grow in special solutions in test tubes or petri dishes in laboratories.

Per the information I cited from the Mayo Clinic, embryonic stem cells ARE NOT THE ONLY SOURCE for stem cells.

In addition, the embryo's are from fertilized eggs (from invitro fertilization) that were NEVER IMPLANTED and will be discarded eventually.

I feel that a lot of Christians are not truly educated some issues and rather then researching it, they pull the "Chrisitian Card" and condemn the issue and those who support it.
Nooooooooo, this isn't the case for the majority of Christians. :nono:

We are indeed educated which is why we cannot without a conscience condone embryos being used as unwilling sacrifices for experimentation.

Scientists have indeed used embryos, hence they would not have their reasons to press on with the use of them.

Granted there are definitely other methods for obtaining stem cells, which should be the only method that one who identifies themselves as a Christian should support.

Folks can decide and feel as they wish on this issue, but they cannot put a cover over the truth of it just to ease their conscience or justify the means of it.

I say this respectfully and in peace. :giveheart:
I've pulled one of my posts from the thread in the Political forum:

"They" are definitely pushing 'hyperbole' with this issue. They are playing on people's vunerabiities and desperations.

I have to be 'gentle' with this and with my responses, because there is an overwhelming sense of fear and pain in so many lives due to sickness and diseases. I've lived it, so I can understand the feelings of those who support it. It's heart wrenching to see someone you love or an innocent child suffer and die.

But I can see this thing going way off into darkness. And it won't be as much about healing as it will be about espionage. Something's not quite right here. :nono: The more I read, the more I'm becoming aware of it.

What I'm about to say is not about anyone personally. :nono: I'm just thinking in terms of the entire spectrum of this issue.


What scares me is the distachment from the humanity of these embryos, such as. "They're going to be killed anyway...." .

There is something so eery with this comment there. :nono: :nono::nono: It's like telling a hundred year old senior, 'you're going to die anyway, let me rip your heart out and use it to transplant it into someone else. " I dunno.... :nono::nono::nono: Where is the respect for life, all around

To me, (and it's just me thinking here). To me, it's seems as if humans are so fearful that it has forced them into a corner to take whatever deems right, or what's handed to them; and this fear has forced them into thinking of themselves and no one else. In case they or a loved one gets sick, this is what they will have at whatever cost of life it took to utilize it.

No one wants to die; I understand that. No one wants to see a loved one die. I FULLY understand that. The same applies to an innocent baby, a precious living, full of life, embryo who did not ask to be created, who has harmed no one, let alone does not deserve to die either for whatever reason. We all started out as an embryo....

There are indeed alternatives.

I'm praying for a peaceable outcome that will benefit life to life; not from death. :love2:
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Like I said in the PT forum.

This is liken to an organ transplant to me personally.

If you don't think in-vitro fertilization is right than I can see why one can't be for stem cell research using left over fertilized cells from in-vitro fertilization.

These eggs will be discarded/killed/destroyed. Their parents have said they want their babies/the eggs/their cells to do some good for man kind so they have given them to research to one day better the human race.

Same as with an organ transplant. Someone is about to die. They or their loved ones (I think this is possible) have decided to give their organs to someone to save/better their life. Same thing in my mind.

But, for those who believe invitro fertilization is wrong..the idea of folks taking out multiple eggs and combing them together on a petri dish with seminal fluid to create fertilized eggs so that a couple might have a chance at having a baby..than it is very clear why this whole stem cell reserach from fertilized eggs is something that you can't be for.
I just wish folks would call it what it is. An embryo is a baby. As Christians we know this. God says it as clear as day in His word:

"Before the foundations of the earth, I knew your name..."

Quite plainly, He knew us BEFORE we were formed in the womb.

Just because an embryo is formed in a dish, as opposed to a uterus, doesn't stop it from being an embryo, a human life. If this were not so, then it's foolish for one to expect it to be implanted into a woman to carry to term.

This is not something to be played with; neither by Christians or non Christians. This is still playing with someone's human life and it's wrong. It's crytic and it goulish. In embryotic form, if God thought of us as only a mass, or a mass of cells, then none of us would be here today. None of us.

Life is life, no matter what size a human form comes in, it's still life which God has designed to live.

God has already given us His directive for healing and He does it well. Eat right, live right, come to Him in prayer, and we shall be healed. It's an open invitaiton for those who will receive it.

There's so much to say on this subject for those who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ.

God never gave us permission to create a life only to kill it. And to yield to the world's mindset, that "they only going to be killed anyway', makes one an accomplish to massive destruction of innocent lives who did not ask to be created only to be killed.

Something is not right about this... it's just not right. I don't wish to start a ruckus or any upheavels about it. But my spirit says, it's just not right.

As Christians, we All know better and we all know right from wrong. There is no middle ground; no fence to straddle. Before jumping on the world's band wagon, I'd ask God first, what does He say about this? As Christians, we are His sheep and His sheep know His voice and therefore, we will have His answer, which is "Thou Shalt Not Kill."

No excuses, no covers for this one. :nono: We know better.

Blessings to you precious ones.... :giveheart:
Like I said in the PT forum.

This is liken to an organ transplant to me personally.

If you don't think in-vitro fertilization is right than I can see why one can't be for stem cell research using left over fertilized cells from in-vitro fertilization.

These eggs will be discarded/killed/destroyed. Their parents have said they want their babies/the eggs/their cells to do some good for man kind so they have given them to research to one day better the human race.

Same as with an organ transplant. Someone is about to die. They or their loved ones (I think this is possible) have decided to give their organs to someone to save/better their life. Same thing in my mind.

But, for those who believe invitro fertilization is wrong..the idea of folks taking out multiple eggs and combing them together on a petri dish with seminal fluid to create fertilized eggs so that a couple might have a chance at having a baby..than it is very clear why this whole stem cell reserach from fertilized eggs is something that you can't be for.

Well, not exactly. I am for RESPONSIBLE MEDICINE with regard to invitro fertilization. Octomom is a living witness about responsibility, inside and outside the womb. As I asked upthread: who decides when, how, where, and from whom? Where's the cap? Where are the controls?

This latest legislation re. embryonic stem cell research can result in some very unintended harmful, ethical, moral, and physical consequences.
I just wish folks would call it what it is. An embryo is a baby. As Christians we know this. God says it as clear as day in His word:

"Before the foundations of the earth, I knew your name..."

Quite plainly, He knew us BEFORE we were formed in the womb.

Just because an embryo is formed in a dish, as opposed to a uterus, doesn't stop it from being an embryo, a human life. If this were not so, then it's foolish for one to expect it to be implanted into a woman to carry to term.

This is not something to be played with; neither by Christians or non Christians. This is still playing with someone's human life and it's wrong. It's crytic and it goulish. In embryotic form, if God thought of us as only a mass, or a mass of cells, then none of us would be here today. None of us.

Life is life, no matter what size a human form comes in, it's still life which God has designed to live.

God has already given us His directive for healing and He does it well. Eat right, live right, come to Him in prayer, and we shall be healed. It's an open invitaiton for those who will receive it.

There's so much to say on this subject for those who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ.

God never gave us permission to create a life only to kill it. And to yield to the world's mindset, that "they only going to be killed anyway', makes one an accomplish to massive destruction of innocent lives who did not ask to be created only to be killed.

Something is not right about this... it's just not right. I don't wish to start a ruckus or any upheavels about it. But my spirit says, it's just not right.

As Christians, we All know better and we all know right from wrong. There is no middle ground; no fence to straddle. Before jumping on the world's band wagon, I'd ask God first, what does He say about this? As Christians, we are His sheep and His sheep know His voice and therefore, we will have His answer, which is "Thou Shalt Not Kill."

No excuses, no covers for this one. :nono: We know better.

Blessings to you precious ones.... :giveheart:

I appreciate your responses Shimmie, but not all Christians see it the way you see it. And we have the Holy Spirit inside of us and are not convicted. No we aren't jumping on anyones bandwagon this is what we believe as Christians.

I plainly spoke of the people who gave of their egg and sperm as the parents. That they have made a choice to donate their baby to something greater than a fiery furnance. However, if you believe folks are playing God by taking steps outside of a man and a woman physically coming together to create a baby than I COMPLETELY understand your position..I just don't agree.

However, I do believe that they could be more..what's the word..umm I can't think of it, but they shouldn't try to fertilize sooo many eggs at one time. Especially, when they aren't going to implant them all. They need to take extreme care and caution when doing these procedures. Why fertilize 15-20 eggs when you are only going to use 1-3? More regulation.

Help me better understand your position. Do you think invitro is wrong? Do you think organ transplants or blood infusions are wrong?

I have just a different feeling towards it all. I see these cells becoming intertwined into someone elses body. That they go one to live semi developed in someone elses body.

I can also see what some are saying by seeing this thing developing into folks putting sperm and eggs together just to get the cells. So no intentions of having a baby, but only intentions of using the cells to heal or cure diseases. Now if you believe that when the cells in the egg and the cells in the sperm come together and a fertilized egg is formed that at that point you have a baby...than I can see why you can not support stem cell research. Because after the research is over than it will just be a season of harvesting if they can't duplicate the results in lab using other means besides rejected fertilized eggs.

It can be complicated for some...when you look towards the future of If's and If nots.
I appreciate your responses Shimmie, but not all Christians see it the way you see it. And we have the Holy Spirit inside of us and are not convicted. No we aren't jumping on anyones bandwagon this is what we believe as Christians.

I plainly spoke of the people who gave of their egg and sperm as the parents. That they have made a choice to donate their baby to something greater than a fiery furnance. However, if you believe folks are playing God by taking steps outside of a man and a woman physically coming together to create a baby than I COMPLETELY understand your position..I just don't agree.

However, I do believe that they could be more..what's the word..umm I can't think of it, but they shouldn't try to fertilize sooo many eggs at one time. Especially, when they aren't going to implant them all. They need to take extreme care and caution when doing these procedures. Why fertilize 15-20 eggs when you are only going to use 1-3? More regulation.

Help me better understand your position. Do you think invitro is wrong? Do you think organ transplants or blood infusions are wrong?
As Christians, let's put aside what 'we' think or say. What does God have to say about it? Would He agree with this measure? Would He grieve over it, as He has with so many of our compromises to life?

What would God say, if you were to sit before Him and truly ask Him if this were right or wrong?

We can't presume, that because we all have the 'same' spirit with this. For we do not agree with the issues. God is not the author of confusion. :nono:

We have to go before God and ask Him, what spirit is behind my views on this. We all know that satan is a mighty deceiver and he seeks after the very elect of God.

I've noticed many who 'say' they are followers of Christ, yet the path is no where near Him.

This issue is very clear, cut and dry with our Lord above. Would He condone this? Would He, truly condone this? We can't say, I think He would, nor can we say, "God understands" neither can we put a blinder over this and say, "God doesn't want others to suffer".

The answer is God is straight forward when it comes to life and death. Life or Death, Blessing or Cursing, He says to choose life.

There are no other factors to consider, 'choose life.'

There ARE other options. Other alternatives, yet science has opted not to pursue them or place them as priority. It's easier to sin than it is to forego it. We do not have to compromise and allow satan to use us against one another as accomplices who aid and abeit what God does not condone.

These embryos are still human life. Not even the parents have the right to decide their fate. Children are a gift from God, an inheritance. It would be more proper to honor them as humans, which these embryos are and to give them a respectful burial.

As Christians, we have to bold enough to stand upon what God says is right, for there are many ways that seem right to man, but the end thereof is destruction. The 'end' has been proven for these babies (embryos), which is total and utter destructio. They are not the same as organ donations, to say so, is only an attempt to white wash the truth. The truth being, that human lives are being degraded and destroyed for the sole purpose of the sin of man.

Deep within my heart, I know that something is terribly, terribly wrong about this. It's wrong. And it doesn't have to occur. You see, there's more profit for someone to gain by using human embryos, and more benefit to it's backers, than it is for those human beings that will be experimented upon. I know that something is very wrong.

I'm going to ask the Holy Spirit to take over and allow us to hear and follow what He says.

"Father God, what are you speaking to those who know you, about this issue? I am listening with all of my heart. In Jesus's name, Amen.

Peace and blessings to you.... TML :giveheart:
As Christians, let's put aside what 'we' think or say. What does God have to say about it? Would He agree with this measure? Would He grieve over it, as He has with so many of our compromises to life?

What would God say, if you were to sit before Him and truly ask Him if this were right or wrong?

We can't presume, that because we all have the 'same' spirit with this. For we do not agree with the issues. God is not the author of confusion. :nono:

We have to go before God and ask Him, what spirit is behind my views on this. We all know that satan is a mighty deceiver and he seeks after the very elect of God.

I've noticed many who 'say' they are followers of Christ, yet the path is no where near Him.

This issue is very clear, cut and dry with our Lord above. Would He condone this? Would He, truly condone this? We can't say, I think He would, nor can we say, "God understands" neither can we put a blinder over this and say, "God doesn't want others to suffer".

The answer is God is straight forward when it comes to life and death. Life or Death, Blessing or Cursing, He says to choose life.

There are no other factors to consider, 'choose life.'

There ARE other options. Other alternatives, yet science has opted not to pursue them or place them as priority. It's easier to sin than it is to forego it. We do not have to compromise and allow satan to use us against one another as accomplices who aid and abeit what God does not condone.

These embryos are still human life. Not even the parents have the right to decide their fate. Children are a gift from God, an inheritance. It would be more proper to honor them as humans, which these embryos are and to give them a respectful burial.

As Christians, we have to bold enough to stand upon what God says is right, for there are many ways that seem right to man, but the end thereof is destruction. The 'end' has been proven for these babies (embryos), which is total and utter destructio. They are not the same as organ donations, to say so, is only an attempt to white wash the truth. The truth being, that human lives are being degraded and destroyed for the sole purpose of the sin of man.

Deep within my heart, I know that something is terribly, terribly wrong about this. It's wrong. And it doesn't have to occur. You see, there's more profit for someone to gain by using human embryos, and more benefit to it's backers, than it is for those human beings that will be experimented upon. I know that something is very wrong.

I'm going to ask the Holy Spirit to take over and allow us to hear and follow what He says.

"Father God, what are you speaking to those who know you, about this issue? I am listening with all of my heart. In Jesus's name, Amen.

Peace and blessings to you.... TML :giveheart:

Thank you for this response. I will continue to support what has been placed in me to support and pray that you continue to do the same.

It all works out for the good. I see it everyday.
Here's an article from today's Detroit Free Press on this subject from a Michigan perspective:
U-M director: Stem cell funds will stimulate jobs

This morning at the University of Michigan, the single room, with the single employee that is legally allowed to study embryonic stem cells, will no longer be so singular.

With the passage of Proposal 2 in November, which loosens state laws on embryonic stem cell research, and the lifting of the Bush-era ban on funding by President Obama this morning, Michigan scientists can now apply for federal dollars to create and study the type of stem cell that can become almost any cell in the human body, and could cure many diseases.

And, says Eva Feldman, director of the A. Alfred Taubman Research Institute at U-M, there will be jobs.

“This is one of the many programs to stimulate science as part of stimulating the economy,” she said.

The stem cells will come from embryos created during in vitro fertilization and not used to create a pregnancy. Researchers nationwide have said such embryos are destined for trash cans, so why not be able to coax them into nerve cells, blood cells and other cells to potential treat disease, test drugs and better understand reproduction.

In 2001, former President Bush stopped the National Institutes of Health from funding embryonic stem cell research on all but a handful of cells that had already been created. He said the destruction of embryos needed to produce the cells was immoral. Both John McCain and Obama campaigned on reforming that order.

In 2008, after multiple attempts to change state law through the Legislature, concerned citizens in Michigan formed a ballot committee which put Proposal 2 on the November ballot. At the time, it was illegal to destroy an embryo in the state and illegal to donate unused embryos for research. They spent millions to eke out a 52% win.

“Fortunately, we were able to convince the citizens of Michigan to vote for Proposal 2. I’m proud of our state for taking away this archaic law,” said Alfred Taubman, the Michigan businessman who has given millions to U-M for biomedical research, including stem cell research.
You know what Foxy.... regarding the bolded says volumes.........

But not in a positive sense. In itsself, that comment alone is truly archaic.

I dunno , but it just won't leave my spirit. satan truly knows how to deceive society into agreeing with him.

There are some things which should never be touched. :nono::nono::nono:

Not that elephants have anything to do with this, but even they have sacred burial grounds.

There are so many other paths to healing....this is not one that God condones.:nono:
Thank you for this response. I will continue to support what has been placed in me to support and pray that you continue to do the same.

It all works out for the good. I see it everyday.
You're most welcome, TML, :giveheart:

Seek God's heart on this and hear Him on what you say is placed in you. Otherwise you may not 'hear' Him when you need Him most. :nono:
I feel that a lot of Christians are not truly educated some issues and rather then researching it, they pull the "Chrisitian Card" and condemn the issue and those who support it.

Come again? :ohwell:

I don't see anything wrong with your position at all and I understand where you're coming from.

I had the impression that we were just debating the issue that's why I offered a counter argument. If you took my post to be condescending I apologize because that was not my intent at all :sad:

The disclaimer is acknowledged. The first quote is what raised an eyebrow and prompted my initial response to you. It would have been more comfortable to dialogue (not debate) about the issue without the presumption of others not being informed on the subject matter at hand.
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I have not developed a stance on this issue but what Nef and Foxy have said makes sense to me. But beyond that...

Do any of the administrations reflect positively for the Christian community in every way? Too many Republicans are one-sided. Do they really think that true Christianity was reflected when Republicans (save 1) were all for the war? *smh*
Not 'all' Republicans were for the war. As there were and are still many, many Democrats who agreed with the war's purpose. It's not that one-sided on either side of the parties. I know many Democrats whom I disagreed with, who felt and still feel the war in Irag was necessary.

It's not clear cut to imply that all Republicans or all Demorcrats agree or condone certain issues.

Not all Blacks love fried chicken and watermelon... :rolleyes:

Blessings divya.:yep:
Just thinking....

In what form, measure of humanity was Jesus first placed upon the earth?

An embryo, placed inside of Mary, who was highly favored among all women.

What was it about Mary, that allowed God to favor her above all other women?

He needed a womb He could trust to carry the life He placed within her.

Why didn't God just place Jesus here as an adult human being; after all, God is God and can do anything He wants to do?

To completely take on the human form of man, life is a process and different stages of growth and development. God is the God of Completion; the Alpha and the Omega; the Beginning and the End.

What are the components of an embryo? Is it complete?

Everything that pertains to human life and development. An embryo is most definitely human in completion for it's life to grow.

So, does God love human embryos? Are they important to Him?

Indeed, God does love human embryos; He knew and witnessed each embryo when they were formed in the womb (and those outside, thereof); He knew each name before the foundations of the earth. And for the love of each, He sent His only begotten Son in the form of one. Human embryos are very important to God, very important indeed.

For when Jesus was hanging upon the cross, He would not come down until 'it' was finished. 'It' -- being the completion of redemption for all future human embryos, to follow His Death, Burial and Resurrection.


They were all going to die anyway....why not?

To God be the Glory.... :rosebud:
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You're most welcome, TML, :giveheart:

Seek God's heart on this and hear Him on what you say is placed in you. Otherwise you may not 'hear' Him when you need Him most. :nono:

I have conferred with my God regarding my position on the issue. Ive actually been dealing with it since highschool coming from a science highg school and than getting a degree in Biochemistry. This is a highly discussed topic. I havent spoken about it in regards to political agenda.

And yes thisis placed in me to support. .I'm on the path that is set out for me...TRUST. And no need for the fear tactic. God has been speaking to me in mighty ways especially during this lent season...something powerful is definitely happening. And yes I have the H.S. and yes my light is shinning.
Something that those who oppose stem cell research are just going to have to accept.

Just like I accepted real born again believers voting for Bush twice. You might not get it...but its real. Please excuse the mistakes I'm writing on my phone. Sadly at choir rehearsal...its starting.
Sorry I just woke up, so I apologize in advance if this doesn't make sense.

If I remember correctly at one point of time, scientists were looking to take cells from various parts of the body ie bones, blood, etc. and I guess clone or find a way to use those cells. I was fine with that, because no one was dying to retrieve those cells.

With this bill, they are taking parts from embryos, which I believe is a individual person. Yes, I understand the argument that these embryos was going to be discarded. But if the scientists were going to use embryonic cells that were going to be disposed of; what will the scientists use once those embryonic cells are gone?

Exactly! What happens when they run out of human embryos? In a heartbeat, they will create more, kill more human life. And this is so cryptic. So hypocritical to create a human life than kill it, guised in the efforts to save other lives. :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

That's why they call it science; it means without conscience. :nono:
I have conferred with my God regarding my position on the issue. Ive actually been dealing with it since highschool coming from a science highg school and than getting a degree in Biochemistry. This is a highly discussed topic. I havent spoken about it in regards to political agenda.

And yes thisis placed in me to support. .I'm on the path that is set out for me...TRUST. And no need for the fear tactic. God has been speaking to me in mighty ways especially during this lent season...something powerful is definitely happening. And yes I have the H.S. and yes my light is shinning.
Something that those who oppose stem cell research are just going to have to accept.

Just like I accepted real born again believers voting for Bush twice. You might not get it...but its real. Please excuse the mistakes I'm writing on my phone. Sadly at choir rehearsal...its starting.

No fear tactics were intended. I apologize for offending you. :giveheart:

I understand where you are coming from which is your science background, which preceeds what God's word tells us. And I'm speaking of science which does such, not you personally.

The Holy Spirit isn't in the abuse of human embryos. God doesn't create life for the purpose of destroying it; not that of a baby. For the same reason, God isn't for 'freedom' of abortion to whosoever will, at will, because it's a woman's choice at any given time, He's not in this. :nono: Whatever a woman chooses / decides to do with her own body, is indeed her choice, but she cannot pull God into it. He's not there. :nono: The same is with the treatment of human embryos, created for death, God is not in it. :nono: He's simply not.

I wlll say this in love to anyone, Christian. If this is your choice so be it, but don't say it's God's will. It's in your spirit only because God has allowed you to have free will to choose it as such. Not because He agrees with it or placed it there.

It's time for all of us who call ourselves Christians, most definitely including me, among all, to stop lying on God, when we make controversal decisions. We are all prone to self motivation, and will excuse the hell of what we want to do and then cover it up with lie that God put it there, when we know full well that He's no where in it. No where. :nono:

There is absolutely no support for this issue in God's word and neither by the presence of the Holy Spirit. God does not confuse His order of life and it's process and purpose. A human embryo was created and designed by God to grow within the mother's womb. Not exploited as a non-entity, non human without life nor value.

It's something totally different when a human embryo dies of natural causes; a miscarriage as such. But there is absolutely nothing natural about the purpose/intent of what's being done to human embryos under the guise of medical research. :nono: To create them and kill them, billions upon billions without end.

And each is attached with a soul, for God says plainly, He knew them, before they and the entire earth were formed.

I truly say this in love and not in disrespect of your free will. Be blessed, TML. I mean this with all of my heart. :giveheart:
This should not come as a surprise - the intent was made known during the election.

If embryonic stem cell research offers so much hope - let a public company invest the money.
Not 'all' Republicans were for the war. As there were and are still many, many Democrats who agreed with the war's purpose. It's not that one-sided on either side of the parties. I know many Democrats whom I disagreed with, who felt and still feel the war in Irag was necessary.

It's not clear cut to imply that all Republicans or all Demorcrats agree or condone certain issues.

Not all Blacks love fried chicken and watermelon... :rolleyes:

Blessings divya.:yep:

I'm speaking specifically about the Republicans who voted in Congress, thus the (save one) in parenthesis. Her friend was speaking about those enacting policy in government, not everyday people. I should specify - in the Senate, only one Republican voted against the war and in the House only 6. So frankly, if her friend wants to speak about bills that do not reflect Christian principles, then that person needs to look again at Republicans. Neither party accomplishes that.
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