Any naturals who DONT co-wash often?


Well-Known Member
What is your regimen? How do you style your hair everyday? How do you keep your hair moisturized? With fall/winter coming up and myself wanting to bc soon I wanted to know how to keep my hair looking good and staying moisturized w/o co-washing like many of the naturals on here do.
I am natural for the first time 3/05. Oh I wear a puff, afro, twist, ponytail and front cornrows. I have no hair issues outside of missing a relaxer every now and then. That was more work for me so I'll stick to natural cuz I'm lazy. My hair is healthier and more resilient natural. :grin:

I don't co wash. It weights my hair down and just doesn't work. I don't think I have a regime. I have been using the same stuff for years relaxed and textured. :) The only added item is ICE gel the clear one works for my hair but not the blue:confused: . I wash at least three times a week. I use Nexus shampoo and condition. I use Humectress as a leave except during the rare press and curl occasion.

I'm patiently awaiting length. I figure I have two more years. :look:
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I just moisturize daily with a leave in cream, that's all. Sometimes if I'm wearing a pony tail I'll wet it with my hands a little to revive the curls. I can't walk around with wet hair all day in this icy country. Brrr....:crazy:
Since my hair color incident early this year, my scalp hasn't allowed me to co-wash at all. So I wash my hair once a week, and I moisturize and/or oil like every couple of days. On the days I don't moisturize or oil I lightly wet my hands and run them over my hair. I mainly wear hair styles like twists, twist outs and braids without extentions.
I don't co-wash often...I like styles that are protective and can stay in for weeks at a time and co-washing them just makes twists or braids fuzzy. Sometimes if I do twists I might co-wash at the end of the first week then wash w/ shampoo and condish the second week and redo.
tropicexotic said:
I don't co-wash often...I like styles that are protective and can stay in for weeks at a time and co-washing them just makes twists or braids fuzzy. Sometimes if I do twists I might co-wash at the end of the first week then wash w/ shampoo and condish the second week and redo.

I do the same thing. I co-wash infrequently. Mostly I just wear twists and I hate detangling twists after I co-wash (it gets matted up). If I am not wearing twists, I still try to avoid co-washing. This is because water in my area is really hard and it takes a toll (drying effect) on my hair. Hopefully one day I can get a water softener and I won't have any problems.

I barely have time to wash my hair half the time, lol. Whenever I do wash my hair, I use shampoo and conditioner.

The main difference between my summer and winter regimen is that I use shea butter and Kemi Oyl on my hair in the winter. In the summer time I use curl activator gel. I also wear more protective styles in the winter.

That is all.
lol Ditto Poohbear. I'm waaaay to lazy to cowash anymore. Once my hair got to a certain length I stopped cowashign because it got too time consuming and tangles everywhere. I just wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner (whatever I have on hand) when my hair feels dirty. Could be 1 week could be 2 or 3 weeks if i have twists in.
Do any of you ladies not wear twists? I don't plan on wearing them because they would look atrocious on me. I plan on wearing mostly straight styles by rollersetting or wearing it curly when it gets to shoulder length. I only plan on washing once a week or bi-weekly depending on how difficult it is to handle my hair at that time.
I've never worn twists or braids, they just don't work for my hair and I'm to scared of thinning. I never co wash, I only wash and deep condition once a week. I usually wear my hair in a bun 95% of the time, the other 5% rollersets, occassionally I will get my hair flat-ironed. I don't use moisturizers in between washes. If I need to revive my bun I just wet my hands and slick it back, then tie with a satin scarf.
I wear twists all the time. I part them with my fingers so they have a more natural blended look. I don't co wash because it just never appealed to me. I wash and condition once every two weeks. I pre condition my dry hair with a mix of olive oil, lekair and honey. Then I wash in the shower and detangle with suave and then use Fructis. I'm all about the conditioning. I moisturize my ends every day. I use this isoplus ocmplex that has ylang-ylang in it or sometimes the lemon. I also use Fantasia leave in. The most important thing for me is keeping my hair moisturized all the time especially the ends.
FlowerHair said:
I just moisturize daily with a leave in cream, that's all. Sometimes if I'm wearing a pony tail I'll wet it with my hands a little to revive the curls. I can't walk around with wet hair all day in this icy country. Brrr....:crazy:
same here. not only do i not have time to do a co wash frequently i find that it does nothing for my hair. weekly i do the full shampoo, condition regieme and then i keep my hair moisterized daily.
I think twist are nice on some people others it doesn't look so nice but I think its how they style it. theres a woman at work who wears them and she looks terrible, she doesn't style them according to how her facial structure is I just nod my head and mind my business. I use to co wash every single day twice a day until I develop a horrible ear infection. So I had to stop doing that. Ear infections are no joke. I stopped doing that and then didnt' know what to do with my hair since its no longer a Teeney weenie afro, I had to do something so I made the buttercream listed on this site and finger parted my hair while it was dry and made some twist in it. In the morning I took them out and my hair was so cute. I started doing that every night I finger part it and twist it and it looks like a curly afro but really cute and shiny. I colored my hair a few weeks back. I get compliments all the time on my hair. I do it like rolling up your hair back in the day it was something you had to do like a religion every single day and so I twist it up every night and tie it up with a silk scarf and finger comb it out in the morning. Sometimes I wear a bandana. Large White gold or Silver earrings and I be looking so sharp. So sharp relaxers are asking me how I did my hair. They copy but it looks better on natural hair because its a much fuller and sharp looking. Since I did that I feel a lot better about my hair then I did before. I was just co washing and putting in three kinds of moisturizer. One I made- Fruitos or whatever the name is leave in conditioner for curly hair and NTM leaving in conditioner moisturizer. I am good for the moisture, I have had no breakage none whatsoever. Plus I spray my hair whenever I think about it. I have to take pictures and post them because I look so cute.
I'm not a big co-washer- I find that it doesn't get my scalp clean enough (still build up remaining). The only time I co-wash is when I feel like changing my hairstyle. I wash my hair with shampoo every two weeks.
MissFallon said:
Do any of you ladies not wear twists? I don't plan on wearing them because they would look atrocious on me. I plan on wearing mostly straight styles by rollersetting or wearing it curly when it gets to shoulder length. I only plan on washing once a week or bi-weekly depending on how difficult it is to handle my hair at that time.

I don't wear twist right now because they don't look good at my current length. :( When I do twist it is strictly so I can wear hats for a few days then undo the twist for a twisted out afro look. Twist are to timeconsuming for me to take them immediately out. :( I am thinking about going the ole skool route ie:large plaits w/reg lotion rolled up on sponge rollers, allowed to dry overnite then taken out for a textured look. I remember my older sister doing this in Jr High. :lol:
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