Anybody allergic to WGO and/or Mane n Tail


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all!!

I've gone back to taking MSM pills only, because that is pretty much all I can take with my over sensitive skin.

My scalp broke out like something nasty in a reaction to either the WGO or mane and tail.

I've had to go back to using Poly Tar for my shampoo until my scalp recovers, or maybe just use it forever. It's extremely drying though, but totally takes care of your scalp.

So anyone that is allergic to WGO or mane n tail, what are your alternatives?

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I am. about five minutes after I put WGO on my scalp it was like I had lice with all the itching. I had to wash it out to get relief. I read the bottle and it's not hypo allergenic so I figure something though I'm not sure what must have caused a reaction. I am now a faithful MN user. It also helped curb my pj ism. Never tried mane and tail thought and honestly probably won't. MN (Micanizole Nitrate) is working an Ima stick with it till it doesn't:cool: .