A trip to the Hair Salon


New Member
LOL I went to the hair salon with my friend. As the lady was doing my friend's hair, she was like oooh lawd I got to get to that hair, touching my hair. She said baby I h ave made a many heads grow, and I would make your hair grow too! ...I said really :perplexed She was like you ahve some nice hair but baby if you ever want yoru hair to grow you're going to have to cut off those dead ends. I said well I'm going to cut them off but I'm waiting til summer to do it. She said oh nooo lool you gotta do it NOW! That's why your hair is damged...if you dun cut your hair baby...it will NEVER grow. I said no explain this too me (smart aleck) if the hair grows from the root, why would you have to cut the "dead ends" off? She was like...yes baby...umm...yes...hair grows from the root but....see dead ends travel of the shaft and will amke a long dead end and yoru hair will break. So I said cutting the ends doesn't make the hair grow...it helps you retain your length....umm.....yeah she said lol. She doesn't use hair protectant, and doesn't seem to listen or give her "secrets" away when doing hair lol. Then she went on to tell me our hair is the driest blah blah and my hair was too dry. I said I moisutrize my hair everyday so i dun really have breakge....she said I need to use Nexxus, cuz you know she's knows how to grow out hair...lol...she Said I'm not really that expensive, look how i made yoru friend's hair grow...lol...(she really has cuz my friend has laid off of the direct heat and brushes)....I was like...um..>I'll call you.

I asked her what she thought of the beloved Pibbs in the corner, she said she hated it lol...it's too big...and too hott lol. She said only waist length people need it, and she could make me waist length:lachen::lachen:
Lol, news flash: Why is it that this trimming thing is so pervasive with our stylists?? I have traveled with many a friend to white hair salons and trims are never pushed on them. I just don't get it:spinning:. I am really glad that you held your own in there, I don't know how you kept a straight face though:nono:.
lol I was like...if hair is dead...why do you call them dead ends....lol She was like....um well see ...baby....cuz the ends are damaged and dead and they are harmful to your hair. Sos illy that my friend beleives all this crap. I didn't tell her but she cut off 2 inches of not "dead endz" but "uneven endz" she could have just waited til the other saide caught up to cut it instead of letting that lady dictate to her...but hey
I said no explain this too me (smart aleck) if the hair grows from the root, why would you have to cut the "dead ends" off? She was like...yes baby...umm...yes...hair grows from the root but....see dead ends travel of the shaft and will amke a long dead end and yoru hair will break. So I said cutting the ends doesn't make the hair grow...it helps you retain your length....umm.....yeah she said lol. She doesn't use hair protectant, and doesn't seem to listen or give her "secrets" away when doing hair lol.


(At the very least a pro should be able to clearly explain the basics!)
Lol, news flash: Why is it that this trimming thing is so pervasive with our stylists?? I have traveled with many a friend to white hair salons and trims are never pushed on them. I just don't get it:spinning:. I am really glad that you held your own in there, I don't know how you kept a straight face though:nono:.

it does seem to be highly promoted in the salons.
Lol, news flash: Why is it that this trimming thing is so pervasive with our stylists?? I have traveled with many a friend to white hair salons and trims are never pushed on them. I just don't get it:spinning:. I am really glad that you held your own in there, I don't know how you kept a straight face though:nono:.

Actually, I hear the same trimming horror stories from my white friends as well.
Oh lord, I'm doing a 4 months stretch and i have to get a relaxer in a couple weeks and I'm scared she's gonna cut off my possible 2 inch progress as well.

I love my stylist but when i get in her chair and she realizes i aint seen her in 4 months, she might get overzealous and start snipping everything away claiming dead ends!

I'm gonna have to calmy ask her to please don't cut that much or turn me around in the chair so i face the mirror.

I didn't do a 4 month stretch for nothing and i don't want no lip from stylist either.

What is with them and wanting to cut hair?
Lol, news flash: Why is it that this trimming thing is so pervasive with our stylists?? I have traveled with many a friend to white hair salons and trims are never pushed on them. I just don't get it:spinning:. I am really glad that you held your own in there, I don't know how you kept a straight face though:nono:.

How true @ the bolded! Good for you OP for being verbal and defending your hair!

Ladies, you practically live on this forum and yet why is it when we sit in our stylist's chair we have no voice to be spokeperson's for our own hair.

Why stretch for 3-4 months and then lose our length in one second flat by someone who did not endure all of the energy that we put into caring for our hair :perplexed?

Be firm and if you have to, take a mirror with you and make sure that the stylist only trims to the length that you want.

We need to go to salons harmed and ready to be advocates for our hair :yep:.
This is hilarous!:lachen:

She does not have a Clue - Like most stylists. They always say stuff like "AHHH GOT GROWIN" HANSSSSS" :perplexedPlease. No - they don't. If they did.... We would not have this site!

I officially have a restraining order on 99.9% of stylists:

:hand:They can't get within 50 yards of me.......( unless they are LHCF trained :yep:)

:burning:I have been Burnt, tugged and lied to enough.....
A stylist will pay the consequenses.....:hardslap:
LOL I just quietly laughed when my friend upleld me to the side the next day. She told me that I need to stop doing what "I THINK" is good for my hair. I need to start listenin to the "PROFESSIONALS" If I want y hair to grow, and my ends look terrible (Keep in mind i have no splits but I do have uneven ends. I dust all my splits) This chick said I need to take the ladies advice and let her trim my hair cuz it will grow even faster if I would let her......I'm just like :perplexed. This fool tryna give me advice i already know like Keracare no brushes and always sleeping with satin...but this fool is tainted by the salon. And get this you guys. The stylist ct 2 inches of un even ends off...not splits...my friend was PISSED...but she understoon after the stylist said...oh it was uneven and it will grow faster this way.

lol I told that hair dresser that hair does not grow any faster no matter how much you cut off....she told me she doesn't tell non customers all of her "secrets"....you SEE if she would EVER get in my hair!
lol, how does your friend's hair look since her stylist is so good?

And if the stylist has those "magical", hair growing hands, how come your friend's hair is growing in unevenly and needs a 2 inch cut?
This is hilarous!:lachen:

She does not have a Clue - Like most stylists. They always say stuff like "AHHH GOT GROWIN" HANSSSSS" :perplexedPlease. No - they don't. If they did.... We would not have this site!

I officially have a restraining order on 99.9% of stylists:

:hand:They can't get within 50 yards of me.......( unless they are LHCF trained :yep:)

:burning:I have been Burnt, tugged and lied to enough.....
A stylist will pay the consequenses.....:hardslap:

:lachen::lachen: Too funny! I'm co-signing on this!
lol...Glad you challenged her methods. It's like they're all repeating the same "secrets" that haven't worked for our hair in decades. My last trip to a stylist was 7 years ago and she butchered my hair with a relaxer and said, "I had to leave it on longer because your hair is 'stubborn'." She burned me so bad, I thought my scalp was on fire.

What does your friend's hair look like? What did this stylist's hair look like? I always find it interesting that stylists will have this short ok looking hair, but are steady preaching about what everyone else should do.
aww i feel bad for your friend ... her stylist has brainwashed her. Good for you for knowing your stuff
lol...Glad you challenged her methods. It's like they're all repeating the same "secrets" that haven't worked for our hair in decades. My last trip to a stylist was 7 years ago and she butchered my hair with a relaxer and said, "I had to leave it on longer because your hair is 'stubborn'." She burned me so bad, I thought my scalp was on fire.

What does your friend's hair look like? What did this stylist's hair look like? I always find it interesting that stylists will have this short ok looking hair, but are steady preaching about what everyone else should do.

Lemme tell you!! My friend's hair was about my length ...really maybe 1 inch shorter so she was 3 inches from APL....now she is shoulder length again...barely!

AND THE BEAUTICIAN'S HAIR IS SHOULD LENGTH! I eman her daughter's hair is almost BSL...so maybe the stylist doesn't want her hair to be long but DANG...you see if I would be going to a stylist who has shoulder length hair