15 Questions to think about in regard to dating (long)


Well-Known Member
These were taken from "Surviving a Spiritual Mismatch"- Lee Strobel

1. Can he describe a specific time or era during which he recieved Christ's gift of eternal life?

2. If he were put on trial on a charge of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict him?

3. Can you tell that the Holy Spirit lives inside of him?

4. When he talks about the future, is there room for God?..does he have plans to serve God, seek his direction, is he focused on temporal success or eternal significance?

5. What does he choose to feed to his mind?...What kind of books does he read, music does he listen to, etc.

6. Where does the compass of his heart naturally point? Does his heart tug toward the Bible, ministry toward others, the church, worship, etc.

7. Does he exhibit the traits of Jesus? Is he forgiving or always plotting revenge? Is he generous toward others, does he care about the poor,?

8. Who does he spend his time with?

9. Does he possess humility?

10.Is he honest about the little things in life?

11. Through what lenses does he see the world? Is his faith integrated into every part of his life or is he a Sunday Christian?

12. What is his attitude toward other people? Does he use people to get what he wants? Is he polite out of respect for others? Does he care about the needy?

13. Does he take responsibility for his actions?

14. Does he care about bringing the gospel to those who haven't heard it?

15. Is he willing to postpone immediate gratification so that greater satisfaction can come in the future?
:clap: Amen!!! Wonderful information, Not Rapunzel!!!! Thank you for posting this here...I think I'll add this to my blog and my trusty stash of 10 ways to marry the wrong person :look:
I'm loving the list. :) Must keep that handy if I decide to date seriously in the future. I am just playing around with them right now.:look: