Who uses DRC-28 monthly or more frequently??


New Member
I know, I know....I only need a hard protein treatment every 6 weeks or so. But I just bought this a few days ago and used last night. I had used it many years ago with a stylist and remembered liking it a lot. Then I bought some through my friend's aunt (a stylist) a few years back, but I LOST:drunk: my mind and threw the bottle away when I moved (thought it had gone bad...lol:lachen:). Anyway, my hair is suffering from SMS (super moisture syndrome) lately. I've been using light proteins almost weekly, but still my hair has been slightly on the mushy side. I'm a fine haired girl, so I really cant be having this b/c it causes unsessary breakage. Anyway, I think at least for the time being (with this protein deficit) I want to use this mothly, or even more frequently (perhaps in a mix). Who uses this treatment regularly with great results???


New Member
I use this monthly, or whenever my hair starts to get that mushy feeling. I haven't noticed any negative side effects, but its probably because my hair gets plenty of moisture. Adding this in frequently helps me keep a nice balance and strength in my strands.


New Member
Thanks for reply. I also keep my hair MOISTURIZED like crazy -it's the only way my hair will grow! But with my fine strands, sometimes I feel like I need protein to bulk it up to better except the moisture. Not sure if that really makes sense, but I hope my hair understands! LOL


PJ Rehabilitation Center
Still Extremely Interested in this Product, but Haven't Purchased it as of Yet.......:ohwell:

Any updated reviews that haven't been posted???


Well-Known Member
I bought some in Feb at the hair show. I have only used it once but my hair was so moisturized. I am thinking about using it every 6 weeks.