Activate the Power of Prayer


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Activate the Power of Prayer
Pastor Paula White
Do you need to tap into an intimate line of communication with God? The Bible instructs us to cast all our cares to God in prayer, making our requests known to Him with an attitude of thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6).

We are to request what we need and then trust Him to meet our needs. As we do that, God acts - imparting to us His peace, and providing all that is beneficial for our eternal good.

The power of prayer is immeasurable - and the more we reach out to God in intimate communication through prayer, the more we experience His transforming peace.

The peace of God that comes through prayer is one of the most valuable assets and gifts He gives us. It is a peace that transforms how we think. It enables us to answer calamity with calm reason, to see order in chaos, and to know the best direction to pursue.

By reaching out to God in prayer, we combat fears with faith. We experience God's presence with us -- an ally that is more powerful than any foe! His Holy Spirit girds us up, enabling us to function to the maximum of our ability and beyond.

I encourage people to experience the power of prayer and the calming effect it brings throughout the day. When are good times to pray? ALL THE TIME!

But at the very least, I recommend praying at these times:

Each morning when you awake. Morning prayer allows you to begin the day offering yourself to the Lord. As you greet the Lord in morning prayer, you are acknowledging His sovereignty over your life -- believing in Him to guide, protect, and inspire you throughout the day.

During the course of the day. Whether you are a homemaker, work outside the home, or go to school, there will be a myriad of circumstances in which you will find yourself needing the peace of God that prayer brings. There is no better way to handle challenging moments than to call on God to guide your actions, thoughts and words.

Upon returning home for the evening. I encourage you to take a moment at some point to thank God for protecting yourself and your family. Ask Him to bring peace to your home surroundings for the evening, and to assist you and other family members in releasing any negative "remains of the day."

Before going to sleep. While everyone sleeps, not everyone feels the benefits of a good night's sleep. That is because often, even when the body is resting, the soul is is a bundle of anxieties and insecurities. Praying before going to sleep, and asking God to empty your mind of anxiety and worry, promotes genuine rest for both the body and the soul.

Remember -- any time is the "right time" to activate the power of prayer - your intimate line of communication to God!