Aveda Scalp Remedy THE OLD VERSION


New Member
I don't know about you ladies, but I've yet to recover from Aveda discontinuing Aveda Scalp Remedy lotion in that brown glass bottle that cost $13, do you remember?

I do with tears in my eyes. My scalp has just gone down hill ever since and I was wondering if many of you feel the same way-- If you do would you post your outrage on aveda.com? The more people complain the more likely they may actually listen to bring it back-

The new scalp remedy is in a plastic bottle costs $24 and from what I gather ladies with long, thick hair are not getting the full benefit they used to enjoy with the old scalp remedy which was a lotion-

It was so amazing that my hairdresser and used to call it hair crack cause it just cleaned my scalp and my hair grew lush, and long. Now I have the itchies all the time.

Using Hesh oild and Powders and Dabur and still my scalp is talking.

Does anyone feel as I do about this scalp remedy loss?