Anyone here relax after 4 weeks?!?!?!?


New Member
Okay so my hair grows fast, I used to relax about every six weeks, but of course I met you wonderful ladies and I have started taking vitamins, protective styles and all that.

Well my last relaxer was on october 5...what am I going to do?
I have new growth...serious new growth, I'm at the point it used to take me six weeks to get to, I can't brush anymore...I've been wearing pigtails.

And this isn't undeprocessed hair, this is newgrowth...the full S waves...can/should I go ahead and relax again?
It hasn't started the post relaxer breaking yet but I know it's coming.

Are there any ladies who have to relax every 4 weeks, and don't have problems? Or should I stick it out?
I definately do!! The new growth gets thick and it becomes a hassle for me, I have two small kids to raise! I just make sure that I just have someone who can actually see my roots to apply the relaxer.
And you don't have any breakage from doing this? It just scares me a little?

What relaxer do you use?
I use Motions no-lye. MY hair actually breaks less after I relax it. I think it's because I don't have to put so much strain on it to comb and put back into a ponytail. It's more managable when it's relaxed.
I relaxed every month before joining this board and my hair was no worse for it. I didn't know about taking care of my hair like I do now and my "stylist" relaxed my whole head not just the new growth every month! I have no idea how I still had hair given that my first protein treatment ever was May of this year.
Your stylist relaxed all your hair every month?
Wow, it is amazing that your hair survived
I use to relax every 4 weeks in the past and my hair became soooo thin you could clearly see my scalp. I wish I had pictures to show you. Every 4 weeks is too much in my opinion no matter how strong your hair is. It will catch up to you eventually.
I used to relax every 4 weeks as well, and it didn't bother me at all. My hair is still as thick as it has always been. I am having a problem with frizzy ends. I'm not sure if the relaxing every four weeks caused that problem or not.... I have been reading through the threads and have gotten some good ideas. I'm trying now to wait at least 8 weeks before relaxing. One of my friends told me that wild growth hair oil helped to comb out the new growth, but I haven't used it yet.
debyjay said:
I relaxed every month before joining this board and my hair was no worse for it. I didn't know about taking care of my hair like I do now and my "stylist" relaxed my whole head not just the new growth every month! I have no idea how I still had hair given that my first protein treatment ever was May of this year.

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You must have an angel on your shoulder!
Isis said:
debyjay said:
I relaxed every month before joining this board and my hair was no worse for it. I didn't know about taking care of my hair like I do now and my "stylist" relaxed my whole head not just the new growth every month! I have no idea how I still had hair given that my first protein treatment ever was May of this year.

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You must have an angel on your shoulder!

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Girl, you might be on to something coz knowing all that I now know it is truly a miracle. Notice I said "stylist" I dumped her in a hurry.
See what I was originally thinking was that even if you relax every 4 weeks, as long as you are touchining up new growth it shouldn't hurt right? I mean it's just a problem if you over lap, right?
debyjay said:
I relaxed every month before joining this board and my hair was no worse for it. I didn't know about taking care of my hair like I do now and my "stylist" relaxed my whole head not just the new growth every month! I have no idea how I still had hair given that my first protein treatment ever was May of this year.

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In NC this is considered the normal way to do a relaxer and most of the stylists assume that you want bone straight hair.
LuLu said:
See what I was originally thinking was that even if you relax every 4 weeks, as long as you are touchining up new growth it shouldn't hurt right? I mean it's just a problem if you over lap, right?

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That's what I'm thinking. If she's getting the same amount of regrowth that she gets after 6 weeks after 4 and she's only relaxing that (no overlapping), there shouldnt' be a problem with relaxing every 4 weeks.
I always have. My hair grows quick and is very coarse. I go now to 5 weeks but that's only because I want to get my hair done just once a month.
It will catch up to you eventually
Actually, it depends on YOU. I have done it since I was in college and I have been out of college for almost 10 years. I have hair.
I used to relax every four weeks and I paid the price too.
My hair became very thin in the top that you could see my
scalp it took months for my hair to recover.
You people who experienced problems with this, how often do you relax now? and how do you prolong the time in between relaxers?
LuLu said:
Okay so my hair grows fast, I used to relax about every six weeks, but of course I met you wonderful ladies and I have started taking vitamins, protective styles and all that.

Well my last relaxer was on october 5...what am I going to do?
I have new growth...serious new growth, I'm at the point it used to take me six weeks to get to, I can't brush anymore...I've been wearing pigtails.

And this isn't undeprocessed hair, this is newgrowth...the full S waves...can/should I go ahead and relax again?
It hasn't started the post relaxer breaking yet but I know it's coming.

Are there any ladies who have to relax every 4 weeks, and don't have problems? Or should I stick it out?

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I am in the same boat with you. My last relaxer was Aug 30 and I am trying to hold off until xmas. I dont know if I can do it. I am now washing my hair 3x's a week so I can just comb through my hair. Without that I would be hopeless. I have 4a/b so this stuff is kinky and thick. But I'm tryin. I say just try a little bit longer. If it gets too much then do what you gotta do. I think the longer you wait the more pleased you will be with your hair growth when you finally do relax it.
Honestly, I think it depends on how thick your hair is. My hair is 4a/b also and I must relax every 4 weeks or I suffer breakage from the roots. I think people with other hair types should relax less often because their hair is easier to manage.
karezone said:
debyjay said:
I relaxed every month before joining this board and my hair was no worse for it. I didn't know about taking care of my hair like I do now and my "stylist" relaxed my whole head not just the new growth every month! I have no idea how I still had hair given that my first protein treatment ever was May of this year.

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In NC this is considered the normal way to do a relaxer and most of the stylists assume that you want bone straight hair.

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Yep, this is true..That was my biggest problem. I always wanted bone straight hair. I learned to wait 6 weeks verses 4.
4 weeks seems a bit much to me... although i completely understand where you're coming from. I am a BIG proponent of relaxing whenever the hair starts to break due to the difference in texture, or if there is 1 inch or more of new growth.

Since you said the breakage has not started i would at least wait 6 weeks. In the meantime use conditoners that detangle and soften i like keracare humecto for this.
I notice a major improvement with my hair when it comes to thickness since I stope relaxing every 4 weeks. I have to say that most professional and books will tell yout 6-8 weeks. But, it's really your preference. I am curious to know that those who do relax every 4 weeks, are your able to retain your hair length?
I am 8 weeks post relaxer and I wonder how can I tell if my hair is breaking due to the two textures? My hair is always breaking somehow but now it is less. I actually am noticing what my hair cycle is because when my hair comes out a little white bulbs are attached to it. I know that is my hair naturally shedding. I
When your hair comes out, if it does not have the white bulb then it's a broken hair. If you get more broken hairs towards your post relaxer time then it's most likely as a result of the two textures. I think these strands should be longer since it's breaking at the point of the demarcation line as oppose to short broken ends.