Any naturals here wetting their hair daily or almost daily?

The only way I can truly style my natural hair is if it is soaking wet from the shower or a wash b/c it is so thick. Spraying it with a spray bottle is a joke to my hair.
I cowash daily or every other day. I believes it keeps my hair better moisturized and it's easier to style than not cowashing. I also think it's one of the main factors in my hair growth (a clean scalp allows for the hair to grow).

I agree.

When my hair isn't str8, I at least wet it in the shower daily so that my curls will spring into place. I also do co-washes when I feel that there is too much product buildup or sweat on my scalp after a workout.

Water makes it that much easier for me to style my hair in it's curly state:).
I wet or dampen my hair EVERYDAY. I put my hair up in a wet donut bun and my hair never tangles or gets knots. I think this is part of the secret to not getting knots. I spray my hair with glycerin/aloe/orange blossom water every morning and night. I also add aloe straight to my hair until it's soaking wet. I sometimes baggy the whole head overnight which I wake up to wet hair with the ends dripping(sometimes, sometimes it's just damp). I believe that my hair loves water and moisture. Some people can't take all of that, but I have a very greedy head and it can get really dry. When I'm not spraying it down, I CO wash and that's usually twice a week if not three times.
like the other ladies, some type of watery concoction finds it's way onto my head daily, usually it's 2x a day, once in the morning and again at night when i put it to bed.

water is the ultimate moisturizer.
I've started spraying my hair w/ conditioner and water, detangling, and sealing w/ castor oil, braiding it everynight, and bunning it in the morning. At first I was worried about the manipulation causing breakage so far so good, and my hair is much more moisturized.
I find that my hair loves water is sooo thirsty!! :spinning:

I am trying to put together a regimen that would ensure that my scalp/hair gets wet daily and I am taking tips from you ladies..thanks so much for posting this!

I think that if I am wearing my hair is loose, I would have to do all this at night: section in jumbo braids or twists and then rinse or co-wash (or rinse /co-wash first then braid/twist--haven't figured it out yet) and release in the morning for some type of OUT style...this is b/c my 4B texture does not work well w/ shrunken wash -n- go's (detangling would be a complete nightmare)...

If my hair is in protective twists or braids I think I could rinse/co-wash in the morning or evening but I think I would prefer the evening ...I could also band to stretch if so desire...

I am also finding that my har laughs at spritzes....the time it would take me to satisfy my thirsty head from all that sprtizing, I could have already rinsed or co-washed and been off to doing somthing else :yep: ....

I think I will stick to my homemade spritz for detangling only, but for just moisture, I will stick to herbal tea rinses or co-washes!!!
I DO! I spray my hair thouroughly with distilled water, put on my Giovanni Direct Leave-In, seal with Castor Oil, blot with a towel and go! My hair loves it! I have to wet my hair before applying any products to my hair otherwise they just sit on top. The water helps it absorb into my strands.

I can't rinse daily even though it's soo tempting when I'm showering bc I love the feeling of water against my scalp, it causes too many tangles in the long run.
I wet/dampen my hair everyday if I am in twists or plaits. I put the water on my hands and then run my hands thru my hair to fluff them up in the mornings. Otherwise, they would just lay flat on the sides and back and stick up on the top lol.
Now that it is finally warming up, I've been taking a break from twist and co-washing. My hair really missed it. But, when I am wearing twist, I try to spritz them daily.
I DO! I spray my hair thouroughly with distilled water, put on my Giovanni Direct Leave-In, seal with Castor Oil, blot with a towel and go! My hair loves it! I have to wet my hair before applying any products to my hair otherwise they just sit on top. The water helps it absorb into my strands.

I can't rinse daily even though it's soo tempting when I'm showering bc I love the feeling of water against my scalp, it causes too many tangles in the long run.

Although I am not completely natural, this is what I have been doing this past week while experimenting with a wash n' go. I stuff my hair in a satin bonnet overnight and when I get up, I spritz (enough to saturate it) with a mixture of water and conditioner. There is still Giovanni direct from the day before and the water just wakes it up and pops my curls back to life.

If I am wearing my hair in a bun, I don't comb it every day instead I undo the bun, spritz it, seal the ends with coconut oil and bun back up. (I also drizzle my scalp w/coconut oil and massage it too) bun is usually the result of a wet bun so i dare not comb through the air dried hair.

I wish I had time to co-wash every day but I would have to get up exxxxtra early . I hadn't thought about it, but I suppose when I wearing my hair in a bun, I could at least just rinse my hair (even while still in a bun) b/c my hair really does love the water!

I wet my hair every day either by washing, rinsing with water or spraying with water and a leave-in. I usually wear my hair pinned up and let it down once, maybe twice, during the week to detangle.
if i'm going out, i usually have to rinse it then apply castor oil so that my hair isn't matted and so it's soft. if my hair is stretched out from the previous day(s) before then i might not rinse and i'll just throw a band over my hair. i only do this if i'm feeling lazy.

the amount of times i rinse per week varies; i'd say on average it was about 4x per week. only one of those days is for shampooing, conditioning & dc'ing. sometimes when i rinse i may apply conditioner but i'm inconsistent with that.
I poo daily or sometimes I cw and then add a moisturizing cream, sealed with palm oil. Sometimes I mist with water. No matter what my hair get's watere daily unlike my plants.
I forgot to add that rinsing daily had resulted in less tangles, less breakage and almost no tangling. We'll see the long term result in a few weeks
Now that I have discovered water/glycerin spritz, my hair is SO soft and supple that I don't co-wash as often, probably every other day. Now that I am trying this Ayervedic thing...we will see how things will change.
I co-wash daily. I also did that when I was relaxed as well if my hair wasn't styled. I think it helped with the growth and overall health of my hair.
i have been co washing my hair daily. the weather hasnt made up its mind yet though but im rocking a twa so i may not get sick. i think co washing daily is best for me, and it helped my hair even when it was relaxed.
yes ma'am.I conditioner wash daily.I've tried simply rinsing but that turns me into a frizz ball.The flow of the water helps me detangle and the conditioner helps to soften and smooth,which makes it easier to bun.I apply my leave ins and then lightly brush into a bun smoothing it with IC fantasia gel.

Make sure your detangling properly especially near the ends so they won't knot.

Exactly what she said!
I wet my hair daily.

I use a mix of water and conditioner on my hair twice a day; once in the morning, and again at night. :yep:
I have to wet my hair either every day or every other day. After that, my hair looks like booty from being slept on. I have to wet it to get some type of shape to it. My hair also gets really dry after that point. If I try putting a moisturizer or leave-in on dry hair, my hair just eats it up in a matter of minutes.
I rinse my hair with water everyday. I've been doing it for months and I haven't had any problems. Basically, my hair stays moisturized and it's much easier to deal with wet. I love the feel of water on my scalp.
ha.. yes. Unless my hair is flat ironed straight, you better believe i am wetting it to style it on a day to day basis. I rinse the conditioner out in the morning in the sink, wring excess water, apply more conditioner, and bun up for work. When i get home, i re wet my hair in the sink, do a quick co wash, rinse, wring out, put more conditioner in, and re style ( i have to bun everyday for work, so sometimes when i go out and about i wear it down)

My hair cant be combed when dry, let alone styled.

My hair always has conditioner in it at all times. It loves it.