Any Reviews on Mizani BB PerpHecing Creme Normalizing Conditioner?


Well-Known Member
I have the Mizani BB relaxer system kit that I haven't used yet. I plan on relaxing my hair in the next few weeks.

However, I'd like to try the PerpHecting Normalizing Creme Conditioner that came with the kit this weekend. Did anyone use this conditioner as a weekly DC? If yes, what were your results?

According to the description it sounds like it would be a good weekly/biweekly DC.

A light cream conditioner designed to re-establish hair’s natural pH level formulated with an ultra moisturizing blend of shea butter and honey with strengthening ceramide. Moisturizing agents provide excellent detangling benefits to minimize breakage from wet combing and styling. Patented ceramide penetrates the cuticle to strengthen for optimal conditioning.
