Afraid to go natural

Ok LHCF naturals, make your case LOL j/k. But I do need your input and encouragement. So here are my questions:

1. For those who transitioned and BC'd do you find it more difficult to style your hair?

2. I keep reading about knots, matting, and dreading, what's this about? Can I avoid this?

3. What was your reason for keeping or going back to your natural coils.

And anything else you would like to include. I'm currently stretching, but if I can make it 24 weeks without relaxing it may turn into a transition:drunk:

I didn't transition, I just BCed, so unfortunately, I can't answer the first question.

I do get knots, but I have never had issues with dreading or matting. I detangle with a comb every week (after a wash) and daily with my fingers. I generally keep my hair stretched, meaning I blowdry every time I wash, and braid my hair before going to bed. This keeps the tangles to a reasonable amount.

I went natural because I began to resent my straight hair. I love big hair and hated how flat my hair was relaxed, especially when freshly relaxed. It took me a few months to get used to the new hairstyle, considering I went from below shoulder length to less than an inch. I've had my ups and downs, but the longer (or shall I say "higher" :) ) my hair gets, the more I love it.

I wish you all the best in your natural journey in the case that you decide to transition. It's definitely the best (hair) decision I've ever made :).
I transitioned because despite what most people believe, there has to be something wrong with putting a chemical on your scalp. There are so many toxins that I expose myself to - I figured that the more I could cut out the better. What I planned to do initially was to only relax a few times a year, but when I realized I could get my hair just as straight w/o the chemicals I figured "why relax"? If my stylist had to apply the stuff with gloves on how safe could it be for my scalp and body for that matter. (now if I could only cut out sugar - but that is another story)...

Also, I wanted to set an example for my daughter, because I never planned to relax her hair. How could I explain to her that she did not need a relaxer when I was busy slapping one in my hair :nono:

I'm prob the only relaxed person in this thread, but your words here speak volumes. I've thought about transitioning, but being a health nut, excellent point...